Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Experience Needed!17 Mar 2014 05:44
I participate in most community activities and haven't ever heard of most of these people. I agree that we need real community representation. This shouldn't be like the bank board where a cv item trumps any community experience, volunteerism or participation.
Silvi V.07 Apr 2014 08:52
Eesti Maja juhatus on valitud aktsia omanikude poolt peakoosolekul. Igaüks võib esitada kandidaate.
Kus on kõik nurisejad ja enda arvates targemad pead kui küsitakse kandidaate?
Kas te oleksite nõus sellist vastutust kanda?
Tegijaid on vähe! Nurisejaid on palju!
Kui meie ühiskond ei paranda oma käitumisviisi, siis täituvad vanad (ja uued) meie rahva vaenlaste soovid, meie ühiskonna lagunemisega!!
Vanasõna õpetab: "Kus häda näed laita, seal mine ja aita!"
Töötame KOOS!
xxx16 Mar 2014 19:43
Why haven't we heard from our self-appointed community opinion-leaders and activists? I'm thinking of Marta Kivik, Allan Meiusi, Reet Lindau and, for that matter, Maxim de la Trine.
Maxim17 Mar 2014 14:31
I've considered the racial bleeding going on right now in Toronto over the case of the Estonian House as something not worthy of my attention. The arguments are reductionist to the extreme and the community can only be given so much staying power. Face it - it's doomsday for the Estonian community and its better to try to cherish old times that make the process of self execution that much more painful. I see a backfiring of interests which once were directed at me personally now setting an impossible situation of Hari-Kari taking place in the form of capitulation to the forces of multiculturalism which breed their own values and cause their own destruction amidst the cries of pain rising from the ashes of a resilient community which once was a firewall against all forms of attack, but now are so thoroughly vulnerable to the reality of capitalism's most aggressive attacks on freedom and love of one's heritage. That heritage is now under such rigorous attack that no defense of one's borders can possibly secure the prolonging of dreams from the time of Martin Luther King when he said "I have a dream". That dream is now about the be thrust into the dustbin of history because of the number of people who have taken a deliberate stand against me personally and by extension, all my supporters throughout the world. Someone will pay dearly for this - and we will soon find out who it is.
x18 Mar 2014 09:13
Yes, Maxim, overdue for your Vaccinations again. An extra dose of the rabies serum might be called for, judging from these latest ravings. And no, we won't make you pay for that mess you made with the dustbin, don't worry, that's covered on the treatment plan...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: rahamehe jutt on samavanajama (13:10)
Jaak Järve15 Mar 2014 18:37
1960- Estonian House opened to the Estonian community
1962-63- Large Auditorium added
1975- New modern street facade added to Estonian House
1995-1996- Elevator added to Estonian House
1997 Middle hall renovated and new modern kitchen added to main floor
2006-2014 Third party (non-Estonian) consultants have recommended it's time to demolish the building and rebuild.
xxx15 Mar 2014 19:05
Regrettably, the consultants just might be right.
Eesti Maja has served us well. It represents money well spent. Still, it might be time to say goodbye.
Renovating the existing premises could well become a nightmare of a money pit. Let's not lose control of our emotions.
Lugeja15 Mar 2014 06:39
Avo Kittask, Katrin Lepik and Alar Petersoo are also members of the Toronto Estonian House Board of Directors.
Tarvo Toomes14 Mar 2014 23:19
Mina kuulun 80 aastaste ja vanemate eestlaste gruppi.Minule on eestlaseks olemine pakkunud tohutult palju. Eesti keel on üks ilusamaid keeli maailmas, kuna seal on palju täishäälikuid ja puuduvad sisisevad häälikud nagu sh ja ch.
Eesti kultuur on mulle pakkunud sügavaid ja ilusaid elamusi Marie Underi, Hendrik Visnapuu, Betti Alveri ja Heiti Talviku luuletuste kaudu, mida hiljem on täiendanud Jaan Kaplinski ja Paul Eesrik Rummo ning teiste looming. Inimkonna aastasadu püsivaid tôdesid olen leidnud Tammsaare "Tôde ja Öiguses" ning Gailiti "Leegitsevas südames" ja paljudes teistes eestikeelsetes romaanides. Olen südamest naernud Oskar Lutsu poolt loodud Tootsi karakterit ja tema vempusid.
Mulle jääb mulje, et härra vôi proua Teemale, kes siin sôna on vôtnud, jäävad need aarded kättesaamatuks, kuna ta kirjutab inglise keeles, arvatavasti kuna eesti keel ei ole piisavalt selge. See viib mind küsimuseni, milles siis seisab alla 80 aastaste eesti torontolaste eestlus? Tunnistan, et mulle teeb valu see pidev kogemus, et alla 75 aastased siinsed eestlased mônede väheste eranditega kasutavad inglise keelt omavaheliseks suhtlemiseks, kuigi môlemad suhtlejad valdavad eesti keelt küllaldaselt. Mulle on pettumuseks vanemad, kes oma lapsi viivad Toronto Eesti Täienduskooli ja lapse koolist tulles küsivad temalt: "How was class to-day?"Kas on see nii, et järgmise generatsiooni eestlus seisab selles, et mônel pühapäevasel üritusel pannakse selga rahvariided ja räägitakse eesti keelt vôi lauldakse eesti keeles, aga igapäevane elu käib inglise keeles?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Tarvo Toomes (08:30)
to - lp ja tubli Tarvo Toomes15 Mar 2014 10:13
Laias laastus, nõustun Teiega. Ent meie kultuur pole vaid omapärane aare. Pigem, see on ka püha aare ja selle säilimine on osati ka aukummardus esivanematele. Paraku, kelle keele oskus pole tasemel, ei suuda seda tajuda ega hinnata.
Tarbetu puue on hõlpus õigeks ajada. Kui pühendada tund nädalas eesti keele lugemisele. Nelja kuu pärast keel oleks talutavalt sorav.
Kui meie vanema põlvkonnast sõjapõgenikud jõudsid siia mandri, kohe hakkasid palja käega ja ennast salgavalt ehitama kultuuri varasi, et eestlust edasi anda järeltulijatele. Taevas tule nüüd appi! Selle eest nad on, tänu asemel, oma peale kutsunud sõimurahet ja kättemaksu.
Teid, lp Tarvo Toomes, pole näha EAK avalikkoosolekutel kus kuri jõuk - kel pole omakseid Ehatares - paneks õiglust ise püsti. Paratamatult nad pahandavad inglise keeles.
Ehatare elanikud ja tulihingelised eestlased, nt Erwin Aleve ja Karl Vaikla mh, on avalikult palunud, et nad jätaks Ehatare rahule. Asjatult! Selle eest, sõimati jämeda häälega endist eesti keeli õpetajat, hetkel Ehatare piibli tunni õpetajat. (Ilgel kombel, Eesti Elu ajakirjanik ei pannud seda tähele ja pärast ütles, et pole tema asi niikuinii.)
Ründajaid pole mitu. Ent, nad väsimatult rakendavad moraalivastaseid vahendeid.
Kaitsjad, tähendab elanikud ja nende pered, pole nii innukad ja Ehatare on siiani püsinud vaid sellest et nad on enamuses.
To Guido supporters:14 Mar 2014 20:25
Hello Guido Laikve supporters:

