The cultural heritage of Alberta’s Estonians arrived in Toronto
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
.08 Feb 2013 08:21
Why was it deemed necessary to translate this article into English?
Alja Pirosok09 Feb 2013 09:59
As was said at the launch, "little Alberta" (Alberta Estonian Heritage Society) brought a unique and substantial gift to "big Toronto", and some of the members of the Society might not appreciate how well it was received because they are not fluent in Estonian. Estonia's 2013 Year of Cultural Heritage, and VEMU's call for submissions in either Estonian or English on the theme "Hoiame oma aja lugu" ("Let's cherish our history, or the story of our time") only add to the newsworthiness of the exchange. A translation was in order.
Thank you, Ms Pirosok09 Feb 2013 15:16
Your point is well taken.

In his attack on Ehatare, Eerik Purje wrote a comment in implausibly good English. Some doubted his authorship and suggested that he was "chewing Marta's cud". He protested this vociferously.
If Purje's English is really so good, then why did look for a translator for this article?
Eerik Purje09 Feb 2013 17:59
Here we go again!
I did not look for a translator, but I am most grateful to Alja Pirosok. I could have done a clumsy translation myself, but her's is a masterpiece.
To put it simply, my English is not good enough to write an enjoyable article, but it is good enough to tell you what a birdbrain you are - you cannot distinguish Ehatare from the Directors of Estonian Relief Committee; nor do you realize that substantiated criticism is not an attack.

P.S. I wrote this comment myself, Marta had nothing to do with it.
to - Mr. Purje09 Feb 2013 19:23
There was nothing clumsy about your original comment, Mr. Purje, and from that we assumed that it was written for you by someone educated in Canada.
This question seems to touch an exposed nerve, as if you have something to feel guilty about. I suspect that there might be more involved than using a ghost writer.
How will you react if you discover that you've been played for a fool?
Ain Dave Kiil10 Feb 2013 08:47
I would like to congratulate Eerik Purje and Alja Pirosok for producing the Estonian and English versions of the article. We also appreciate VEMU's leadership in organizing the official launch of 'Alberta's Estonians 1899 to Present' exhibit. Multi-generational descendants of Alberta's Estonian pioneers do not speak Estonian and the English translation enables them and others to be informed about their cultural heritage.
How the mighty have fallen!10 Feb 2013 20:48
Our once respected journalist took sides in a confidential employment matter and made an ass of himself.
Like a fool, he believed stories that friends of a dismissed employee told him. He produced some yellow journalism.
His line is now shifting, so it might be dawning on him that he has been towed around by the nose. Now he's trying to save face.
Too late! Reputations are fragile. Once compromised, they are gone.
Veelo11 Feb 2013 17:47
Usun, et selline anonüümne sabotaazh teenib vaid ühte leeri. Eerik Purje on ikkagi meie ühiskonna ainus tunnustatud ja respekteeritud ajakirjanik. Ta ei sidunud ennast ühe või teise poolega EAK aastakoosoleku reportaazhiga. Ehatare lugu on juba teine.

Armetud argpüksid, kes julgevad soovitada teisiti! Teatavasti on mõne anonüümse putnagalva ( birdbrain läti keeles) identiteet toimetustele nii EEs kui EWRis teada, korduvate kommide tõttu.

Vist pole lihtne arana elada, kui julgust saab vaid teistele näkku karates põhjuseta....
Funny business!11 Feb 2013 20:37
Some think that Ehatare exists for the residents.
Others, that its for a former employee.
This has led to a conflict between the families of residents and the friends of a former employee.
It has been an ugly thing to witness.
To his discredit, the journalist Eerik Purje speaks for the friends at a time when Ehatare operates under a gag order.
He calls the rest of us "bird brains" because he assumes we don't know the difference between the Management and the Board. So what? And what's that got to do with the attempt at revenge?
And why does Purje lose his temper so easily?
And why does Marta think that she should put a dog into this fight?
After the lawsuit is settled, I hope that this matter gets a full public airing.
It won't come from Purje, that's for sure!
Tauno Molder12 Feb 2013 06:53

Sinu lood on ikka head ja huvitavad, parimad mis EE's avaldatakse. Kui leht tuleb, loen alati sinu jutud esimeseks. Loodan, et sinu nahk on ajakirjanikuna küllalt paks ja pea ikka meeles, et ega sa nii sitt mees kah pole, et sul üldse vaenlasi ei oleks!
bobbi13 Feb 2013 11:49
I just love the way the Toronto Estonian community feeds on inself. The cannabilistic nature of this community is why all of our functions and leadership of organizations is devoid of any new or young blood.... no pun intended.

One group of scouts prides itself on being more "true" Estonians, while the 1st and second generations brag about how ALL of their facilities have been constructed without the benefit of building permits or inspections.

One member of TESS even told the local health inspector that the sauna was on NOT on camp lands.

Now Hr. Merilo finds it necessary to insult a member of the community for said reporter of his opinions from a story all but forgotten. Mr. Merilo why don't you start reporting the news since you have so much time on your hands.

Since you are so active in Mü why not write about the facilities that you use for close to no cost. How about how close to broke TESS really is?

Nah ..... it's easier to bash someone for their time and opinions.
off the wall13 Feb 2013 15:58
What has this thread to do with T. Merilo, TESS and MÜ?!
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