Realist artiklile St. Peter’s Doors Open City of Toronto...: Can’t wait to show off our keskus. The pride of not just Toronto but WORLDWIDE eestlus. What an accomplishment. So much to be proud of! to Wisdom artiklile St. Peter’s Congregational Council...: Interesting is, that 6 of the 9 2015 St. Peter's directors, comprised all 6 directors of the 2023 'sell the church' board. One went to the 'future' committee pushing for the... To esto artiklile Eestlased said Ontario vabatahtlike...: Super uudis! These are the best of our community. Palju õnne..SAAGU KESKUS! dubai artiklile Tallinna on see suvi oodata ligi sada...: lisna artiklile Vahistatud Kanada eestlane seotud ka...: To Dante artiklile St. Peter’s Congregational Council...: Dante’s reference about “you people” is all you need to know. It is a dog whistle term often used by racists to marginalize others. In this case it is used to cast-out and marginalize anyone... Dante artiklile St. Peter’s Congregational Council...: To call Talvi’s article a rant is childish and immature, but par for the course for you people. Her arguments are steeped in fact, again, something your sort knows nothing about. The fact is FOSP... Sad artiklile St. Peter’s Doors Open City of Toronto...: KESKUS is a business venture that has very little relevance to the Estonian community in Canada. Not a single real community organization has been offered space in that commercial event space. VEMU... Wisdom or patent envy? artiklile St. Peter’s Congregational Council...: The English is paywalled but you’re not missing much. There’s some raging language, it’s no icon of Christian serenity, but Dr. Talvi’s piece boils down to turn-of-the-century (last century,... Where is the original article? artiklile St. Peter’s Congregational Council...: It’s seems highly unethical to publish a response to something that has never been posted or appeared on this website.

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