Airwaves wobbly
Arvamus | 06 Jul 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
Edward Lucas, Eastern Approaches (

Fans of weirdly constructed propaganda have long enjoyed watching the programmes of Russia Today, a well-financed television channel that seeks to redress what its backers see as the anti-Russian bias of the mainstream English-language media. Some the stuff is interesting and unobjectionable, such as this photo essay about an underground river in Moscow. Some of its more hard-edged, such as this report lambasting the European Court of Human Rights for upholding Latvia's side in a case involving a wartime Soviet fighter who has been convicted for war crimes. Sometimes the programming is ludicrously bad, such as this discussion in which Douglas Murray, a British commentator, tries in vain to explain to a comically combative presenter that the 9/11 attackers were in fact Islamist terrorists.

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