EKN. Open Letter:
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Daniel26 Sep 2008 02:43
These are the official languages of the OSCE.

English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian
Anonymous26 Sep 2008 08:36
This comes off as appearing as russophobic and petty.

The dangers that russia presents to its neigbours deserve more than a whining claim about being insulted.


Was it assumed that russians dont speak english, whereas in europe it is the lingua "franca"?
Patrioot26 Sep 2008 11:35
Of course the situation is plain. Most delegates would have no problem with English. Only the russian-speakers were too ignorant to understand English. Unfortunately the wording of our complaint seems too facile in accepting the inept motivation of the organizers. In Canada we have two official languages. Russian is not one of them.
Peter27 Sep 2008 11:21
I can not think of a worse statement for the EKN to make. This open letter reeks of bigotry and racism not only against Russians but also all the millions of Russian-speakers who are not ethnic Russians. This kind of statement can only make Russians think that Estonians hate them and their language.
Maxim28 Sep 2008 23:37
Without a doubt there is more than a whiff of hatred towards Russians in Estonia. It is the reason why a lot of Russians have limited their involvment in the Estonian integration process, because most places reak of the stench of keeping Russians at arms length from anything like the kind of integration that Palo and co want to implement here. In that sense the EKN response is only a reflection of the bigotry that Naan warned about decades ago when he promoted the idea of trading some of our less desirable genes for the quality slavic variety. And yet we stand today on the threshold of change that only seems to be light years away. Appauling by any reasonable account.
Anonymous29 Sep 2008 13:32
When the American, Douglas Wells, went to Estonia with the Peace Corps, his first stop was Tartu where he enrolled in a crash course in the Estonian language. A resident Russian he met there was mystified by the idea that someone might wish to learn Estonian and asked Wells, "Why don't you learn a real language -- like Russian?" That pretty much sums up a common Russian attitude.

Since independence very, very few Russians have returned to Russia and this, in spite of financial incentives from both the Russian and Estonian Governments. Obviously, Estonia's Russians know that life in democratic Estonia is preferable to thugocratic Putinocracy. That's not to say that Estonia is ideal. In Russian eyes -- there are still too many Estonians there who don't know their proper place -- those who expect local Russians to learn a bit of Estonian, Estonians who learn English, as a second language, instead of Russian and so on and on and on.

Estonians -- with the exception of Maxim -- aren't overly fond of Russians for the above reasons and, also, because Russians shipped 20% of our population to Siberia. Of the deportees, a small percentage were politicians, business moguls, churchmen, judges, journalists and others of comparable influence in the community. The vast majority were just folks -- farm-families and the like, inconveniently in the way of establishing collective farms and other elements of the new order. The Soviet officers who organized this massive injustice currently live comfortably in Estonia on pensions provided by Estonian tax-payers. Maxim thinks that this is just fine.

Maxim thinks that it's "appauling" [sic.] that we don't trade some of our "less desirable genes for the quality slavic variety". (Sounds like a bit of Nazi theory.) That aside, I'd say that Maxim can't see what's going on around him and it makes me wonder if he might be living in a well.

More likely -- given his grotesque fetish for licking Russian butt -- I'd speculate that he lives in the bottom half of a Russian outhouse.
Maxim29 Sep 2008 13:57
I'll let readers decide for themselves as to whether Anonymous has gone beyond reasonable bounds in assassinating me personally, but let's just say it has never been my style to cut other people down, even if their thinking is different to mine. Anonymous has a right to her beliefs as do I. However, it seems to me that bringing up the old argument of people being towed off to Siberia doesn't cut with most Russians, because one thing that Russians take immediate offense to is every conceivable avoidance on the part of Estonians to recognize that Russians themselves were treated to the same brutality as their Estonian counterparts. However, since Estonians overlook the plight of Russians, and use this as the only yardstick to drive a wedge between the two populations, it is therefore not surprising that Russians don't particularly sympathize with Estonians, since Estonians are really quite bigoted in many of their attitudes. They would never, of course, agree to this way of thinking, but until they do there is no escaping the problem that integration cannot take root in such a continually hostile environment as exists in Estonia. The recent events in Georgia, however, became a clarion call to ministers, who began -finally!- to see the many shortcomings of Estonians towards Russians as possibly being the key to resolving age-old bitterness and differences between the two groups. I'm not suggesting Estonians aren't prepared to try, but it strikes me as very strange indeed that so little has been done to acknowledge Russian potential talent in Estonia. However, the nouveau riche of Estonia are Russians, and if money speaks louder than words, then in capitalist Estonia it should be clear that Russians will not stand for continued bigotry and bias from the Estonian side. Let's all pray for a big thaw to start-very soon!!!
talk about a cry baby!29 Sep 2008 15:06
Maxim mouths off.
Somebody disagrees.
Maxim wails like a child. He thinks that he's being assassinated.
Grow up Maxim.
Anonymous28 Sep 2008 04:11
Why pick on language, at the risk of sounding petty, over the issue at hand????? And why send this letter to the Ontario government when it was sponsored by the Federal government.
A sad continuation of TOTAL incompetence.
Daniel28 Sep 2008 06:05
I think that it is sad that the speeches were not translated into French (apparently one of the Canadian official languages). French is also an official language of the OSCE.

