Mart Helme: Üheksandast maist – emotsionaalselt ja irooniliselt DELFI (5)
Arvamus | 09 May 2012  | EWR OnlineEWR
Mart Helme, suursaadik

Nõukogude Liidu kokkuvarisemisega seotud sündmused ei tähenda impeeriumimeelsele mitte midagi muud kui „vabastatud“ rahvaste tänamatust.

Tallinna abilinnapea Mihhail Kõlvart on öelnud, et sõna okupatsioon solvab siinseid venelasi. Jättes kõrvale selle, et ka Mihhail Kõlvart ise ei saaks tõenäoliselt olla Tallinna aselinnapeaks, kui me poleks pidanud viiskümmend aastat elama okupatsiooni ja sellega kaasnenud idapoolse massimmigratsiooni tingimustes, tahan ma öelda, et mind isiklikult solvab, et venelased ikka veel ei tunnista Balti riikide okupeerimist ega näita üles vähimatki soovi siin tehtu eest vabandust paluda....

Artikkel täismahus DELFI:

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Vastus Ennule10 May 2012 17:34
Obamal pole aega väikese Eesti asjadega tegeleda, tal on kasulikum mitte ärritada Putinit, ja väike Eesti ei jaksa nii palju propagandat teha kui vaja.
Enn09 May 2012 10:48
Miks pole ma kuulnud USA president Obama isilkikku arvamust sel teemal? Kas siin on tegemist Eesti poolse vastupropaganda puudumisega?
Jüri Böhm09 May 2012 10:15
The Russian soldier has never “freed” anyone!
Everywhere where the Russian soldier’s boot has ever tread it has brought with it only terror, brutality, and the murdering of women, children, and the aged.
Public Appeal for the 9th of May
In anticipation of the yearly commemoration of the end of World War II, the propaganda from Russia’s misinformation trumpets and from those of the Russian occupants in the Baltics has intensified.
The Red Army is once again being raised on high, as are the “Great Russian People” who, according to the Kremlin, have “freed Europe” and have “brought happiness and prosperity” to our doorstep.
The Kremlin demands thankfulness and subservient glorification from those countries and peoples whom the Kremlin has purportedly “freed”.
The Kremlin waves a menacing finger at its’ neighbors and threatens them with uprisings by local Russians should its’ neighboring lands not succumb to Moscow’s dictat.
The Kremlin’s threats and actions have aggressively intensified in tone with every year.
Aside from the Russian egoism that has existed well before the Communist Revolution in Russia, the myth of the “Red Soldier as Liberator” is exalted (by the Kremlin) as an ideological goal.
Europe’s nations are bombarded with the Kremlin’s propaganda tactics which seek to exploit the European right of law and to deceive those peoples which have never had the “joy” of experiencing the “freedoms” which the Red Army “liberators” brought.
This deceitful and atrocious myth of “liberator” must unanimously be condemned in conjunction with the general condemnation of the atrocities of Communism.
The Red Army is and remains the East European’s murderer!

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