The Passion of the New Atheists?
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Lugeja13 Apr 2012 00:42
Mis on atheism? Atheism ei ole religioon ega ka filosoofia. Minu arusaama järgi on see poliitiline opositsioon organiseeritud religioonile. (Enamik "võitlevaid atheiste" on tegelikult agnostikud). Seega ei saa nende poliitilisi aksioone taunida. Midagi tuleb teha; relgioosne maailm ei kahane vaatamata sajanditepikkusele võitlusele. Miks nad valitsusele apelleerivad ei ole selge? Act of desperation? Rasketel majanduslikel perioodidel religiooni osa suureneb. USA-s ei ole religioon valitsuse koostisosa. Kirik ei taha ega saa olla valitsuse alluvuses, valitsusel on enamikus teised funktsioonid ja teatud küsimustes on kirik valitsusest kõrgemal. Ei tea isegi midagi mida atheistidele soovitada. Nad on haledas olukorras. Vaatamata atheismi kui ametliku riigireligiooni staatusest mitmete põlvkondade jooksul Nõukogude bloki maades on viimase kahekümne aastaga religiooni vägi neil aladel taastunud. See fakt kõneleb millestki olulisest.
Kira10 Apr 2012 17:48
"Something about this atheist victimology doesn’t add up"
Visit any state in the American south (the "Bible Belt") for a week. Wear an atheist T-shirt. See how long you can go without being harassed, even physically harmed.
Reginald Selkirk09 Apr 2012 14:51
"... then why do they promote%@!#$&– of Christians?"

Why don't you back up that allegation with some data? Why will you not cease bearing false witness?
Katie Murphy - ex catholic09 Apr 2012 00:08
chrisstianity is the curse of the west just as much as Islam is of the east

Examples from the USA - slavery justified as per the bible.

Jews hated world over tks to christianity.

Blacks not allowed to marry for so long, justified by "protecting the sanctity of the white race

etc etc

All based on stories from 2000 years ago - a time of ignorance and stuperstition.

Free ourselves all from the curse of christianity as it has evolved, and simply love thy neighbor as thyself

And to hell with the Pope who in 2009 UNexcommunicated a holocaust denier bishop williamson.

BTW cath and protesttant churches supported the nazis regime in Germany
to09 Apr 2012 09:12
That the Bible has been interpreted by many self-serving people to justify malicious actions, does not make it wrong.
It was the jewish "temple aristocracy", the pharises, rabbis and money traders that demanded that Jesus be put to death.

"All based on stories from 2000 years ago - a time of ignorance and stuperstition."
Now 2000 years later, the current anti-Christian "new-age occult" "media aristocracy" is doing a great job communicating "ignorance and superstition" by educating youth with paranormal movies such as lord of the rings, harry potter, twilight and hunger games.
huvitav14 Apr 2012 11:48
Did you know that the Lord of the Rings was strongly based in Christian morals and biblical stories? Tolkien was a strong Christian and used those ideas to create a mythology for Great Britian. Don't use examples you know nothing about...The ideas of good against evil, the common man rising above, doing the right thing are all stories from the bible AND modern literature. That's what we're supposed to learn from, so hopefully WE rise above...
did you know14 Apr 2012 15:59
there is no hope for US to rise above with the occult
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