Des plus brillants exploits.
Tony28 Sep 2008 07:06
Peter, I think you don't even know how to twist and distort the thoughts or the words of someone else. I think you're too ignorant to understand the issue. It has nothing to do with bigotry, with the Russian, French or any other language. It has to do with the molly-coddling Russians often get from western authorities, even after they've committed blue murder. They get away with outrages things and are held like "s..tt pilpa peal". Peter, grow up!
Peter28 Sep 2008 07:29
Tony, my concern is that this kind of open letter can only make Estonians look like Russian-hating bigots in front of other Canadians and will give Putin even more ammunition to use against Estonia.
Russian is an international language that is spoken by millions of people. I work with a non-Russian Asiatic who is a Russian-speaker. Could you imagine Jews protesting German-language music on the radio or Tibetians protesting Chinese signs in front of restaurants in Chinatown?
Anna Nüüm29 Sep 2008 22:17
"thugocratic Putinocracy"
Anonymous! You have a great way with words and I agree wholeheartedly!
Anonymous30 Sep 2008 15:01
Thank you Anna Nüüm for your support. It means a lot to me because, at times, I feel alone in responding to Maxim's irrational attacks on the Estonian people, both at home and abroad.
I'm incapable of ignoring him because he belittles the people that are very dear to me.
Proudly, I've brought many of my non-Estonian friends to see 'The Singing Revolution' and without exception they agree that to be Estonian is a matter for great pride. Maxim thinks that we're genetically inferior to Russians.
Maxim is insane and, for that reason, he can't leave us alone. His education extends to John Lennon singing, "Back in the USSR...you don't know how lucky you are..."
More than twenty years ago, Maxim moved from Toronto to the Estonian SSR with a big chip on his shoulder and, after all that time, he still can't forget us or leave us alone.
He fancies himself a writer, but he can't speak a language and he's never found a publisher. Pretty much any idiotic idea can get published somewhere, so long as it's coherent; but, saying something like, "we stand today on the threshold of change that only seems to be light years away", wont cut it with any publisher, anywhere. So, Maxim crowds his way into this open-to-all space with the belief that he's entitled to monopolize it. And for what? To degrade us and display his deformities with the expectation that we will all watch in silence.
Anna Nüüm30 Sep 2008 21:58
Don't worry anonymous! Although there are a few times when Maxim says things that actually make sense, (and I do grant him that there HAVE been a few times) most of the time we look at his comments in the same way we look at another frequent commentator's comments, in somewhat an uncomfortable way, as we look at those with mental instabilities that we pity, but wish they wouldn't talk to us on the street corner.
Anonymous30 Sep 2008 09:25
The irrational grudge that Maxim has harboured against Canada's Estonians now seems to be spreading to the Estonians at home.
It's a shame to witness. Maxim needs both an exorcist and a psychiatrist.

Just as a point of information, Maxim, the Russian nouveau riche that you speak of is more commonly known as the mafia. You should learn to call things by their proper names.
Maxim30 Sep 2008 10:02
It's proof positive that, Anonymous, that you have very little practical knowledge of the workings of Estonian life. To suggest the things you flout in your air of superiority, when Estonian estonians know full well who is who over here is not really a mission about preaching to the converted. Most people in Estonia would find your comments naive and conservative, lacking understanding of the changes taking place in the land of your forefathers. I don't shy one iota from any of my comments here, because anyone living in Estonia knows and believes these things to contain a truth that is beyond reasonable argument. You can continue writing as you wish, but even you should be only too aware that there are numerous gaps in your thinking. Let's invite Daniel Shaer to offer his opinion as well, since he is a man only too well informed about Estonian events. Danny...get into gear and give this folk a lesson about Estonian-Russian past and present relations.
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