You have valid concerns, I agree, regarding what will a new buidling do to the community. But this is a risk I am willing to take.

Guido Laikvee supporters, I emplore you, please allow the "youth" of the community to run with the plans.

What I seem to gather is that the majority of Guido Laikvee supporters are aged 80+, am I right?

The "youth" spearheading a new building are roughly aged 40-60. Please give them credit to find a way to create a new house for the community and find the funds.

It seems that the 80yr olds are, as they have continuoulsy done before, high-jacking the agenda to get their way, and determining the future of the Estonian House in a way not desired by younger generations. Those 80+ will for the most part not see the Estonian house either renovated or newly built.

Guido Laikve supporters seems to prefer a slow death for the community by taking no chances, taking no risk.

I would rather take a risk and create something better for our community . I do not want to settle for the "same old". The present building is tired and not generating enough income to support itself. Who are you kidding that this will improve with a renovation?

I also ask you -- when was it the last time that an Estonian wedding was held at the Estonian house? Why not? Because the house is already dead, a sarcophagus, of no interest to younger generations. Only organizations running events use the building, since their rent is subsidised by sponsors.

Those who left Estonia during WW2 were the risk takers -- taking a chance for something better than settling to be enslaved in their own land.

Please do not stiffle the risk takers of a younger generation trying to create something better for the Estonians who are left. We may even be able to entice back those who have drifted away with an amazing new building that we will enjoy and cherish.

