Seedrioru valmistub Suviharjaks
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
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just wondering01 Jun 2007 14:26
GuitarEst oli tore õhtu aga miks korrata sama programmi - samad esinejad Seedriorul?
Oli tore, aga tahaksin midagi teistsugust jälle.
quit whining01 Jun 2007 20:53 you really think these guys only know a few songs... not to mention that there are many other performers too who will appeal to a broader range of ages and musical preferences.
Also, this is not a 'concert' per se...but more of a casual fun time with esto music and dancing.
THe performers WANTED to come back to visit Canada!
Anonymous02 Jun 2007 14:27
I thought that the main attraction was going to be TBA. The Seedrioru web page is truly pathetic. Have fun drunkards and losers.
.02 Jun 2007 16:54
Sane people that don't like us simply ignore us.
Is that you, Maxim?
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 07:35
No it's not-I'm watching you winge and whine ie commit the sins you blame me for, yet have no proof that I have done anything half as outrageous as you have. Better luck...
Anonymous04 Jun 2007 08:42
The Seedrioru web page may need updating,( however the map and directions have not changed).but that is an entirely different issue.....
To insult 800 + people as being losers and drunks is offensive and a comment that deserves an apology..
There are always a few (often even uninvited locals) that do not even know that they are affecting the future of a great event because of their personal lack of disapline.
Surely you must rise above that and focus on the positive, mix with the great people of all ages, enjoy the wonderful scenery, beach volleyball and food and listen to some truly great musical talent that will be there.
Grow up anonymous.. and volunteer to be on security duty insead of complaining!!!
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 10:35
With a poorer than poor attitude like the one here, it's not at all surprising that Seedrioru is already off to a bad start! Wake up and smell the coffee-this is a chance to make up for lost ground guys. There are a lot of people who generally have left the Estonian community and don't want another thing to do with it. This is the perfect chance to up the sales pitch and get people back on side. Get rid of the alchohol, and get some good lectureres in who will talk the intellectual talk the way it should be. If you want me to come along, and you ask real nice now, then I might just consider giving up a week for your benefit. Otherwise try getting serious for a change!
Anna04 Jun 2007 10:47
Oh Puhleeeease Maxim!!
Your opinion of yourself just keeps growing and growing. Nagu paha hais!!
If we want to hear lectures, we'll go to the appropriate venu, probably Tartu College, but Seedrioru is all about a good time to be had by all, with a bit of solomness in the beginning with the "vabadusvõitluses langenute mälestus".
The folks at Seedrioru have done a fantastic job in the past few years and interest has grown, not wained.
It is obvious, Maxim, that once again, you know not of which you speak!
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 12:26
Get me Jack on the hotline please-I want to know if what you say is all true. OK-a little swim in the pond I take no objection to, but getting the lowdown about Estonia is the best thing of all, don't you think? Or have priorities at Seedrioru changed that much that Estonian interests count for almost nothing??
I'm wondering...04 Jun 2007 13:20
...if Maxim isn't just pulling our leg a little. Surely, he must know by now that his goading and baiting is offensive and repulsive. If not, then he's completely mad.
Maxim.04 Jun 2007 14:47
You're all such a conservative lot that even a little humour goes astray with most of you. Just shows that it's a case of extremes-either people know or care almost nothing about intellectual depth, or they refuse to lighten up when given the chance. Jack, it's over to you. Take this lot and perform a miracle this summer, so that Seedrioru will become like Canadian Estonians' version of the great Woodstock festival-getting the lowdown on replenishable "talupoja ja orjalaste" highs. Mixing in a strong antidote to the sorry, don't ask-me; I know-nothing-about-Estonia routine.
been there - will be again04 Jun 2007 15:18
Maxim, If you showed up at Seedrioru, you would see a great mix of Estos, young and older. I wouldn't hesitate to say that of all the Estos there (their Estophile guests not included), the vast majority of them have gone through Esto school, either here, in the US or in Eesti. They are there because they belong to our community and they choose to celebrate being Estonian in Canada. I bet if you asked any of them on the hill, they could answer you about who is the President of Eesti, what happened on April 27 this year, and so on.
