New Year’s Eve dinner/dance in Montréal starts early, ends late (1)
Archived Articles | 11 Jan 2008  | EWR
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More than 80 people, the largest participation to date, attended the third Montréal Estonian Society (MES) Dinner/Dance at its new venue, the Roxboro United Church Hall on the West Island. In addition to locals, young and old, revelers also came from farther afield, including Ottawa, Toronto and Buffalo, NY. Old acquaintances were renewed and the passage of time noted.

The lead organizer Kersti Leetmaa, along with the MES Executive, created a festive ambiance, with star-lit walls and bejeweled candle-lit tables. A new caterer, Geraldine Mickie provided a sumptuous buffet with traditional Estonian delicacies, salads, and suckling pig followed by tortes and meringues for dessert. The ensemble, Vintage Wine featuring the fabulous singer Gary Sharkey, kept the dance floor full and the mood upbeat. The eager dancers waltzed and polkaed to the rock and roll music. Fancy footwork awards could have been given to many.

Karl Raudsepp was the able master of ceremonies, keeping the speaking parts of the evening mercifully short, thereby allowing the attendees to focus on the main business of eat, drink and be merry. A door prize lottery rewarded some of those able to read the numbers on their tickets. The complimentary champagne at midnight helped to bring in the New Year in style. The festivities did not end until two AM, which is respectable for any good party.

Photos from the evening will soon be posted on the MES Website and plans are already underway for a fourth event a year from now.


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Toomas Merilo11 Jan 2008 23:25
Being a “Montreali-poiss” I couldn’t resist reading this article. I found myself chuckling at a number of places, making me wonder who this “Leacock” of a writer might be. In this case “Stephen Leacock” was Engineering prof. Andres Soom. This of course compellingly overturns the perception that engineers are illiterate and have no sense of humour!

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