And be not mistaken -- the present Estonian House with proposed renovations will not bring in signifcantly greater rental income, don't try to kid yourself or others.
Peeter Martin14 Mar 2014 08:38
Tahaks kuulda H. Laikve'd konelemas sellest rohkem.
?13 Mar 2014 22:00
Why is it taking so long to settle the lawsuit against Ehatare?
Does the plaintiff want justice, or revenge?
A shame and disgrace!14 Mar 2014 17:29
The lawsuit against Ehatare is about the dismissal of an employee. It was launched after the employee rejected a severance package as inadequate.
The plaintiff is represented by a reputable lawyer and such cases are typically resolved after lawyers for both parties meet, in private, for an hour.
So, why is this case entering its third year? I suspect that the plaintiff is ignoring her lawyer's advice and, instead, she's relying on a few energetic friends -- a squad of extra-legal vigilantes -- to act on her behalf. Initially, they started a campaign for reinstatement and collected signatures for a petition. When that failed, they went for revenge: undermining Ehatare with a campaign of "disinformation", harassment and sabotage.
Our community may never recover from the animosity between the vigilantes and the families of Ehatare's residents. As a result, we may never see a new Eesti Maja or Ehatare.
If so, some vigilantes can gloat. The rest of us should weep.
When the lawsuit is settled, Eesti Elu and The Estonian World Review should document the hateful drama surrounding it, in detail, and expose the vigilantes to public scrutiny. I doubt that we'll see that, however, because the lawyer for the plaintiff will probably insist on a final agreement which includes a confidentiality clause.
Another Concerned Esto12 Mar 2014 18:24
I agree with the above posts that our newspapers only feel a need to report on "happy" events, no controversy allowed! But that is no longer "reporting" now is it?

I haven't decided yet if I like living in this "rose coloured" esto society.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Another concerned Esto (22:53), Another concerned Esto (22:58), Another Concerned Esto (23:02)
Ilmar & Siina Kasekamp12 Mar 2014 14:21
We consider Mr. Laikve's proposals as the most practical and economical way to upgrade the building, and, at the same time, allowing the Estonian community uninterrupted access to the building.
Mike Timmer12 Mar 2014 10:35
I was excited about the prospect of a new Estonian House 6-7 years ago, but after the thousands that have been wasted on a revolving door of consultants and the lack of any coherent vision, I'd have to agree with most of the people here. Hopefully a new board or group can be elected to salvage the future of the Estonian House?
It's time to get real!12 Mar 2014 12:41
The problem facing both Eesti Maja and Ehatare is the fact that renovation is often more expensive than reconstruction.
Ehatare is by no means old. Nonetheless, the Government's all-encompassing codes and regulations governing nursing homes have evolved so much as to make it obsolete. Eesti Maja doesn't face this problem and, therefore, renovation or re-building is up to us.
Financing for both facilities is problematic. There are too many among us who simply don't care about our Estonian heritage and have distanced themselves from us.
We also have our enemies -- there's the "lynch mob" that has made things difficult for Ehatare, for more than two years! Their detestable plotting has gone unreported; because Ehatare's Board must remain silent, as it deals with an outrageous lawsuit aimed at debilitating the institution as a whole. Eesti Elu is also silent, but only after its reporter made a fool of himself by initially siding with "the mob".
In the light of day, "the mob" is conspicuously subdued; and quite sensibly so. They're well aware that their gratuitous harassment is actionable mendacity.
In the shadows, "the mob" is astonishingly tenacious and energetic. After two years, they simply can't quit their nefarious activities.
I wonder how much energy "the mob" has for building, as opposed to destroying? Will they contribute $10 to re-building Eesti Maja and Ehatare? Why not?
Why can't Eesti Elu spare a bit of printer's ink to afford them the opportunity to publicly state what they say in private?
Why doesn't The Estonian World Review allow us to identify them by name? On the odd chance that they are slandered, they have recourse to the courts. Instead, they're well known by their nicknames: "Our Lady of Perpetual Grudges", who thinks that she can over-ride the Commandment against bearing false witness; "Dick Breath", who registers phony complaints to regulatory authorities, and "Miss Vicious" who feels entitled to curse a resident of Ehatare for stating that the residents are satisfied with their care.
Our Estonian community is not well-served by our news outlets. Somehow, they've lost their sense of direction and purpose. Risibly, Tõnu Naelapea recently lectured us on our real purpose: in his mind, we must create a pleasing image of ourselves for readership in 100 countries (sic.!) around the world.
L14 Mar 2014 09:51
Who is responsible for making decisions about the new Eesti Maja and how were they chosen to make those decisions? I'm sure they're all very active volunteers in the community and communicate closely with eveyone that uses it - but who are they? Are there bios listed that give their community credentials?
rahamees14 Mar 2014 12:51
EM has shareholders and EM shareholders elect the Board. The Board is responsible for the plan that will be presented for the shareholder's approval. EM board members: Raivo Remmel, Tõnu Petersoo, Kia Puhm, Peeter Poolsaar, Raivo Uukkivi, Markus Alliksaar.