Why, if these people don't know about Eesti, do our friends and relatives in Eesti always express their surprise and then their admiration for how we have kept the language (sorry, I'm writing in English, because it's the language of this particular posting), the culture and an extremely nationalistic feeling alive here for 3 generations?!!
Maxim, go blow your horn elsewhere!
Anonymous14 Jun 2007 06:35
Just thought I'd comment on the recent work weekend which we attended with certainly good intentions. I couldn't believe the arrogance of the work coordinator. I can only remind her that a broom is for sweeping, not for use as a means of transportation!
A regular at Seedrioru04 Jun 2007 14:25
I can hardly wait for 23.june weekend. . THe goal is not to get drunk and disorderly...the goal is for estos to mix and mingle. We do not let a few bad apples spoil the great time.
Maxim... even you are welcome and as Anna said...the numbers are growing each year.
a little humour...04 Jun 2007 16:20
The image of Maximahv at a lecturn holding forth to an audience is something to contemplate. That cretin can't compose a grammatical sentence in any language. Yet, he wishes to be heard on a subject of 'intellectual depth' (as he puts it). Yes, that would be a humorous scene, in a grotesque sense, suitable for a Fellini film.
Sherlock04 Jun 2007 17:22
I am of the older generation, I can tell that the previous commentators are much younger than I . Let me tell you how proud I am of my younger Canadian/Estonians. (That does not include you Maxim. You are a disgrace to the human race, not to mention "Eesti rahvas", even though as you say,you have Slavic roots.) I have been to the Seedrioru festivities nearly every year and never had to be ashamed of our youths. I have come to the conclusion that Maxim does not have a single friend and that is why he is jealous and acts the way he does. Peace be with you Maxim.
Maxim.05 Jun 2007 04:42
Anyone with half a brain has left the community a long time ago when they discovered that the community's hierarchy is largely made up of bigots and tyrants who have marginalized alternative opinion. As if it hasn't gone far enough, and there should be crocodile tears instead of the usual..oh we're so proud of our young people..look again and tell us all why, oh why has the community's number of active participants dwindled to such a pathetic three-digit number? I don't think that we need to wait for an answer from you, because we all know why things have deteriorated to this level. Just out of interest, I'd really love to know how many children at Seedrioru could accurately respond to questions like what happened in Eesti on 28th April? Anyway, I see myself as one of the last caring people around, and still you lay the boot into whoever wants to stand up and be counted for Estonia, but is colour-blind to all your bias that you represent. I think Jack's got a big job on his hands trying to right the wrongs of our community's so-called bright lights.
Louna Ontario eestlane05 Jun 2007 07:20
Many of the 'tyrants' have died. Many of the old Estonians with no leadership skills (but who thought they did) have also gone... Maxim.. you would be so wrong if you tried to suggest that the executives of major esto organizations like Sihtkapital for example, is not only intellectual, but also one that is not willing to just 'give up' and throw in the towel when the community was showing signs of weakness. Like a pheonix,...the esto community in Canada will rise, grow and continue to provide dynamic venues where people attend becasue of choice, and not due to feelings of sentimental obligations. Elagu Seerioru!!!
Anonymous05 Jun 2007 08:05
When did Ene die????
Maxim05 Jun 2007 08:13
I apologize for calling leaders of the Esto community in Canada bigots and tyrants. I didn't take my pills this morning and got carried away. I also apologize to Toomas Merilo for being so annoying But I know for a fact that the people who have drifted away from the Estonian community in Canada want to have nothing to do with Estos ever again, never, never, even after death. They want to avoid Estos like the plague. They don't come to church at Christmas, they curse when they hear Esto music, they turn their back when they see a blue-black-white, they forsake their friends, relatives and acquaintances. They do all to purge Estonianism from their minds and bodies. I, Maxim know this for a fact. Its a proven truth. Don't tell me otherwise.
