Estonia in the European Union
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Peter05 Sep 2009 11:27
This opinion is just EU propaganda. Estonia joining the EU was a huge mistake.
Toomas Merilo05 Sep 2009 18:25
Peter... You wrote: [i]“Estonia joining the EU was a huge mistake.”[i]

Aside from the fact that the depth of your analysis is breathtaking, is the fact that Putin also wishes that Estonia were unaligned. Had it been so in the spring of 2007, the crack paratroopers of the 76th Airborne Division in Pskov would have descended on Tallinn in the middle of the Pronksöö riots. Much as they did on Georgia in August of 2008.

Yes, Peter, I am [i]not the least bit surprised[i] that you feel Estonia joining the EU and NATO was a huge mistake.
Peter05 Sep 2009 20:40
As a true Estonian nationalist, I feel that those who have sold Estonia's independence to the EU are just as bad as those who favour re-joining Estonia with Russia.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Peter (11:27)
Blöhh06 Sep 2009 06:58
Hah-this comment from the man who said in 2007 that Estonia's economic miracle is something to showcase as a spectacle for the world to see. Now even Merilo is at a loss to describe the pitiful state of the Estonian economy, Neither can he comprehend that all the financial assistance from the EU rolling Estonia's way is about to stop completely, when Turkey is accepted into the EU, and a significant percentage of financial assistance that previously went to Estonia and other struggling nations will now be redirected to Turkey-in 2013. Of course, he also won't admit that things have hardly improved on the Russian front, or that Estonia's sense of security in seeing Russia as a threat to her sovereignty has etched much closer to the zero toleerance level she hoped for and held out with naive joy in 2004. In fact, there is more pessimism towards Russia and her geopolitical plans than before 2004, because most people can see that NATO is really a toothless tiger, who will not commit to fighting political and military corruption either in Georgia or the Ukraine or anywhere else where trouble rears its ugly head. To take comfort from Merilo's incredible naivety is to throw all political caution to the wind!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Blöhh (11:46), Blöhh (11:49)
Toomas Merilo06 Sep 2009 23:18
How humiliating it is to be confronted by such a searing intellect as Blöhh. And as for his political sophistication?! Why it is simply [i]something to die for![i]

Here we have a Maxim-clone; someone who thinks he knows what others think, without a word ever having been spoken or written; for instance he writes “Now even Merilo is at a loss to describe… Neither can he comprehend…”

Wow! A new Rasputin!! The amazing Kreskin, no less! A mentalist’s mentalist!

Actually, considering how incoherent, inane, and rambling Blöhh’s commentary is and how closely it verges on the incomprehensible, I submit that can be none other than our old friend Maxim. Yes! Let’s “throw all political caution to the wind!” [i]It is Maxim![i]
Eestist07 Sep 2009 07:10
See ei saa olla Maximiks nimetatu, kes elavat Eestis.Iga inimene Eestis teab, et K.Ojuland on lahutatud. Iga tädi Maali teab ka kes on K.Ojulandi elukaaslane Raimo Kägu. Eestis muidugi ei lähe inimestele korda kes on ms või mrs aga ma siiski oletan et lahutatud naine on mrs?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Eestist (06:48)
Peter07 Sep 2009 07:27
The European Union has, in a few short years, destroyed all the hard work of half a century and turned Estonia into a province again with no control over its borders and unable to pass laws that would secure the future of the Estonian people.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Peter (11:27), Peter (20:40)
Blöhh05 Sep 2009 11:46
There is one serious flaw with this article-Kristiina Ojuland has never been married. She's a ms, not a mrs. Also, before joining the EU, Estonia has never shown an interest in the Middle East. Since becoming a member state, Estonia has "donated" 19 EEK-s to the "Palestinian cause" in 2006, and in 2009 Estonia has decided to show an interest and lend support to Syria.
Blöhh05 Sep 2009 11:49
That sum is 19 miljon EEK-s. Not bad considering Estonia is struggling staying in the black, and that she has never had anything to do with Palestine before. Siim-did you have something to do with this???
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Blöhh (11:46)
Eestist07 Sep 2009 06:48
*06 Sep 2009 14:10
it is very hard being one of the smaller, younger people in the schoolyard where there is no teacher patrolling
so you get beaten up badly by one bully, and decide to make an alliance with others, no matter what the costs
you acquiesce on personal decision making and now all of your decisions are made made for you ... can you break this cycle
Arno07 Sep 2009 13:09
The "hard work of half of century" Mr.Peter refers to - most probably he talks about 50 years of the Soviet occupation we had in Estonia.
Is Peter or Pjotr on the payroll of some 3-letter secret service...?!..The Soviet-style totalitarian "comment-generators" seem to be an integrate part of the modern cyber warfare.
I watch from time to time Russian TV. It is a pity to see the intensity at what the nice Russian people are subject to chauvinist poisoning. It is even worse than propaganda was during Soviet era.
Blöhh07 Sep 2009 13:48
A lot of people who thought that the white ship had sailed into the harbor with the coming of the EU now think differently. Not all is as is should be. Kallas did a good job of scaremongering everyone into believing that if Estonia doesn't vote for the EU, then the big Russian bear would walk right in and take things over. Much the same talk has been forthcoming from Siim Kallas' faithful disciple Toomas Merilo, who admits that the EU is the best thing for Estonia since sliced bread. That he doesn't live in Estonia and have the faintest idea of what's happening here never seems to enter this poor man's brain. Russia will soon gain free admission to most of the EU by way of the EU loosening restriction of movement of Russian citizens in EU countries. Kallas and Merilo naturally don't admit to the huge flaw in their thinking about this question, and they valiantly march on towards even greater threats posed to Estonia maintaining her identity in the face of an influx of immigrants with working visas that will make the 1980's version of Muuga harbor Russian overkill look like knights in white armour.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Blöhh (11:46), Blöhh (11:49), Blöhh (06:58)
Peter07 Sep 2009 22:21
I referred to the 50 years of hard work here in the free world by Estonian patriots who dreamed that someday Estonia would be a free and independent country again.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Peter (11:27), Peter (20:40), Peter (07:27)
To Blöhh08 Sep 2009 14:14
So you live in Estonia and know everything? How you don´t know that Kristina Ojuland is devorced?
So when EU opens free movement to Russians? How soon? You have no clue really. You dont know anything about estonian immigration law too. Working visas. Numbers to studio please.
I live in Estonia and think EU and NATO are good things and free movement great too. I
think Blöhh cant move from hes house not even to R Kiosk to buy Kroonika! to read about kristina Ojuland and her gentleman friends:)
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