There is a smaller group within the board who's primary responsibility is the future of EM. The Board has ongoing discussions with major shareholders, such as Ühispank and ESK (who pays most of the EM rent for community organizations). Ühispank and ESK have similar boards that are elected by their respective members.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: rahamees (09:20), rahamees (09:25), rahamees (07:58)
Karl15 Mar 2014 21:59
These aren't familiar names, except the family names. Why aren't the active members of the community involved? Wouldn't the community and Eesti Maja benefit from involving those who use the house in planning the future? Or did consultant #5 suggest abandoning common sense?
active members?17 Mar 2014 04:04
If these names aren't familiar, you are out of touch. What names do you expect to see?
Another Concerned Esto11 Mar 2014 23:02
What is the requirement for Ehatare to rebuild? I'm getting mixed answers on this. Is it just a rumour or is it true that they have to be out by 2017? A corridor, A/C and fire escape issue?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Another concerned Esto (22:53), Another concerned Esto (22:58)
Another concerned Esto11 Mar 2014 22:53
You should all Google "eesti maja tulevik" and read the 2nd hit (pdf) "Eesti Maja Tulevik" Rahva Infokoosolek 19. oktoober 2011 where all the options are discussed. It appears that the option chosen is to build a new EM with a DEVELOPER building tall condo towers to finance. A major consideration should be the fact that there is a possibility of loss of land ownership. Is this really what our community wants? I agree with Mr. Laikve.
Mr.& Mrs. Arvo Vahtra10 Mar 2014 08:55
Agree with the views and ideas of
Mr. G. Laikve
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39), Evi Dulder (08:38), Alan Dulder (08:43), Ms. Susan Peschke (08:45), Ms.Virve Mathias (08:47), Mia Gowdy (08:53)
rahamees10 Mar 2014 09:25
to: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp, Ms.M.Polashek, Evi Dulder, Alan Dulder, Ms. Susan Peschke, Ms.Virve Mathias, Mia Gowdy, etc, etc

You are way too smart, but ..., at least try to change your IP number before posting again.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: rahamees (09:20)
Rahamehe jutt on asjalik10 Mar 2014 18:21
We have to come to grips with the reality that our community is shrinking. That's inevitable. Nonetheless, we still have some control over the pace and the form of the decline. With that in mind, we can no longer side-step the need to amalgamate assets. We have an ethical obligation to the older generation which sacrificed to build our various facilities. Now, we down-size them efficiently, with their interests in mind.
rahamehe jutt on samavanajama11 Mar 2014 13:10
Mida on kuulatud siin juba üle 60 aastat:

Ooo... kõik tõmbab koku ja kaob ! Kümne aasta pärast pole üldse kedagit ega midagit ! Oi kui hale ! Oi kui nukker ! Häda, Vaev ja Valu !

Kas me iialgi ei õpi ?

Uus Eesti Maja on hädavajalik. Vana koolimaja vajub kokku. Uuel osal puuduvad kaasaegsed vajadused nagu õhujahutus, korralik kanalisatsioon (ie peldikud) ja selle põhiplaan on nii ebamõistlik et olla peaaegu kasutamatu. Ja tule heldus appi ! Milline kohviku kuju ! Millised peldikud ! Milline "füüje" ?

Meil on vaja uusi ja parimaid maju. Meil tulevad rahvad juurde ja isegi eemale jäänud ühiskonna liikmed tulevad tagasi, nii varsti kui me jätame selle "rahameheliku" jonnimise maha.
rahamees12 Mar 2014 07:58
Ma ei "jonni" midagi. Mulle väga meeldiks uus ja uhke EM. Kui keegi teine selle eest veel maksaks oleks väga tore!