Why bark, Maxim?05 Jun 2007 08:38
Yes, there are many who have rejected their heritage just as you describe. Similarly, there are many who are enthusiastic about their culture. Some have learned astonishingly good Estonian (better than yours, in fact). Why bark about it?
A.N.05 Jun 2007 09:47
I think you need to up your dosage!
to Maxim05 Jun 2007 10:09
It's decent of you apologize to our community leaders and to Toomas Merilo.
But, what about the rest of us? Are we any less deserving of an apology?
Ahto Männik05 Jun 2007 12:18
I don't see why Maxim should apologize for other people's mistakes, and big mistakes at that! We all know that thousands of people have left our community, and though it's nice to keep our spirits as positive as possible, there are still too many so called leaders who are likely to say and do things which will cause the drift away from our community to continue. I propose getting rid of these people first, and then once the air is clean, set about trying to make amends with those people who may not be lost to us altogether. It's worth a try at least.
Sherlock05 Jun 2007 14:10
I have reason to believe that Maxim did not apologize. Someone else did and used Maxims name. Maybe his relative. Look at the language and spelling. Way too good for the likes of Erik. There are very specific characteristics in the apology that do not match his "profile" . I am not going to expose these characteristics as they may become helpful in the future to authenticate comments.
Maximus05 Jun 2007 14:16
Who are all these people that have left? Estonian schools, academic organizations, camps and other social groups have large memberships.

Sure, a lot of older people have passed away or are too ill to be actively involved but I don't get who these thousands of people who have left are?
?05 Jun 2007 14:27
Erik who?
to Sherlock05 Jun 2007 14:40
You might be right about Erik's apology.

I'm wondering about Ahto Männik's identity. He seem's to have a touch of Maxim's characteristic authoritarian megalomania.
Anonymous05 Jun 2007 14:43
It is speculated that Maxim is EK
Maxim.05 Jun 2007 14:43
I can tell you without any hesitation whatsoever, that there's more than one Maxim floating around this neck of the woods.
Mustahva Mähkmed05 Jun 2007 14:46
Methinks I smell something shtinky...
Sherlock05 Jun 2007 14:53
For once I believe Maxim. It means he never apologized. Message 30 has the true Maxim "profile" where he states that there is more than one person using Maxim as a name.
Louna ONt Eestlane05 Jun 2007 21:12
The loss is theirs...not ours.
Maxim..if you know 'lots of these hating estos...I don't know any!!!
Estonian events ( including this fundraiser for a children's camp) are intended for those may be emotional when they hear the Estonian Anthem, honor the blue,black and white, wear their esto ring, speak the language as well as they can or are trying to learn it better, have visited Estonia or wish to, honor the sacrifices of their forefathers and choose their friends and activities accordingly.
You can't please everyone...but we can sure try. Get with the new era and let some bygones be bygones.
Maxim.06 Jun 2007 00:12
Looks like the well is pretty much empty in your neck of the woods. Make the most of what you've got left-sounds like there's not much of it too appreciate anymore, but at least you're making the most of it.
?06 Jun 2007 04:47
Shirley, when you finally catch up to Maxim, will you hug him from all of us for the great work he is doing here!
to: Assjast Huvitatud06 Jun 2007 07:05
Milles keeles on Teie kommentaar kirjutatud? Kindlasti mitte eestikeeles.
?06 Jun 2007 07:16
Aga kes teie olete kelle kommentaar kubiseb vigadest???
Silvi06 Jun 2007 07:48
Vähemalt ta püüab ennast väljendada eesti keeles ja ma usun et me kõik saime aru.

PS - Septembrist alates kavatsememe (T.E.S. täienduskoolid) pakkuda eesti keele "lihvimis" programmi esmaspäeva õhtuti neile kes räägivad eesti keelt ja on või ei ole eesti koolis käinud, aga kes tunnevad et nende keel on veidi kange. Tunnid saavad toimuma Eesti Majas, samal ajal kui keskkool / gümnaasium. Teretulemast kõigi huvilistele! (vanus 20 - 90)
who's Shirley, Maxim?06 Jun 2007 08:11
Only Maxim is capable of writing 'shirley' in place of 'surely' and praising himself.

