European Parliament elections taking place this Tuesday and Wednesday at the Estonian House in Toronto.
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Eestlane28 May 2009 17:39
Kui te olete ise piisavalt asjast huvitatud ja alaliselt välisriigis elavate valijate nimekirjas, saadab Eesti Vabariigi Suursaatkond Ottawas teile valmistest teavitava kirja. Mina sain sellise kirja juba mõnda aega tagasi. Võhiklus ei ole vabandus.
are you an Estonian citizen?26 May 2009 12:56
The following is a link on the Law of Estonian Citizenship.
Ülo26 May 2009 10:13
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04), Ülo (03:00), Ülo (07:31), Ülo (09:09), Ülo (10:05)
Toimetuselt26 May 2009 08:37
See käest äraläinud vaidlus vajab ilmselt toimetusepoolset sekkumist ja täpsustamist.
Kuulutus Euroopa Parlamendi (EP) valimiste kohta ilmus meie 8. mai lehes täpsete koordinaatidega (päevad, ajad ja kohad).

Samal päeval paigutasime selle info ka nii paber- kui võrgulehe sündmuste kalendrisse. Nii et aega sellega tutvumiseks on olnud üksjagu.

Teiseks – 15. mai lehes tutvustas EP praegune saadik ja eelolevate valimiste kandidaat Tunne Kelam pikemas artiklis oma valimisplatvormi, mille raames andis täpsema ülevaate EP valimiste korrast ja põhimõtetest. Selles lehes on samateemaline artikkel ka Mart Laarilt. Mõlemad kirjutised ilmusid samuti võrgulehes.

Toimetus leiab, et kogu vajalik info on lugejatele aegsasti edastatud ja selleteemaline diskussioon mõttetu.
Ülo26 May 2009 07:31
Inimestel, kellel puuduvad oskused eesti keeles kirjutada ja kes Eestis ei ela pole mingit põhjust EU Parlamendi valimistel hääletada. Hääletaga ja otsustage seal kus te elata ja selliste otsuste üle, mis teid mõjutavad. Eesti venelastel on minu meelest ka rohkem sõnaõigust kui teil, vähemalt nad elavad siin.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04), Ülo (03:00)
voter26 May 2009 07:19
I saw information regarding the when and where of both the Ottawa embassy and Toronto Consulate General polling stations over 3 weeks ago in both the print and internet versions of Eesti Elu. Some three months ago a letter was sent to everyone on the voters' list detaing voting procedures and times/places. There is no organization in Canada responsible for distributing party platforms of the various groups vying for positions in the European Parliament. Its up to the voter to search for this. Go gripe at some other website.
Wally26 May 2009 07:40
I've been in and out of the Estonian house many times over the past months and have yet to see any information regarding the election. Nor have I seen anything on this site that would indicate where and when to vote.

As for the second post, will you be standing outside the polling place checking passports and keele oskus with a truncheon? You sound like the type who might. Hello voter intimidation!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: More excuses . . . . (18:26), Haskell not Haskel (22:49)
Ülo26 May 2009 09:09
This is not about your language skills... A simple fact is that the outcome of the elections does not influence your life in no way.. Can't you see - this would be as absurd as me asking for the right to vote for Canadian Parliament... You have your life and we have ours... Get used to it. Your help or opinion is not needed here.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04), Ülo (03:00), Ülo (07:31)
.26 May 2009 09:33
Looks like Maxim is back under a new name. How else does one account for the identical tripe that leaves a foul, brownstained trace in cyberspace.
June26 May 2009 09:42
If you're a Canadian citizen, I don't think it would be absurd at all if you were to participate in Canadian elections. In fact, it would be your duty, as a citizen to do so, even if you felt obliged to abstain by spoiling your ballot due to voluntary or involuntary ignorance. Just as every Estonian citizen living in Canada has a duty and right to participate in the Estonian/European democratic process.
Nor does ignorance of the issues mean that you forfeit your right to vote. How many Canadian residents are truly aware of the facts when they enter the polling station? But no one is suggesting that we strip them of their democratic rights. If I'm not mistaken, you're suggesting that they should. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: More excuses . . . . (18:26), Haskell not Haskel (22:49), Wally (07:40)
Ülo26 May 2009 10:05
As a matter of fact I am Canadian citizen. However, given the fact that I do not live in Canada I would leave the decisions directly affecting people leaving in their country to them. Peace, but if you are not living in Estonia and neither are you able to express yourself in Estonian - leave it up to us to decide on our future.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04), Ülo (03:00), Ülo (07:31), Ülo (09:09)
Ward26 May 2009 10:32
So it does have something to do with language skills (I'm trying to keep track of the flip-flopping)? By extension of your argument, you would then be suggesting that the majority of Estonian seniors living in Canada should barred from voting because their English is poor. Is this not so?

