Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Tore et ka Jänese taolised endised kommunistid suudavad nii ilusate sõnadega oma kõnesid sisustada, et väliseestlane justkui ei suuda uskuda et tegemist on endise rahvusliku mahasurujaga. Huraaaa!!!
Laine Janes was born and raised in the Soviet Union. She had no opportunity to emigrate. Professionally and by avocation, she's a musician. You say that she morally compromised herself with the communist regime. We know nothing about that and, if you wish to make such an accusation, you should provide some evidence for it.
You, Maximahv, were born and raised in Toronto. You were a misfit and a ne'er-do-well here, just as you are in Estonia. You voluntarily emigrated to Soviet Estonia, the only one in the world crazy enough to do such a thing.
Now you spend your ample idle time barking at us. What a sorry sight you are.
You, Maximahv, were born and raised in Toronto. You were a misfit and a ne'er-do-well here, just as you are in Estonia. You voluntarily emigrated to Soviet Estonia, the only one in the world crazy enough to do such a thing.
Now you spend your ample idle time barking at us. What a sorry sight you are.
Teadagi et Jänese parteipilet on tal kodus. Kui sa väga ilusti ja veenvalt küsid tema käest, siis võibolla ta seda kunagi näitab sulle.
Laine Jänes on sündinud 1964 aastal, kas ta üldse on nii vana, et võis vene ajal parteisse astuda?
Kas Sa tead kohe täpselt et Laine Jänes oli NLKP liige?
Kas Sa tead kohe täpselt et Laine Jänes oli NLKP liige?
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