Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
harriet01 May 2007 15:35
The looters are not hooligans, but alienated, frustrated Russian youth. They need psychological counselling, swimming pools, hockey rinks and basketball courts to take their minds of evil.
tamm30 Apr 2007 15:12
olete väga vägivaldne,Isamaaliit Trivimi Velliste on tema asutaja ja see mees varastas minu pere Ameerika päranduse,mille väärtus on 1 miljäärt ja 800 miljonit eesti krooni,ma ei arva,kui teie rahad varastatakse,et teie sellega nõu olete,nii ka mina,see sama mees ei tagasta mulle minu päranduse ja kõige sigasem on,et Ansip,Lang,Rask Norman Aas ka on mind siiamaani mõnitanud ja ei tagasta,seega loodan,et venelased aitavad mind,sest need venelased ei ole need Nõukogu aegsed, kes aitasid küüditajaid eestlasi siiberisse viia,need on teised ja ma loodan,et on vihased eestlaste küüditajate peale,et need sokutavad oma veretöö venna maha laskmisega venelaste kaela sokutada,nii et,ei saa kuidagi sellise võltvalitsusega lepida,see suur röövel ja peab kaduma
tamm30 Apr 2007 00:27
ma ei ole teiega nõus,olen vägavana ja selle aja just elanud,arvan,et eestlased on ise süüdi ja peavad ka selle eest ise vastutama,mitte venelaste kae´la ajama selle 1940.a 1949.a tapatalgud,minu isa tapeti oma venna poolt ja venna rahad võeti välja venna laste poolt ja siiamaani raiskavad meie pere rahad ja Eestivalitsus ei tee sellest väljagi,kuid peaksid kohtupoolt vargad vangi panema ja meie pere rahad tagastada,kus siin korda näha on ja õigust ka,Valitsus on mäda ja kuritegelik,sellest see viga on,kohutav viga
eestlane30 Apr 2007 03:26
Praegusel valitsusel ei ole väga vigagi. Ja politsei töötab hästi. Minu arust on Ansipi valitsus üks tugevaim- ainult Savisaare järgijad püüavad riigi hukatusse ajada.

Kõik normaalsed eestlased on valinud siis, kas Reformierakonna või Isamaliidu.
Keskerakonna on valinud põhiliselt need, kes tahavad korruptsiooni ning kakskeelsust. Üldiselt moodustab neid ainult 1/3. 2/3 on valinud koalitsiooni.
R.P.29 Apr 2007 23:26
sorry, previous comment was error,
this address is correct:
Vodka29 Apr 2007 23:51
I agree with Maxim. It's a shame that the Russians are discriminated against and are not given enough vodka. They have to enter the stores through sharp broken windows, which endangers them. They could get cut up badly.
Maxim.30 Apr 2007 02:11
These are the sort of stupid comments that get Estonians in Estonia into a lot of trouble. When it's time to say something constructive, many of the irresponsible kind come out with insensitive diatribe against Russians. Yet we too live in a multicultural society like you do in Canada. The trouble is that your general well-being forgives your sins, but Estonia is still in a very fragile condition, and just got a hell of a lot worse! Kicking people down who don't deserve it just shows what lowdown types visit this site to give Estonians a bad name!
r.p.29 Apr 2007 23:17
may 9th will be very funny:
eestlane29 Apr 2007 13:23
Ikkagi oli õige Pronksmees kõrvaldada. Seda tänu suurtele massikogunemistele.
Keset Tallinna linna ei ole vaja mingisugust venelaste kamaruškat ning samuti eestlaste miitinguid.

Kõige õigem lahendus: teisaldamine teise kohta.
Kesklinn ei ole tiblade koht.
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 13:46
Eesti suursaadik NATO juures on ainus inimene kes hindab Eestis toimuvat objektiivselt. Teised liialdavad ja räägivad ainult eestlaste seisukohast, minnes mööda venelaste probleemidest. Harri Tiido on mu hiiro!
Anonymous29 Apr 2007 14:05
Loe ka Tiido artikkelt:
Anonymous29 Apr 2007 19:56
Maxim, just shut the heck up! We're sick of reading your BS here!
We all would just wish you'd go live in your beloved mother Russia and leave our homeland to Estonians and those who love her!
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 23:54
I don't know that I should have anything to apologize for, as more and more commentary is coming forward in various tabloids that is similar to the opionions I have shared at this site. There is no question that the entire fiasco is too problematic to solve overnight, but one thing is for sure; years of hard work and Estonia's image has just flown out the window for a very long time!! Now it's time for us all to participate in constructive criticism, not shooting off at the mouth like my critics tend to do with me.
eestlane tallinnas29 Apr 2007 08:30
Maxim should be congratulated. He just made browinie points with Moscow and the Soviet embassy. Estonian discrimination, racial hatred is the official spin from Russia. Having stayed in Estonia for extended periods of time, I don't see any more ethnic intolerance from Estonians than I do see amongst different groupings in Amersterdam, New York or Birminham. Harmonious relations is practically impossible to achieve anywhere especially in Estonia where the hatemongering propaganda machine in Moscow knows exactly which buttons to press. They've pressed Maxim's. He might not even realize it. When the Estonian government time and again says that when sucker punched, as the drunks breaking into stores have done, don't react impulsively. Maxim gives drunken punks a seemingly legitimate reason to loot and vandalize.
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 08:38
Wrong, my friend. It's you that's collection brownie points for your black armband politics! Why the hatred towards me? If you didn't have any hangups about the issues discussed here, you wouldn't be responding in the tone of voice you do. Obviously another kodueestlane on the prowl who would tear the insides out of anyone that doesn't fit your lowdown attitude. I fear for all the people you genuinely hate, and for whom you display the utmost contempt.
eestlane29 Apr 2007 09:57
Venelased käitusid Tallinnas nagu mingid poolterroristid: tallusid ja proovisid eesti lippu põlema panna, lõhkusid kauplusi ja kioskid. Isegi kallites rõivakauplustes käidi sees- ning kõige hullem- ka vene plikad käisid sees.
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 10:57
Kõik on õige mis puutub nendesse inimestesse kes selliselt käitusid. Aga teiste venelaste puhul? Mida teha et nende eneseväärikust kaitsta eestlaste rünnakute eest, või see ei vääri kaitsmist? Mina igastahes näen palju venelasi kellele pole mingit empaatiat, sest et eestlane on nii maru vihane nende peal et teist emotsiooni ei mahu vahele. Kas nii on õige??
eestlane29 Apr 2007 11:49
Milline on venelase enesemäärang üldse?

