We be jammin’ in JK
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
?07 Sep 2007 17:56
" Van Loan explained that the Estonian Central Council in Canada had asked the Harper government to lay low on the matter. Speaking with Avo Kittask, ECC president, the following Tuesday, he told me that the ECC was “not a dictatorship,” so a member could have said anything unofficially. Downplaying EU and Canadian foot-dragging, Kittask further explained that Estonia is now “grownup” and, as such, its fellow EU members, and presumably Canada, expect it to be able to handle its agitators on its own. He said Estonia is “the least important thing” for the Canadian government. “There is no such thing as a Baltic person in the (Canadian) government.” He said it was the job of Estonians to bring the world’s attention to its difficulties with Russia. "
If this information in the article is accurate, one has to wonder as to what is EKN's purpose ?
I'd like to know too09 Sep 2007 06:19
"So what is EKN's role?"

Right now, it looks like its role is keeping people gainfully employed, and running a store.

Kind of sad.
Anonymous09 Sep 2007 11:14
This is simply bizarre.
If true, the Estonian community should demand a resignation. EKN is mandated by the community to lobby the Canadian governemnt to listen to and act on Estonian issues, not to lobby for silence and facilitate Russian imperialism.
Anonymous09 Sep 2007 13:00
"EKN is mandated by the community"

EKN is actually mandated by only 1091 people - the community across Canada is MUCH larger that that.

As evidenced by the incredibly poor participation in the elections, I think it's a fair conclusion that the bulk of the community doesn't think EKN has any relevence any more. Either that, or they are disappointed in EKN's performance and are leaving the organization to those who are die-hard supporters.

Anonymous09 Sep 2007 13:31
From the EKN website:

"The Council is recognized as the national organization representing the ethno-cultural community by the three levels of government in Canada and by Canadian citizens of Estonian heritage."

If this is true, then the Estonian Community has ostensibly asked the Canadian government to ignore Estonia. Worse yet, there was no denial by EKN of this in the article. Monumentally disturbing.
To: I'd like to10 Sep 2007 11:06
To: I'd like to know too, who wrote,

"So what is EKN's role? Right now, it looks like its role is keeping people gainfully employed, and running a store."

Laas does the work. Laas and Avo give the speeches. Avo minds the store. All the while EKN, unfortunately, is losing relevance. And when EKN's bank account is down to zero, Avo will be gone. Laas, though, will stay. 'Cause Laas is a trooper.
Anonymous10 Sep 2007 13:18
This may be, however, the salient issue is not who gets paid, but who, according to Van Loan, asked the government to ignore Estonia while it was under attack. This statement suggests that there is someone in EKN working against Estonia. If this is not so, then EKN needs to respond to this very serious allegation.
Toomas Merilo10 Sep 2007 13:52
After reading the wonderfully positive article [i]We be jammin’ in JK[i] by Erik Tanner about that wonderfully positive event, the last thing I expected to see in the comment section was discussion about EKN.

But I must admit, that what both Van Loan and Kittask say about the Tallinn Riots 2007 are disturbing.

The former makes an outright statement of attribution: It was EKN who asked our Government to “lay low”, while the latter says (essentially) “anyone in EKN could have been the one who made this request.”

At the time, I was a member of EKN’i Juhatus. So could it have been me? Could it have been someone outside of [i]Juhatus[i] i.e. just an EKNi liige? Well, let me answer that: No Way. Van Loan would never have listened to anyone except the “Top Executive of EKN”.

Of course there is another alternative, which I’d rather not get in to.

But OK, let that be. Perhaps you ask: What is disturbing about either requesting our Government to, or our Government independently, “laying low”?

Well here’s the rub: Eesti is a NATO member. Canada is a NATO member. Russia was interfering in Eesti’s internal affairs (eg Demanding the Estonian government’s resignation, allowing (promoting?) illegal blockades and attacks on the Estonian Embassy and personnel in Moscow, etc.). So should Canada have expressed support for Eesti like the US, EU, Germany, etc. did? YES! But our Government chose not to… or, perhaps, was asked not to.

