Stéphane Dion brings Gomery sinners back to the fold
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Jaak26 Jan 2007 10:24
Cote was never 'convicted' of anything and I would suggest editing this immediately. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the laws that protect individuals in this country from slander.

I know that this is recreational journalism, however, perhaps the author should do some research before making false statements and passing them off as 'news.' Stephane Dion has not rolled back any measures. The statement that Cote be allowed back in the party is taken completely out of context and clarification to the point was made yesterday afternoon.

This 'article' goes to show how neo-cons must resort to out-right lies to tag anything on Dion, who has proven himself an honest man of strong integrity. You will not find him handing out military contracts to former employers, nor will he reject the basic democratic principals of Canadian Parliamentary democracy by ignoring and silencing his cabinet and caucus.

Don't forget that it was Harper who called Dion on the nation motion. It was also Harper who has grudgingly restored environmental programs started by Dion and axed by the fumbling Allaince-Conservatives.
Relax Jaak26 Jan 2007 22:00
The Gomery Commission isn't a court of law and therefore can't "convict" anyone of anything. Raudkivi is guilty of a sloppy choice of words; nothing more. Cote, by contrast, looks like a corrupt sleaze -- a typical Chretien Liberal.
Jaak28 Jan 2007 09:33
Using second hand facts and mutilating context to the point of fabrication is OK?
Instead of passing this slop off as "news," and in the interests maintaining some primitive journalistic integrity, I would suggest creating an Opinions section for further blatant partisan drivel.
to Jaak28 Jan 2007 10:37
Before you call for a "hit" on Raudkivi, you should know that some of his previous articles have a mephitic soft-spot for the Liberals.
Jaak28 Jan 2007 11:19
By 'soft-spot' do you mean that the entire truth wasn't manipulated or omitted - only a bit of it?
Jaak30 Jan 2007 08:12
Adu: here's a story for you. . .
Why don't you comment on a flip-flopping PM who vehemently denied the reality of climate change up until a few weeks ago and is now attacking those who have tried to work towards fixing it? You could even talk about how the then Leader of the Opposition tried to place roadblocks to stop any meaningful environmental legislation!
Or perhaps you would agree with the Alliance-Conservative PMO who last March ordered the removal of the term "climate change" from all government communication becasue "it may not be true."
Go take a look at the government site that once gave tips on how to reduce energy consumption and household greenhouse emissions:
Oh yeah, it's no longer there becasue climate change is a invention of every leading scientist's creative imaginiation!
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