Toronto Eesti Maja juhatuse valimistulemused (29)
Eestlased Kanadas | 19 Apr 2018  | EWR
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Eileõhtusel Toronto Eesti Maja aastakoosolekul toimus ka juhatuse liikmete valimised. Praegustest juhatuste liikmetest Taivo Ets edasi ei kandideerinud. Lisaks tulid valimistele veel Markus Alliksaare ja Kristiina Valteri tagasiastumisel tühjaks jäänud kohad. Neid kahte kohta oleks pidanud kuni aastakoosolekuni täitma Väino Keelmann ja Ingrid Tanner, kuid EWRs varem avaldatud põhjustel ei olnud neil juhatuse tegevuses võimalik osaleda. Kolmele vakantsele positsioonile pani oma kanditatuuri ülesse 5 isikut.


Laas Hess - 1900
Glen Leis - 1933
Markus Viirland - 1806
Väino Keelmann - 806
Ingrid Tanner - 836

Uuteks juhatuse liikmeteks valiti seega Laas Hess, Glen Leis ja Markus Viirland. Eesti Maja juhatuse esimeheks valiti Veiko Parming ja juhatuse abiesimeheks endine juhatuse esimees Raivo Remmel.

Juhatuse kooseis:
Esimees Veiko Parming, aseesimees Raivo Remmel, liikmed Laas Hess, Linda Kazakoff, Nick Kazakoff, Rein Kuris, Glen Leis, Eric Sehr, Urve Tamberg, Peter Viitre ja Markus Viirland.

Audiitor: Jaan Saun
Leena Kõiv
Enno Agur
Jaan Arro

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
millions of dollars question06 May 2018 07:06
The EH situation is much different that Doug Ford calling you for a vote. DF has access to pretty much every Canadian's name as you and I. He does not, however, have easy access to the names of people who bought EH shares, so he will have to work a lot harder to find out who those people are. The EH board has a list of names and an obligation in front of the community to act ethically. Unethical action will cost them in the long run.

Point to ponder: If it turns out that the EH board missed the mark and it turns out that they are building an expensive building that we as community members will not be able to afford to rent, then they will have significantly weakened our community, if not destroyed it. Remember why the EH board is doing any of this at the present moment -- the present house in its decrepit state IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.

The millions of dollars question is -- will the very, very expensive centre, which will run in to cost overruns (who is going to pay for this?), WILL IT BE SUSTAINABLE for our community? Are we building a centre for use by the general Canadian public and will we be the Estonian paupers looking in the beautiful glass windows to instead rent space for Estonian events in more affordable buildings?

We are putting a lot of trust into the EH board. Will they be able to deliver? If not, we may lose our community in Toronto.
Reader05 May 2018 22:44
How is this any different than Doug Ford calling me asking me to support him? I didn't agree to be listed as a voter, nor would I support him. From what "secret list" did he obtain my name to be able to call me?!
Margus Jukkum28 Apr 2018 12:07
In response to Evi Vahtra, yes, "every shareholder has the right to hand over their proxy to whomever they wish." Where things get morally a little dubious with the actions of the 4 orgs is the solicitation of these proxies. People phoning shareholders, obviously working with a so-called confidential list of shareholders that is not open to the general public, and asking to represent the share.

Tere hommikust Peeter Einola!

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