The foregoing notwithstanding, disapproval of Moscow’s illegal actions should have been expressed. And it wasn’t. And that is the bottom line.
Anonymous10 Sep 2007 17:11
I'm not so sure that the EKN esimees would stoop to such a tragic level of treacherous cronyism. But the organization and the esimees need to respond. This could otherwise be, by far, the worst scandal this community has ever seen.
TO: ANONYMOUS10 Sep 2007 18:36

Main Entry: cro·ny·ism

Date: 1840
partiality to friends, especially as evidenced in the appointment of political hangers-on to office without regard to their qualifications
Anonymous10 Sep 2007 19:45
Thank you. My mistake.
I should have used "sycophancy."
TO: ANONYMOUS10 Sep 2007 19:58

/ˈsɪkəfənsi, -ˌfæn-, ˈsaɪkə-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled

Pronunciation[sik-uh-fuhn-see, -fan-, sahy-kuh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation–noun 1. self-seeking or servile flattery.
Anonymous10 Sep 2007 20:26
"a person who acts obsequiously toward someone in order to gain advantage; a servile flatterer"

I'm assuming that there would have been some advantage to be had by selling the Estonian community and the nation down-the-river - although I cannot see it.
Hei, Hei JK JAZZ10 Sep 2007 19:22
Like if someone in EKN is doing damage to estonia isnt there a way to get them fired??? So find out who told Van Loan to ignore estonia. ASK HIM! Then fire the EKN guy.
Anonymous11 Sep 2007 07:59
Kittask said "it was the job of Estonians to bring the world’s attention to its difficulties with Russia". Why then has ECC had nothing to say? Why is the first response by ECC a hazy "to be continued" about "flinching" 4 months after the fact?
Anonymous11 Sep 2007 09:58
After reading Tanner's article, I said to myself, "I wish that I was there."
After reading the comments, I said to myself that, "I haven't made a mistake in steering clear of the EKN for many years."
Toomas Merilo, as usual, makes some sensible comments on this matter.
Puzzled11 Sep 2007 10:21
EKN did publish on May 1st, an open letter to Harper urging Canada to take a position on the issue of the besieged Estonian Embassy and Tallinn riots. Canada did forward the Russian embassy and at least two cabinet ministers did state Canada's support for Estonia.
Anonymous11 Sep 2007 11:27
Strange though, that no such open letter is to be found on this site...
Anonymous11 Sep 2007 12:18
May 1, 2007

Open Letter

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada

Dear Sir,

Canadians of Estonian heritage are very concerned about developments in Russian-Estonian relations. Recent statements of Russian Federation government officials are meant to intimidate a sovereign state and could lead to consequences which may destabilize the Baltic region.

As you are aware Estonia has recently moved a post-war Soviet monument, which ostensibly was to commemorate fallen Soviet soldiers but was used as a rallying place for anti-Estonian extremists. The placement of the monument in a cemetery, amidst other graves of Soviet military, including a memorial to the Soviet Unknown Soldier, makes the new location very appropriate.

The Russian Federation has been urging and agitating extremists in Estonia to protest against the move. They have been publicly claiming that Estonia will destroy the monument. In short the Russian Federation is quite openly helping to organize protests which recently resulted to vandalism and destruction of property.

Russian spokesmen, both in parliament and the administration have in turn called for a boycott of Estonian goods, economic sanctions, severance of diplomatic relations, even armed intervention if Estonia moved the monument. This in turn has again encouraged extremists in Estonia to violence.

Many European states and leaders have expressed their support of Estonia and stated that Russian blatant involvement in the internal affairs of Estonia is not only unacceptable but also a detriment to the continuation of normal relations within Europe and elsewhere.

Canada has always been supportive of Estonia's independence, economic well being and its evolving position as a contributor towards international stability and peace. The Estonian Central Council in Canada, representing Canadians of Estonian background urges the Government of Canada to publicly state its position on this issue.

Yours truly,

Avo Kittask,
President, Estonian Central Council in Canada

Anonymous11 Sep 2007 12:31
Maxim.11 Sep 2007 13:05
van Loan has just exposed his true self-a foolhardy charlatan who has played the Estonian card only while it has served his on self interest. To suggest there are no Balts in the Canadian government is really skewing your voters by the short and curlies. And to see that the man used Estonian "apparel" for his Wedding Service is just another squint at the popular vote. However, when he needs your support in his next round of political battles, I hope you'll remember what he was quoted saying last summer.
Anonymous11 Sep 2007 13:40
It was Kittask who said there was no such thing as a Baltic person in the Canadian government, not van loan.
FRK11 Sep 2007 21:23
EKN must issue a statement regarding this issue: Or otherwise, a resignation.
oh for heaven's sake12 Sep 2007 15:31
Van Loan has done some useful things for us and he gets along with EKN juhatus, such as it is, very well.

