Laas Leivat: Russians may be suffering losses on the battlefield, but the West just handed them an easy PsyOps victory
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
,,,07 Oct 2023 22:19

I am not now nor have I ever been a supporter of Russia, CCCP Putin et al regardless of what those who are against my posts.


Why does Hr. Leivat suggests that it is the “WEST” and not Canada that is responsible for this international PR problem.

To refresh our memory, Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland's maternal grandfather Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator, she knew about it nearly THIRTY... yes 30 years ago.

Such an important fact should be classified as an obvious conscious act of omission to (and by) the Liberal Party and the current PM.

Just how gullible does the Liberal Party take the Canadian population to be?

Just a reminder PM Trudeau called Canadians who do not support or disagree with his edicts as "Nazis".

Shouldn't the same be asked of the supporters of the Grits such as Härrad Leivat & Kolga?

In 1996, Freeland’s uncle and Chomiak’s son-in-law, University of Alberta Holocaust historian John-Paul Himka, wrote a paper in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies on Krakivski Visti in the context of Ukrainian-Jewish relations. In the first footnote of the piece, Himka thanks none other than Chrystia Freeland—who prior to her political career worked as a journalist at the Globe and Mail, the Financial Times, and Reuters—for her editorial assistance.

Asked about her role in editing her uncle’s paper, Freeland’s office finally acknowledged—without elaboration or any explanation of her previous obfuscation—“her uncle’s efforts to study and publish on this difficult chapter in her late grandfather’s past.”

“The basic facts about Michael Chomiak’s activities during the Second World War are now well known. A Ukrainian nationalist living in what was soon to become part of the Soviet Union, Chomiak and his wife fled into the German-controlled part of Poland after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact was signed.

He (Chomiak) then edited a Ukrainian language newspaper published under the aegis of the Nazis — first in Krakow and later in Vienna, before landing in Germany at war’s end.”

Were is the concern about the vetting process by EKL or CEEC when they ask their respective communities to support "their" political candidates?
Vlad08 Oct 2023 08:29
Who cares? Grow up. FYI the Kremlin thanks you dearly for doing their job for them. You putin worshipping stooge.
On point08 Oct 2023 13:27
The point on Freeland, not disclosing, or disclosing and being told by the Liberal Party not to worry as they have media blockage to limit coverage, is valid and should be open for investigation.
To ‘on point’08 Oct 2023 16:32
Honestly..who gives a s—-t? Quite certain your grandfather also has ties to similar elements. Do you see us pullimg you through the mud? No. Because you had nothing to do with it!!
Normal folk08 Oct 2023 08:24
Your incessant whining is irritating. Get over it already and move on.
to: On point08 Oct 2023 15:47
Arvasin, et just seda olin vihjanud?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ,,, (22:19)
to: Vlad & To ‘on point’13 Oct 2023 10:06
My father was interned in Germany after the war in an Allied POW camp as he was in the Estonian Army.

You may have misunderstood my posts. I intended to show that there is a link between Michael Chomiak's past and his granddaughter Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland's prior knowledge of this.

The Deputy PM edited a scholarly article for John-Paul Himka (Freeland's Ema vend). Professor Himka acknowledged her participation when he published the article (1996) and named the Deputy PM (tema õe tütar). To me, a claim of disinformation could be interpreted as somewhat disingenuous.
Aasa08 Oct 2023 17:22
As far as I know, a number of our parents likely had affiliations with the Waffen SS. They weren't killing or hurting Jewish people. They were trying to save their own Estonian people from being annihilated by the Communists. When they were there, in the mid-1940s, they were between a rock and a hard place. They were being overrun by both the Germans and the Russians. There was no easy option to escape and save your life or those of others in your family. I am disgusted about what happened during Zelenskyy's visit here in Canada. I am sad that our country backtracked on honouring the Ukranian vet who they honoured "by mistake". Much ado has been made about his association with the Nazis, but nothing has been said about the BIG mistake Canada and some other countries made by being allied with the Russians at the time, who also committed horrific crimes and killed as much, if not more people! I have no patience for this nonsense after I found out that my father was kept as a prisoner of war after the war supposedly ended in what is now the Czech Republic by their Russian allies. This is a very complicated situation and our government seems to be looking at it through a very simplistic lens!
to: Aasa11 Oct 2023 13:27
After the war, my father was sent to a POW camp in Germany under the Allies as he was in the Estonian Army. Although he was not in the Waffen SS, he knew a few soldiers who were deported during the 1970s and 1980s to stand trial for war crimes.

