Laar and the dilemma of monetarism
Arvamus | 03 Aug 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
Abdul Turay, Baltic Reports
A lot of people who don’t know much about Estonia have strong opinions about Mart Laar. A countryman of mine who I am sure has never heard of Kalevipoeg, A.H. Tammsaare or Tõnis Mägi called him: “one of the greatest men alive.”

An anonymous poster on the Laar’s own blog recently called him: “a right wing pig!” The poster went on to blame Laar for the economic crisis not just in Estonia, but in the whole world.

In a way it’s a backhanded compliment. It is hard to imagine this type of expletive being hurled at Savisaar or Ansip by people living abroad. They are local figures. Laar is global, a world-class statesman.

When I was the editor of Baltic Times, I would receive contributions from him. I was truly in awe of him. His opinion pieces were always well-written, in excellent English, concise and well-argued. His breadth of knowledge was phenomenal.

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