Thing is, he wasn't calling the shots on this one -- there were bigger fish to fry as far as Harper and his Alberta braintrust (now thars one uh them thar oxymorons, pardner...) were concerned: (I've posted it here before and I'll post it again) The Russian riots in Tallinn co-incided with Canada's first international export shipment of live cattle since the mad cow scare. Destination? Russia.

That is why no-one in the Canadian government dared to utter a single pip, much less a squeak - lest the Russians reject the shipment and send all 2000 of them lil' dogies back.
Anonymous12 Sep 2007 15:52
Cow's be damned! Now Magna International has big plans in Russia. Will protecting Magna's interests be the subtext for the government of Canada doing nothing next time Russia causes trouble in Estonia? I suppose so...
Anonymous12 Sep 2007 17:53
Useful? Name one.
EKN does need to issue some clarification or a resignation.
What is it that they do with traitors?
Let's face it, folks13 Sep 2007 10:55
EKN will ignore this, no one will resign. They will continue to represent themselves as having the mandate of all Estonian-Canadians and life will go on as it has for years..........
WTF13 Sep 2007 11:13
This is probably true. EKN will do nothing but that doesn't mean we shouldn't. Get a pettion going. Maybe Ulo can help or even Laas - he is honest enough. Avo should be denied the esimehe position. Let EKN members know how we feel in case they haven't voted for esimees yet.
And BTW13 Sep 2007 13:02
Here are the people to contact. If you or your parents know these people let them know what you think!!!

1. Leivat, Laas 828
2. Kittask, Avo 813
3. Kipper, Charles 700
4. Leivat, Ellen 686
5. Hess, Markus 684
6. Heinsoo, Thomas 650
7. Kadakas, Kalle 585
8. Kivik, Marta 582
9. Lepp, Jaan 573
10. Kiilaspea, Enn 497
11. Komi, Piret 485
12. Schaer, Jaan 431
13. Paara, Heikki 422
14. Pahapill, Johannes 412
15. Männamaa, Raivo 411
16. Tae, Margus 401
17. Salusoo, Mihkel 370
18. Tõsine, Tõnu 367
19. Sarapuu, Vaado 342
20. Keelmann, Anne 336
21. Suurkask, Alar 319
22. Paluoja, Ruho 304
23.Otsa, Katrin 278
24. Tae, Eero 273
25. Hogg, David 225
Anonymous13 Sep 2007 13:30
Thanks for posting the list. I'm curious, do these people get paid?
Anonymous13 Sep 2007 14:28
Kittask gets paid. The rest are volunteers. Sorry! Laas also gerts paid.
Anonymous13 Sep 2007 15:22
How much do they get paid?
also curious13 Sep 2007 18:01
I'll bet it's a secret.

More to the point - what do they get paid FOR? Do they have job descriptions or just paycheques?
To: Also curious13 Sep 2007 18:38
Dollars to donuts, this whole uncomfortable thread will be erased soon. Very soon.
Anonymous14 Sep 2007 05:20
Perhaps Mr. Tanner should write a story on EKN. This thread could then move over there.
EKN discussion14 Sep 2007 06:06
Why not take this over to the forum???
Anonymous14 Sep 2007 07:18
Where is the statement of clarification from EKN?
You are kidding, right?14 Sep 2007 07:22
"Where is the statement of clarification from EKN? "

Anonymous14 Sep 2007 08:26
When a statement is made by a Member of Parliament that this organziation officially requested that the Canadian government take a stand supporting Russia, I think some clarification or denial is required.

99% of the Canadian-Estonian community, nevermind the other Eastern and Central European cummunities, were outraged by Russia's actions and this government's silence on the issue.

Given this community's already crumbling level of confidence in EKN, Van Loan's statment effectively terminates its position as the representative organziation of this community.