However, this issue nor the Ukrainian Waffen SS soldier mentioned in the associated opinion piece (regardless that the writer insinuated it as "propaganda and disinformation") is NOT what I was writing about NOR were the links that I posted!

If you review the links to the articles you will see that they are related to the grandfather of Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland cooperated with Hitler's Nazi Germany.

The objectives of my posts have always meant to unveil her grandfather Michael Chomiak's involvement during WW2, and how the Deputy PM has replied to this as Russian disinformation. To me, this is simply obfuscation.

Unfortunately (or conveniently) Mrs. Freeland has forgotten that she helped edit a scholarly article in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies in 1996 that revealed her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was a Nazi propagandist for Krakivski Visti (Krakow News). This article was written by John-Paul Himka (maternal side uncle) a professor at the University of Alberta.

Given the vetting that Canadian voters assume is occurring within and by the political parties, we have hoped that this process is extremely thorough. Unfortunately, the Liberals have claimed too many times that it wasn't their fault when it comes to vetting people around the current PM.

The recent faux pas was credited as the fault of the House of Commons speaker who was forced to resign. Anthony Rota graduated with a BA from Wilfred Laurier in Political Science and didn't realize that "the Allies" included Russia. I guess with the state of the Ontario education system, this is not surprising.

These articles were found in a short period, why has the Liberal chosen to obfuscate?

This also makes me ask, what did Justin Trudeau, the Liberal Party, and their "devout" supporters know about Chrystia Freeland, when did they know it and why have "they" claimed disinformation when her uncle (Ema vend) had credited the now Deputy PM for editing an easily found article.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ,,, (22:19), to: On point (15:47)
bill12 Oct 2023 11:49
...19 Oct 2023 07:22
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone...
...20 Oct 2023 14:32
"NewsGuard's founders cautioned that its "Nutrition Label" should not be treated as an endorsement"

The New York Times and The Washington Post both received 100 percent ratings from NewsGuard, yet both botched reporting on the Russia-collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation along with 51 ex-leaders of American intelligence agencies, and many details surrounding Covid — and those are merely the “big” stories and easy examples.

Since the “Twitter Files” and congressional hearings outed NewsGuard as a player in the Censorship Complex, the media-ratings giant has been insisting it is nothing like the Global Disinformation Index, the discredited organization recently exposed for blacklisting conservative news outlets. But the two are far more alike than different. why is the writer of this article so intent on constantly bashing conservative commentators and their news organizations as disinformation with a discredited "news rating" organization on such a regular basis?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ... (07:22)
...23 Oct 2023 11:42
Is the following article the real reason why there isn't a response about the Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland's obfuscation about her knowing about her grandfather's role during WWII?

"But perhaps more interesting is what Trudeau and his staff are reportedly telling members of parliament in private. They are to stay "tight-lipped" in hopes that the scandal and international media coverage will just 'go away'. According to Canada's national broadcaster CBC.

Liberal caucus sources have told CBC News that Trudeau told MPs Wednesday they should avoid speaking to the press about Hunka's invitation and the subsequent fallout, and that the media frenzy would die down if they stayed tight-lipped."

How can PM Trudeau claim NOT to have known about Freeland's family "secret"? The stories I've disclosed in this & other posts were effortless to find.

Why didn't Trudeau, the Liberals, or even Chrystia Freeland herself openly disclose her background story? Isn't the coverup/obfuscation and who is involved always worse than the actual event?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: ... (07:22), ... (14:32)
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