Tembeldada eestlasi fašistideks, ilma et uuriksid eesti ajalugu täpsemalt.

Venelased asutavad mingit ebamäärast Stalini ja Lenini ideloogiat, mis viis ükteise tapmiseni. Kommunistlik süsteem oli täiesti inimkõlbmatu. Venelased pole veel suutnud enda riiki üles ehitada ja austavad mingit nkvd jäänused..
Fašism- ma tean täpselt sama palju kui õudne see oli. Hitler tappis otseselt oma rahvast ning samuti juute.

Eestlased olid kahe tule vahel. Kannatasid sakslaste tegusid ja venelaste tegusid.

Venelane peaks oma kommunismikõntsa endalt maha pühkima. Aitab sitast.

Arvestage sellega, et kui te nüüd uuesti tahate kommunismi seal venemaal üles ehitada, siis hakkate te üksteisi võimu nimel tapma. Sest teie mässamine alati kaotab kontrolli.
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 12:41
Ärge kalduge jälle üldistama palun! Eestlastel ei meeldi endid üldistada, sest et nad on nii suured individualistid, aga see ei tohiks olla ettekäändeks et kõik teised rahvad on nii erinevad eestlastest. Paljud venelased on õppinud eestlaste moodi elama, kuid nad teevad seda omaselt ja vaiksel kombel, aga samas kui eestlastel on vaja süüdlast leida asjaolus, siis jutt suuresti kandub ka nende inimestele kes on ise head kodanikud. See kalduvus on tugevasti tunda viimases kommentaaris. Et venelased seda ja teist ja kolmandat. Eestlased võiksid enda suhtes olla palju kriitilisemad kui et vaid pidevalt endid õigustada, nagu ka eelmises kommentaaris on jällegi mõista. See ei vii kuhugi.
Toivo Rotveil29 Apr 2007 12:47
Eestlasi oli protsendiliselt üsna suur arv võrreldes venelastega, kuigi loomulikult mitte nii suurel arvul. Siiski, eestlased olid pätitegudes ja varastamistes sama aktiivsed kui venelased!
Sherlock29 Apr 2007 07:35
I haven't read in any other paper or heard that there have been rapes !! The title of this article is misleading . If you follow the link in the article you will find that a word was left out in the title. I
believe that the title should read "RUSSIAN SPEAKING MARODEURS RAPE TALLINN " .
I would not want EE to be accused of publishing false info.
no need for words29 Apr 2007 03:56
the pictures say it all
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 06:49
It's important to realize the overall context of the problem. What these Russian youths did is wrong, however Estonians have fallen short of understanding the problems of Russian youth in Estonia, and as a result many took advantage of the moment to spill their anger at the first opportunity. I think this will make the Estonian Parliament begin to look much more seriously at the underlying problems concerning Russian youth in Estonia, and it won't be a day too late! Sure, condemn the hooliganism, but overlooking the deeper problems merely pushes them further downward only to suface again at some point in the future. There is definite discrimination against Russians in Estonia, and as an Estonian I deplore this kind of attitude.
eestlane29 Apr 2007 06:58
Maxim, could you please specify what kind of discrimination there is against Russians in Estonia?
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 07:27
Obviously you don't live in Estonia, otherwise you wouldn't ask such a naive question. Yesterday and today I have made a special effort to be hospitable to Estonian-speaking Russians in the service industry, and it seems obvious to me that many of them are plain afraid for their existence. It is just foolhardy to talk cheap about Russians who are obviously trying to blend into the fabric of Estonian life, but whom Estonians still persist in resisting any sort of inclusive behaviour towards even those Russians who are trying at integrating. (The DELFI commentary section is an ample sample of the abounding hatred). Well if that's their attitude, then it doesn't surprise me that criticizm is forthcoming from both the east and the west. We are our own worst enemy!
Eesti elanik29 Apr 2007 08:00
Obviously You don't live in Estonia either, otherwise You would know that Estonians do not hate Russians, but soviets and kommies, who are referred to as tiblad. Tibla is not necessary a Russian either, there are Estonian tiblad as well (unfortunately). Any Russian who lives in Eesti and speaks the language and respects Eesti, is not hated and has no reason to fear anything, it was already like that during soviet occupation. But the ones that spew hatred and participated in recent events, are definitely hated and should be afraid, or better yet, should go home then, if Eesti is such a horrible place for them.
On a last note, You Maxim behave like a tibla yourself (even Your name is commonly known as Russian). People here ask You to leave, but You still bombard us with Your "wisdom" that nobody wants to hear. Yep, just like a tibla, prussakas, tuleb majja ja ei saa kuradist lahti.
Maxim.29 Apr 2007 08:14
I leave your tone and attitude towards me as an example of the sort of hatred that goes on day in day out in Estonia. You do live in Estonia, because your attitude reflects the same attitutde that pervades Estonian life in all its forms. Congratulations-you fit the bill perfectly!
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