Kuumad uudised | 07 Sep 2008  | EWR
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Riddle: what’s 28 years old, acts like a teenager and is comprised of 50 –somethings ? Of course, it’s The Puus Brothers, the classic rock cover band of US and Canadian Estos, whose CD launch party is scheduled for Friday, September 12, at Toronto’s Latvian Community Centre. Doors open at 7 PM). Billed as the “Endless Summer Baltic Bash” the event is in fact a “coming out party” for the Puus Brothers’ first – and likely only ! – recording of the songs they’ve played to appreciative audiences going back to ESTO ’80 in Stockholm, Sweden.

The band chose Toronto for the occasion, due to the city’s status as capital of Estonia outside of Estonia proper, as well as because the band members have numerous friends locally. In fact, Puus Bros. drummer Raoul Langvee is himself a Montreal native now living in Toronto. Of his bandmates, bassist Steve Brill and singer Urmas Karner reside in New York, while guitarist Mati Keerd and keyboard maestro Mati Otsmaa now hail from the San Francisco Bay area. This indeed is another reason the Puus Brothers Band is unique: spread over a geographic area of some 3,000 miles, these five dedicated musicians manage to convene on a semi-regular basis somewhere on the planet (from Melbourne to Vancouver to Riga to Tallinn) to entertain fellow Estonians with their contagious rock n’ roll. The band’s decades long musical and cultural odyssey culminated with the their first ever, standing room only performance in Estonia itself, at the popular Kristosumus Kolumbus club in Tallinn’s Old Town, during the 2004 Song Festival. A repeat engagement is anticipated in 2009. Be there !

For the uninitiated, The Puus Brothers play straightforward, eminently danceable ‘60’s and ‘70’s rock standards, sung predominantly in English, but with Estonian attitude ! The band’s vibe is accessible, fun, giddy, infectious. And, the band hereby invites one and all (especially our fellow Balts of Latvian and Lithuanian persuasion) to help celebrate the launch of it’s first CD, entitled “Jaani B. Goode !”, and to turn out for an evening of dancing and carrying on, as the Summer of 2008 draws to a close. Come as you are. The $20 door admission includes a pair of cheap sunglasses (!) Bring your own SPF 30, as the music promises to sizzle. To reserve a ‘beachfront’ table, or for additional information, contact Raoul Langvee at 416-705-9811 or

Eestikeelne :



Reedel, 12. septembril alates kell 8 õhtul Toronto Läti Keskuse majas koguneb kohalik eestlaspere ühes hõimlastega lõunamaadelt: lätlased / leedukad – eriti need hinged, kes ei tunnusta suve möödumist – “Endless Summer Baltic Bash” tantsupeoks. Üritus on ühtlasi globaalsele eestlaskonnale tuntud Põhja-Ameerika levimuusika ansambli “The Puus Brothers Band” ilmuva CD “Jaani B. Goode” tutvustamispidu.

Toimuvast on kutsutud osalema absoluutselt kõik, kellel suvine meeleolu veel rinnus ning kellel “klassikaline” rokkmuusika südamelähedane. Ka neile, kes ausat krimbamblit naudivad !

Ansambel Puus Bros. Band asutati Stockholmis, ESTO ’80 päevil. Tänavu, ligi 3 dekaadi hiljem, kõlavad pundi muusikahelid endiselt värskena, kuid samas kuidagi mugavalt tuttavana neile, kes aastate vältel globaalse eestlaskonna suurüritustel on osalenud. Mitmetel noil koosviibimistel on Puus Bros. Band hommikutundideni mürtsunud, Melbourneist Vancouveri, Riiast Los Angelesi. Seega on poiste poolt lugemata tuhandeid miile ületatud, ’60 / ’70-ndate ‘favoriite’ kaasmaalastele mängides. Ansambli ajaloo üheks kõrgpunktiks osutus esinemine Tallinna populaarses Krisostumus Kolumbus klubis, üldlaulupeo päevil 2004, pulbitsevale täissaalile. Ning nüüd, pea võrdse tähtsusega “Jaani B. Goode” CD ilmumispidu, Toronto hubase Läti Maja peasaalis.

Ansambli liikmed Steve Brill ja Urmas Kärner (New York), Mati Keerd ja Mati Otsmaa (San Francisco) ning kohalik Toronto Puus Brother Raoul Langvee kutsuvad kaasa kõiki, nii kaasmaalasi kui ka lätlastest ja leedulastest sõpru 12. septembril Läti Majja, veel kord tantsima ja lustima, sügise eel. Igale pidutsejale jagatakse ukse peal päikeseprille (sissepääs: $20). Päevitusõli muretseb iagüks ise. Üleva meeleolu eest muretseb Bänd ! Laudade reserveerimiseks helistage: 416-705-9811

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