However, if what Van Loan said is true, then EKN has to reevaluate its role, position and leadership. There are capable people within the organization: If the current leadership willingly betrays and violates the concerns of our community, then restructuring is essential to its legitimacy and ultimately, its survival.
Toomas Merilo16 Sep 2007 19:29
Aren't things going a little too far here?
Anonymous17 Sep 2007 06:21
When an MP accuses the "Estonian community" of making fictitious requests to the detriment of Estonia, I think that demanding a response is quite reasonable. If the EKN really is making these requests on OUR behalf, it is also very reasonable to request clarification on that too - that is, unless you support the EKN's apparent request.
FYI12 Sep 2007 22:52
This is what the House of Commons Hansard records about Canada governments response in May:

39:1 Hansard - 160 (2007/5/30)

Hon. Helena Guergis (Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs and International Trade) (Sport), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, Canada stands strongly by Estonia, a NATO ally and friend of Canada, in the face of intimidation from Russia or any other country. During the height of the tensions over this incident, our foreign affairs minister communicated to Russia in the strongest terms our concerns over the Russians' actions and reminded them of their obligations under international law.

Whether the acts against Estonia are in cyberspace or in the streets of Moscow or Tallinn, Canada will continue to support the government and people of Estonia in the face of any aggressive act.

I might add that Estonia is a responsible global citizen, including the deployment of forces to southern Afghanistan.

39:1 Hansard - 160 (2007/5/30)

Mr. Patrick Brown (Barrie, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

Estonia and other Baltic States have long been supported by Conservative governments in Canada. When they achieved restored freedom, a Canadian Conservative government was among the first in the world to recognize their restored independence.

In recent weeks, following an Estonian decision to relocate a Soviet occupation era war memorial, Estonia has been the victim of ethnic clashes, cyber attacks and assaults on Estonian diplomats in Russia as the Russian government has stepped up the rhetorical attacks on Estonia.

Is Canada standing up for the freedom and democracy of our NATO ally, Estonia?

39:1 Hansard - 146 (2007/5/3)

Hon. Peter MacKay (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, CPC):
By all means, Mr. Speaker, we stand very strongly with the people of Estonia in any kind of intimidation from Russia or any other country.

I would have the member opposite know that I spoke directly to the Estonian foreign minister when we attended NATO meetings. We are very aware of the world as it unfolds in terms of these tensions. We work directly with our allies. We work directly to promote democracy, democratic practices and the promotion of human rights.

39:1 Hansard - 146 (2007/5/3)

Hon. Bryon Wilfert (Richmond Hill, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, we know a lot more, given the Ottawa convention as a good example.

Tensions between these countries are escalating. The Estonian ambassador was roughed up in Moscow this week. This is a serious issue. If the government is committed to having Canada play a role in international affairs, and so far the track record has not been promising, we need to take action immediately.

Will the Minister of Foreign Affairs take control in his department, take action, and support Estonia against Russian intimidation as other NATO countries have already done?

39:1 Hansard - 146 (2007/5/3)

Hon. Peter MacKay (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, the short answer is that we take direct diplomacy very seriously. We talk to our allies. We talk to countries involved when these international disputes arise.

Vis-à-vis the question with respect to the Auditor General's report, we are clearly very committed to Canada's core values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the advancement of good government practices. It is something that the members opposite know very little about.

39:1 Hansard - 146 (2007/5/3)

Hon. Bryon Wilfert (Richmond Hill, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, the foreign affairs minister has been silent about the rising tensions between Estonia and Russia over the last two weeks. This is not surprising since the Auditor General's report this week exposed the disarray within the Department of Foreign Affairs. It painted a picture of a minister who has lost control of his department.

Can the Minister of Foreign Affairs tell the House what actions Canada is taking to ease the tensions between Estonia and Russia?
Anonymous12 Sep 2007 23:02
The order of the Hansard is misleadingly reversed.

Needless to say, it is clear from this that Van Loan played no part in any statement.
huviline13 Sep 2007 07:50
'our foreign affairs minister communicated to Russia in the strongest terms our concerns over the Russians' actions and reminded them of their obligations under international law.'

Assuming this would be Peter McKay, has anyone read or heard what was actually 'communicated'?
.13 Sep 2007 08:35
I havent heard what if anything was said by McKay to the Russkys. But everybody else supporting estonia held newsconferences saying. So canadas support is news to me. The Hanzard date shows may 30. Isnt this a month after the fact???
moo13 Sep 2007 08:39
the cows had been delivered by May 30 and given their destination, probably eaten as well.

useful? why, Peter arranges very nice tours of P-Hill for visiting choir and school groups.
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