Ameerika baltlaste meeleavaldus Gruusia toetuseks
Eestlased Kanadas | 22 Aug 2008  | EWR
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Washington, DC (JBANC) – 15. ja 16. augustil toimusid Washingtonis meeleavaldused Gruusia toetuseks 500 inimese osavõtul, kelle seas oli suur hulk baltlasi.
The Estonian American National Council’i (EANC) president Marju Rink-Abel luges Valge Maja ees ette EANC pöördumise seoses Venemaa invasiooniga Gruusiasse (tekst allpool).

Samal päeval toimus ka meeleavaldus Vene Föderatsiooni Suursaatkonna ees Washingtonis, kus vabariiklasest parlamendisaadik Thaddeus McCotter tutvustas oma sõnavõtus 9-punktilist sanktsioonide programmi Venemaa vastu, mis ühtlasi aitaks tugevdada sidemeid Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikidega.

Statement on Russian Invasion of Georgia

The Estonian American National Council is the nationally elected body representing Estonian Americans. We strongly condemn the Russian invasion of Georgia, and call upon the United States and its allies to take all measures necessary to pull back Russian troops from Georgia. The destruction of Georgian cities, facilities, and homes, and the loss of life must end.

The actions of Russia show its true colors. It wants to restore its control over the countries on its borders and will use whatever means to do so. The United States’ reaction to these events is critical to the stability and freedom of all countries formerly under Soviet occupation. The United States must immediately begin work with Europe and NATO to show Russia that its actions jeopardize its standing and relations in the world of free nations. The United States must also implement all meaningful sanctions against Russia. Further, the United States must work with all East and Central European countries to jointly strengthen their ability to maintain their democracies and gains achieved since their independence.

Estonian Americans stand with Georgians in this difficult time!

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Eestlased Kanadas

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