Siiamaani on teada ainult üldised suunad, RFQ and RFP tulemusi ei ole veel avalikustatud. Samal ajal toimub palju ka igasugust tagaruumides nõupidamisi ja kuulujutud levivad. Kui EM juhatus tuleb välja lõpliku plaaniga (mis loodetavasti sisaldab ka rahalist osa) siis aktsionärid hääletavad ja ongi asi lahendatud.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: rahamees (09:20), rahamees (09:25)
Mia Gowdy10 Mar 2014 08:53
I am supporting the Estonian House as it is. With the decreasing Estonian population this building is sufficient for now and the future.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39), Evi Dulder (08:38), Alan Dulder (08:43), Ms. Susan Peschke (08:45), Ms.Virve Mathias (08:47)
Ms.Virve Mathias10 Mar 2014 08:47
I fully support and agree with the views and ideas of Mr. Laikve
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39), Evi Dulder (08:38), Alan Dulder (08:43), Ms. Susan Peschke (08:45)
Ms. Susan Peschke10 Mar 2014 08:45
Fully support the ideas of Mr. Laikve
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39), Evi Dulder (08:38), Alan Dulder (08:43)
Alan Dulder10 Mar 2014 08:43
Agree with Mr. G. Laikve.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39), Evi Dulder (08:38)
Evi Dulder10 Mar 2014 08:38
I fully support that the Estonian House remains as is, with repairs and
renovations planned.
Who is funding all the consultants, I hope not with my donations?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13), Ms.M.Polashek (18:39)
Tarvo Toomes10 Mar 2014 08:30
Kust tuleb see raha Eesti Maja lammutamiseks ja uuesti ülesehitamiseks?
rahamees10 Mar 2014 09:20
Jah, Tarvo, see on hea küsimus. Kus on siinse ühiskonna raha?
1. Eesti Maja kinnistu
EM asub hea (kalli) koha peal, kui see maha müüa ja siis osta uus koht kuskil eeemal, odavamas kohas
2. Ühispangas on enamuse eestlaste rahad ja Ühispank on ka EM suuraktsionär. Nad on tõenäoliselt valmis selleks projektiks EMle raha laenama ja ka ise seda projekti toetama.
3. Abistamiskomitee
Nende raha läheb uue Ehatare ehitamiseks, kuigi ma ei ole kindel kas praegused buumerid on huvitatud eesti kallakuga vanadekodust, nad on selleks liiga kanadalased
4. Sihtkapital
Kas nad tohivad oma põhikapitalist selliseks asjaks üldse raha anda? Kuigi nad andsid hiljuti $150,000 VEMU toetuseks ... EM nõuab siiski palju suuremaid summasid.
5. TC
Pole aimugi kas TC on küllaldaselt vaba raha, et investeerida uude EM? Nad vajavad ise toetust VEMU ehituseks, see above Sihtkapital.
6. Eesti Kirikud
Kas meil on vaja mitut kirikut? Müüme ühe maha ja saadud raha paneme uude EM. Tõenäoliselt kunagi ei juhtu, valitsevad juhatused on selle vastu.
7. Seedrioru, Jõekääru, Kotkajärve
Sama lugu mis kirikutega
8. Kohalikkude eestlaste taskustest
Pole kindel, kui paljud inimesed oleksid nõus ostma uue EM aktsijaid, et sellega siis uus maja ülesse ehitada.

Kuigi rahvaloenduse järgi on Kanadas umbes 20,000 eestlast, on siinses eesti ühiskonnas maksimaalselt 1000 eestlast kes vahetevahel käivad üritustel kringlit söömas. Raha on eesti asja jaoks valmis jagama ehk pooled nendest.

Kui EM praegune asukoht maha müüa, siis heal juhul saab selle eest ehk 6-7 mln $ (who gets commission?), siis TC paneb oma VEMU rahad sinna juurde, ESK annetab ka natuke, pank ostab endale uues majas kalli penthouse'i ja selle raha eest saab juba 11 Madison + parking lot koha peale ehitada ilusa ja uue EM.

Loodetavasti inimesed hakkavad seal ikka siis kohal ka käima. Üks asi on tulla EM mööda DVP, teine asi on sõita mööda Spadinat.
Another concerned Esto11 Mar 2014 22:58
The churches will never combine. They all have different Synods and now different alliances to EELK & E.E.L.K. in addition to juhatused with different views. No way will they be able to work together - too much bad blood, egomania amongst many in charge.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Another concerned Esto (22:53)
Ms.M.Polashek08 Mar 2014 18:39
I fully agree with Mr.G.Laikve that the Estonian House should remain as it now stands with repairs and renewals to be done in the near future.
Our Estonian population is steadily . diminishing and we no longer need more space. What we need is there, and should not be touched.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp (11:13)
Johannes Pahapill08 Mar 2014 13:20
... soovitustele!

Samas tunnen tõsist muret siinse eesti kogukonna tuleviku eest, kuna on ilmne, et praegune Toronto Eesti Maja "uuendus programm" on ebapraktiline ja saab tuua vaid tõsiseid probleeme meie ühiskonna ellu. Kahju, kahju!!!

Johannes Pahapill
We're in big trouble!08 Mar 2014 12:58
By law, we're also obliged to build a new Ehatare by about the same time.
Who is going to finance these undertakings?
There is too much indifference surrounding Eesti Maja.
Ehatare is still under assault, as it faces a debilitating lawsuit, slander and sabotage.
Mr.& Mrs. H. Kasekamp08 Mar 2014 11:13
Fully agree and support the views and opinions of the above author,
Mr. Guido E. Laikve
Kommentaarid sellele artiklile on suletud.

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