Community Voices Concerning Future of St. Peter’s Church
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Marta K.14 Aug 2022 19:30
Tänast teenistust ja jutlust on väärt kuulata .
Tuleks lugeda järgmist15 Aug 2022 00:26
“Mart Salumäe: esimest korda elus suudan pastoripalgaga peret üleval pidada” (Postimees. 28. jaanuaar 2012).

“Kanadasse ma surema jääda ei kavatse”.

“Kui aastase katseaja järel antakse heakskiit, jääb ta Kanadasse viieks aastaks. Samuti peab ta võimalikuks, et püsib Torontos kümme aastat või kauemgi. Kümneaastase tööstaažiga hakatakse Kanadas pensioni maksma...”

“Teatud mõttes on Mart Salumäe ka Kanadas nagu kodus. Toronto Peetri kogudus on väliseesti piiskopkonna suurim. Liikmeid, kes kiriku heaks annetavad, on tuhande ringis. Just sellest rahast sealne kirik elabki.

«Kanada ühiskond, eriti väliseesti kogukond on harjunud annetama. Nad on oma toimetamised, seltsitegevuse ja kõik muu just sellele rajanud. Toronto Eesti maja kerkis omal ajal annetuste ja ühise tööpanusega,» kõneleb vaimulik…

Hoolimata kõigest heast, mis suure lombi taga on, kavatseb Mart Salumäe ühel heal päeval Eestisse naasta.”

Regarding those donations, an EWR report in 2017 on the recipients of Estonian Foundation in Canada funding showed the Baptist Estonian church with substantially more receipted and non-receipted donations ($324,618 and $70,920) than Peetri kirik (receipted donations $124,348). Other churches describe at length their ongoing programs, while St. Peter’s is the very briefest „Operate a church and its related activities“.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Forward-looking (11:10), Outspoken and unapologetic (11:28)
atfosp15 Aug 2022 04:21
Dear Tuleks lugeda järgmist...
What's your point?
Praegune olukord15 Aug 2022 13:14
Huvitav on see, et ’õpetaja’ näitab vabamüürlaste-lutsiferlaste märki videos ˇ3.40, ja hiljem uhkustab kõvera risti all. Millest tal ei olnud juttu - mida tegi Jeesus nendega kes tegid äri Tema Templis? Kui Peetri kogudusel oleks värske energia juhatuses, ja siiras Kristlik õpetaja/vaimulik, siis võiks seal veel imet näha.
atfosp15 Aug 2022 13:53
Objection Praegune olukord!
"Ära postita ... teksti mis halvustab põhjendamatult teisi isikuid."
Your ridiculous comment should be removed for breach of EWR policy.
You have crossed the line and should apologize. Shame on you!!!
to ...at15 Aug 2022 15:04
"A picture is worth a thousand words." Only those with losing positions, or communists, seek censorship.
Your moniker is totally low-life.
to 'to'17 Aug 2022 14:26
Are you a bot or a troll?
Suggestion14 Aug 2022 11:00
"We should organize social events; concerts; art shows; movie nights with Estonian movies; youth, adult and seniors’ groups; lectures; guest speakers; Bible study; confirmand reunions; lotteries; and garage sales."

VEMU does most of these things already. Do we want to duplicate and/or compete?

Bible study, confirmand reunions, lotteries and garage sales can be picked up by the church. And bake sales, why not.
W. Johanson13 Aug 2022 16:06
Would the following help give direction?
It is commentary on this talk:
Sad12 Aug 2022 14:43
Very nostalgic survey response comments. Yes, they were good times but take a look around you. Look at how few kids are in guides and scouts and Esto school. Those days are over. Deal with it.
To simple congregation member12 Aug 2022 14:09
The responses included in this article were carefully picked and chosen to support a certain point of view. Let’s hear about the other comments and get the full story. It’s never all or nothing. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Simple Congregation Member12 Aug 2022 12:21
Many people took the time to fill out the survey - instead of criticizing them, why not take the responses of the public seriously? There needs to be a change of direction with the leadership and council, make it more welcoming and open. Obviously, this is not obvious to them!
Forward-looking12 Aug 2022 11:10
A very interesting survey with equally interesting results.
Navigator...12 Aug 2022 10:28
The survey (wish list) has only collected a bunch of beautiful destinations...
There is no roadmap!
We desperately need the roadmap.
challenge from afar.12 Aug 2022 10:22
“Services on Sunday are far too often”

Now that’s funny.
Along with all the other comments about why people don’t attend.

So is wanting services in estonian in an english language article.
How about the friends starting their own choir ?And volunteering to re-start Sunday School, play groups and pensioner get togethers?
The volunteers who I remember are long gone and their children will soon be too.
Challenge12 Aug 2022 09:47
This is disingenuous, hypocritical, and insulting. Where were the “Friends” when Council asked for volunteers to sing in the church’s vocal ensemble, when Council invited members to after-service films and discussion groups (with refreshments provided), when Council asked for volunteers to call older members with offers of help during the pandemic, when Council asked for volunteers to help with the mailing of donation requests? You were MIA and now dare to criticize. Your pretense of goodness and light stretches credulity.
Outspoken and unapologetic12 Aug 2022 11:28
Why not reflect on what has NOT gone over well? "Challenge", maybe you're just not getting it.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Forward-looking (11:10)
My 2 cents.12 Aug 2022 12:29
Sometimes people don't want to volunteer or join groups they don't feel comfortable or welcome in. Typically people help out (and donate money) where they see that progress is being made and that the time they spend or money they donate is worthwhile. If not to save the church, build our congregation, search for solutions and new ways of doing things - not just let's sell the place - then why is our current leadership & minister there? If they can't see any other way forward except a sale, then step aside and let someone else with a new vision take over. Maybe people don't want to help out doing things the old way.

Why is there an immediate push back against the people called the "Friends"? If they have some good ideas, what is wrong with working with them to save the church? Isn't that everyone's goal? Shouldn't it be? Makes me wonder, what is the true goal of selling the church?

"Final Instructions and Greetings
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive." Romans 16:17-18
atfosp12 Aug 2022 07:50
There is nothing wrong with most of these suggestions. There is, however, a dollar cost and a need for qualified volunteers to carry out every one of them.
To use a medical analogy, the patient is hemorrhaging, is on the way to resuscitation, and if he manages to survive the emergency then that is the appropriate time to call in the healthy lifestyle councillors.
atfosp12 Aug 2022 09:52
I see some thumbs down...
It's hard to like the fact that you need to put forth some effort in order to accomplish great things!
So a thumbs down actually means "I don't like that there is a dollar cost to everything (it should all be free!), I don't like that volunteers are needed to make anything happen (it should happen by itself), I don't like that the patient is hemorrhaging (eewww) I don't like that I should have to do anything"
Homer12 Aug 2022 07:39
And the point of all this is…..?
Interested12 Aug 2022 05:46
What lovely thoughts. When I smoke dope I have similar dreams.
Hmmmmm11 Aug 2022 20:07
I wonder why only comments supporting the so called friends’ perspective are being published? I still see no concrete suggestions here.
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