I think that it's time that EE did an extensive interview with Maxim. It's time we saw all facets of this ridiculous person.
Louna Ont eestlane06 Jun 2007 08:54
Maxim... another unsubstantiated comment..".the well is pretty much dry!! " HUH... It is obvious that you have left the esto community for some stupid reason (where stubborness rather than co-operation won) and now you repeatedly broadcast this myth that the esto community is beyond hope. ( Unless you save it with your intellectual lectures) LOL
?05 Jun 2007 12:55
I don't believe it-Maxim apologizing to Merilo. I never thought the day would come. Now let's see whether Merilo accepts Maxim's apology, or is he likely to put the boot into Maxim like he usually does?
Asjast huvitatud.06 Jun 2007 04:46
Ei saa oodata et oma community teeb ära selle töö mis on iga inimese enda kohustus. Need kohustused on järgmised; õpi suhtlema eesti keeles. Õpi lugema eesti keeles. Õpi oma teadmisi harima eesti keeles. Õpi arvestama oma kaasmaalastega. Õpi laulma ja tantsima eesti keeles. Õpi lastele pai tegema eestlase moodi. Õpi sööma eesti rahvustoite. Õpi rahul olema et Eestis ei lähe kõik just nii nagu sa ise seda tahaksid näha. Õpi teise eestlase laimu enda kohta mitte mõjutada oma suhtumist eestlusesse.
Lia06 Jun 2007 09:01
We are like the markets.. only the timid, uninformed and pessimistic investors bail when the stock price of a good company are down .... the rest of us know we are invested in something with a long history, good diversity, very unique, and globally recongnizable. We stay 'invested' and try to help, each in our own build the Estonian community back up again even if the management in some departments could be better.
A.N.06 Jun 2007 09:37
Maxim is trying to invest. Unfortunately for him, the market doesn't recognize hot air as collateral.
Joosua Arukülast.06 Jun 2007 12:20
Sounds like a talkfest of sorts is underway to convince us all that the Esto community has NEVER looked better in it 60 year history than it does right now. I find that very hard to believe, and I don't think I'm the only one who subscribes to that opinion. However, there's nothing like a positive antidote to convince yourselves that things are much better than they actually are, so at least this talkfest is achieving some ground, in spite of the obvious setbacks the community at large has suffered at the hands of our leaders down the ages.
!06 Jun 2007 12:41
Get real. The Estonian community has never based its existence on these sorts of principles, and even when it comes to finances, the Estonian community has sold itself out to Canadian interests due the the dwindling number of statical Estonians left. A total BS story
Sherlock06 Jun 2007 12:52
Joosua=Maxim. You are just soooo easy Maxim. Again you gave yourself away. Maxim, you can run but you can't hide.
A.N.06 Jun 2007 12:55
Maxim answering under a different name AGAIN.

Maxim, STATISTICALLY, as we heard from Laas on Vabariigi Aastapäev, the number of Estonians in Canada is RISING.
That means there are more people who care enough about where they came from to mark on their census form that they are Estonian.
Tiritamm06 Jun 2007 13:30
Lia's market analogy is apt because our culture, like the market, is a perpetual motion machine -- either in development or deterioration. Our well-intentioned conservatives who would like to recapture a passed golden age are erring and misdirecting their efforts. The preferred strategy is to re-invest the dividends of our culture for growth, both personal and collective, and with easy access to Estonia, via the internet and affordable air-fares, the prospects couldn't be better.
Tiritamm06 Jun 2007 13:45
Perhaps we should ignore Maxim for a while. The unfortunate obviously suffers with some serious problems and he mistakenly believes that they can be eased by staging a perpetual freak-show at this site. Aggravating us with his antics doesn't do anyone any good.
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