Peaminister Taavi Rõivase avalik loeng Stanfordi Ülikooli Raamatukogus EST ENG
Eestlased USAs | 17 Nov 2014  | EWR OnlineEWR
Selle aasta detsembris väisab Eesti Vabariigi peaminister Taavi Rõivas Silicon Valley’t. Visiidi raames külastab peaminister Stanfordi Ülikooli, kus ta esineb 8. detsembri keskpäeval avaliku ettekandega “Leveraging technology in turbulent times: How to ensure security and economic growth in an unpredictable global environment”. Ettekanne keskendub Eestit ja kogu Euroopat puudutavale rahvusvahelisele olukorrale ning sellele, kuidas Eesti on tehnoloogilisi lahendusi kasutades üha komplekssema majandusliku ja geopoliitilise raamistiku katsumustega rinda pistnud.
Alljärgnevalt on ära toodud ettekande ingliskeelne lühikokkuvõte:

Governments around the world are searching for new ways to cope with multiple evolving challenges. The international security order is changing, impacted by recent events in Ukraine, the rise of ISIS, the Ebola epidemic, and other crises. Economies around the globe are struggling with sluggish growth and an uneven recovery following the 2008 financial crisis.
Meanwhile, a digital society is emerging and public expectations related to its transparency in the public sector are growing. Based on Estonia’s firsthand experience, it can perhaps offer innovative ideas and insights into addressing such challenges. Estonians have learned how to maintain the security and defense of a country with 1.3 million people living on a thin, flat strip of land in a (once again) turbulent neighborhood. Estonians have also learned how to sustain economic growth and public finance in a small, open economy.
The Estonian government has tried to make the most of its digital advances and now offers digital services to anyone in the world through its new e-residency initiative. Estonia’s lessons provide food for thought as it grapples with how to remain an innovative country in an unpredictable global environment.

Ettekande toimumisaeg ja –koht: 8. detsember kell 12-13; Green Library (557 Escondido Mall, Stanford)
Registreerumine: üritus on avatud kõigile, registreerumiseks saada enne 1. detsembrit e-kiri Liisi Esse’le või helista +1 (650) 847-9115. NB! Kohtade arv on piiratud!
Üritust toetavad Stanfordi Ülikooli Raamatukogud ning Enterprise Estonia Silicon Valley.

Eestlased USAs