Ootused ja hirmud USA presidendivalimise retoorikas Eestis 2020 Vaba Eesti Sõna
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pada & katel09 Nov 2020 09:57
Ameerika ühendriikide demokraatide presidendikandidaat Joe Biden üllitas valimisreklaami, milles Donald Trumpi võrreldakse Saksamaa juhi Adolf Hitleriga.
Tegelikult on Trump korduvalt öelnud, et tema arust peaks neonatsid üldse ära keelama.

Уничтожение Израиля нужно либерастической Европе и нашему «лучшему другу» после Гитлера Хусейну Бараку Обаме.
Iisraeli "parimad sõbrad" peale Hitlerit on Euroopa Liit ja USA demokraadid.
Kanada ei ole U.S.A.09 Nov 2020 14:17
"Kõige põnevam kaugem tähendus on, et saabubki aeg, kus ühishuvid hajutavad kodueesti ja väliseesti piiri.

Ühiseid maailmaküsimusi ongi vaja erinevates kontekstides peegeldada".

Staažikas antropoloog kirjutab naaberriikidest ning toob võrdlusi ka Soome ja Daani riikidega:


"I encourage [Americans] to reflect on the last time they bought groceries at their neighborhood Safeway. In the U.S. there is almost always a racial, economic, cultural, and educational chasm between the consumer and the check-out staff that is difficult if not impossible to bridge. In Canada, the experience is quite different. One interacts if not as peers, certainly as members of a wider community. The reason for this is very simple. The checkout person may not share your level of affluence, but they know that you know that they are getting a living wage because of the unions. And they know that you know that their kids and yours most probably go to the same neighborhood public school. Third, and most essential, they know that you know that if their children get sick, they will get exactly the same level of medical care not only of your children but of those of the prime minister. These three strands woven together become the fabric of Canadian social democracy.

Asked what he thought of Western civilization, Mahatma Gandhi famously replied, “I think that would be a good idea.” Such a remark may seem cruel, but it accurately reflects the view of America today as seen from the perspective of any modern social democracy...."
Kommon09 Nov 2020 19:31
Tüüpiline mõttetu VES plära.
e m rootsis09 Nov 2020 22:36
Piirideta lääs ujutatakse üle konfliktide ja ebaõnnestunud ühiskondade liikmetega.
Kuna Lääne Euroopa islamiseeruva ühiskonna juhid eelistavad s t a t u s q u o d siis pehme maandumine on praktiliselt välistatud.
USA and beyond10 Nov 2020 10:34
The title of the analysis describes the subject "Expectations and fears in U.S. presidential election rhetoric in Estonia 2020". The argument is that the topic is of interest and relevant to all Estonians. The headings identify the Estonian newspapers that are the object of a content analysis. The newspaper from which the article is drawn is Estonian American but the intended audience, significantly, is international.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Kanada ei ole U.S.A. (14:17)
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