Seedrioru valmistub Suviharjaks
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
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Anonymous04 Jun 2007 08:42
The Seedrioru web page may need updating,( however the map and directions have not changed).but that is an entirely different issue.....
To insult 800 + people as being losers and drunks is offensive and a comment that deserves an apology..
There are always a few (often even uninvited locals) that do not even know that they are affecting the future of a great event because of their personal lack of disapline.
Surely you must rise above that and focus on the positive, mix with the great people of all ages, enjoy the wonderful scenery, beach volleyball and food and listen to some truly great musical talent that will be there.
Grow up anonymous.. and volunteer to be on security duty insead of complaining!!!
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 10:35
With a poorer than poor attitude like the one here, it's not at all surprising that Seedrioru is already off to a bad start! Wake up and smell the coffee-this is a chance to make up for lost ground guys. There are a lot of people who generally have left the Estonian community and don't want another thing to do with it. This is the perfect chance to up the sales pitch and get people back on side. Get rid of the alchohol, and get some good lectureres in who will talk the intellectual talk the way it should be. If you want me to come along, and you ask real nice now, then I might just consider giving up a week for your benefit. Otherwise try getting serious for a change!
Anna04 Jun 2007 10:47
Oh Puhleeeease Maxim!!
Your opinion of yourself just keeps growing and growing. Nagu paha hais!!
If we want to hear lectures, we'll go to the appropriate venu, probably Tartu College, but Seedrioru is all about a good time to be had by all, with a bit of solomness in the beginning with the "vabadusvõitluses langenute mälestus".
The folks at Seedrioru have done a fantastic job in the past few years and interest has grown, not wained.
It is obvious, Maxim, that once again, you know not of which you speak!
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 12:26
Get me Jack on the hotline please-I want to know if what you say is all true. OK-a little swim in the pond I take no objection to, but getting the lowdown about Estonia is the best thing of all, don't you think? Or have priorities at Seedrioru changed that much that Estonian interests count for almost nothing??
I'm wondering...04 Jun 2007 13:20
...if Maxim isn't just pulling our leg a little. Surely, he must know by now that his goading and baiting is offensive and repulsive. If not, then he's completely mad.
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 14:47
You're all such a conservative lot that even a little humour goes astray with most of you. Just shows that it's a case of extremes-either people know or care almost nothing about intellectual depth, or they refuse to lighten up when given the chance. Jack, it's over to you. Take this lot and perform a miracle this summer, so that Seedrioru will become like Canadian Estonians' version of the great Woodstock festival-getting the lowdown on replenishable "talupoja ja orjalaste" highs. Mixing in a strong antidote to the sorry, don't ask-me; I know-nothing-about-Estonia routine.
been there - will be again04 Jun 2007 15:18
Maxim, If you showed up at Seedrioru, you would see a great mix of Estos, young and older. I wouldn't hesitate to say that of all the Estos there (their Estophile guests not included), the vast majority of them have gone through Esto school, either here, in the US or in Eesti. They are there because they belong to our community and they choose to celebrate being Estonian in Canada. I bet if you asked any of them on the hill, they could answer you about who is the President of Eesti, what happened on April 27 this year, and so on.
Why, if these people don't know about Eesti, do our friends and relatives in Eesti always express their surprise and then their admiration for how we have kept the language (sorry, I'm writing in English, because it's the language of this particular posting), the culture and an extremely nationalistic feeling alive here for 3 generations?!!
Maxim, go blow your horn elsewhere!
Anonymous14 Jun 2007 06:35
Just thought I'd comment on the recent work weekend which we attended with certainly good intentions. I couldn't believe the arrogance of the work coordinator. I can only remind her that a broom is for sweeping, not for use as a means of transportation!
Anonymous02 Jun 2007 14:27
I thought that the main attraction was going to be TBA. The Seedrioru web page is truly pathetic. Have fun drunkards and losers.
.02 Jun 2007 16:54
Sane people that don't like us simply ignore us.
Is that you, Maxim?
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 07:35
No it's not-I'm watching you winge and whine ie commit the sins you blame me for, yet have no proof that I have done anything half as outrageous as you have. Better luck...
quit whining01 Jun 2007 20:53 you really think these guys only know a few songs... not to mention that there are many other performers too who will appeal to a broader range of ages and musical preferences.
Also, this is not a 'concert' per se...but more of a casual fun time with esto music and dancing.
THe performers WANTED to come back to visit Canada!
just wondering01 Jun 2007 14:26
GuitarEst oli tore õhtu aga miks korrata sama programmi - samad esinejad Seedriorul?
Oli tore, aga tahaksin midagi teistsugust jälle.
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