What about Estonian migrant workers - they should also be excluded? What about those Canadian-Estonians who own property or businesses in Estonia? I suppose they should also be summarily excluded?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: The Beaver (07:13)
Ülo26 May 2009 10:55
Please, if you cango through my comments again.

Language skills are not important.

Living in Canada I would vote in Canadian elections... living in Estonia I vote in Estonia...

I believe Estonian migrants have more to say in the future of Estonia than Canadian Estonians.. Sorry...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04), Ülo (03:00), Ülo (07:31), Ülo (09:09), Ülo (10:05), Ülo (10:13)
.26 May 2009 11:27
It's got Maxim written all over it, and don't try to tell me otherwise. Maxim, give up once and for all!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: . (09:33)
Ülo26 May 2009 03:00
Mine maga ennast esmalt kaineks, Ja parem on kui Sa ei hääleta, mikspärast peaks meie tuleviku üle otsustama Kanada joodik.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ülo (01:04)
The Beaver26 May 2009 07:13
Is it so unreasonable to want to participate in the democratic process? We're talking about time and place of voting. Most western democracies have election legislation in place that requires the state and its agents to inform voters where and when they can vote. Clearly, someone has dropped the ball here, on this side of the pond.
By your tone and attitude, I would surmise that you have something to hide. With a temper like that, I'd hate to be living in the same home as you.
Kanada eestlane25 May 2009 20:49
if you visit this site regularily you would have had weeks of notice that this is happening. PLEASE>>>. The responsibility is YOURS to inform yourself...or better yet... Please volunteer your assistance at the consulate to convey the message!!!
Haskell not Haskel25 May 2009 22:49
There is/was very little information on this site about the EuroParl election - through no fault of the paper/website itself. The responsible organization should -at the very least- be able to communicate a time and place for voting at least 1-2 weeks before the vote to registered citizens of Estonia living in Canada. A few hours before the polls open is absurd at best, suspicious at worst.

In response to the second post, if the newspaper is unable to find any financial support other than handouts, then perhaps it is time to reconsider its operations. I, along with the majority of Estonians living in Canada would be subscribers if the content had some sort of appeal. Furthermore, this website certainly does not need a mountain of cash in order to be maintained as most of the material is coming from either a) free sources or b) links to other websites (many of which are fringe anyway).
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: More excuses . . . . (18:26)
Ülo26 May 2009 01:04
Leht pole kommenteerijale nähtavasti meele järgi ja seda ta ei telli ka (no appeal), aga see ei sega teda lehele etteheiteid tegemast ega nõudmisi esitamast. Pesuehtne egoism. Meie loeme Eestist suurima huviga Teie võrgulehte. Te peaksite ka siinsetes raamatukogudes nägema, kui palju Eesti Elu paberväljaannet loetakse. Appeal missugune!
Fed Up.25 May 2009 16:33
Thank you for letting us know a few hours before the polls open up.
No information. No notice. No effort. Surly someone is responsible for informing citizens here in Canada about the election and where they could have found information on the choices? Or am I out to lunch and there really is no gov't service or community group who should be doing this?
maxim nr. 225 May 2009 17:29
Lugege paberlehte, samuti on selle kohta olnud kuulutus ja see on olnud ka sündmuste kalendris sees. Mida siis veel läheb tarvis??
More excuses . . . .25 May 2009 18:26
Some of us live in the 21st century.
For the majority of us, who do not subscribe to the paper version, this is the first information that has emerged so far - some 16 -or so- hours before the polls open.
Martti25 May 2009 21:42
Ja kuidas teie, 21. sajandi elanikud saaksite võrgulehte lugeda, kui paberlehte poleks? Selle tellijad katavad ju teatavasti võrgulehe ülalpidamisega seotud kulud.
Anonymous26 May 2009 02:43
Maybe if you have no idea what's currently going on in Eesti or the EU you shouldn't be voting anyway?
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