Mõtteid Eesti Majast ja uuest projektist Eda Sepp
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Reality check29 Mar 2017 13:35
After all the studies, countless meetings and failed alliances with developers it appears that our community is left with two realistic choices. Continue upgrading the current Esto House as funds accummulate and hope for the best at two parallel community centres. Or sell Esto House and use the proceeds to enhance and further improve the successful and thriving community hub at Madison.
to community hub29 Mar 2017 13:57
There is no community hub on Madison, only a parking lot. Tartu College has its own interests to look after, it's a business. VEMU, if it ever gets built, has its own financial needs.
Hub or not?29 Mar 2017 14:20
A dozen or more frats and sororities, VEMU, EstDocs, Metsaülikool, a lending library, Akadeemiline Kodu, AKEN, EKN, Ööbik, the Wednesday night lecture series, TC film club, Eesti Õpppetool, the community archive, Eesti Elu, EE Online, Tartu Instituut, Kultuuripärandiklubi, etc, etc.
Perhaps not a community hub but it sure seems like a happening place!
Silvi26 Mar 2017 19:40
Vaga hea ulevaade meie olukorrast!
Loodan, et kolmapaeva ohtul on Eesti Maja pakatamas eestlastega kes hoolivad meie uhiskonna tulevikust.
Igal oma arvamus.
Mina isiklikult (ja olles eriti meie noorte perede ja nende motetega kursis ligi poolsajandit..) leian, et pakutud uus variant EI rahuldaks meie kogukonna vajadusi ei praegu, ega ka edaspidi.
uudishimulik27 Mar 2017 07:54
Ma kuulsin, et kirjutasid artikli oma arvamusest Eesti Maja olukorrast, aga ma ei leia seda lehtedes. Kust ma leiaksin? Kas on võimalik seda siia postitada?
vabandan tähenärimisest aga26 Mar 2017 18:13
"Ehitamine uus hoone" nüüd küll eesti keel ei ole. Eks see ole arusaadav et väliseestlastel on raskem aga võiks mingi vabatahtlik keeletoimetaja olla kes räigemad kirjavead parandab. Eesti keeles on see asi "uuE hoone ehitamine" (sellises sõnade järjekorras).
Väino V. Keelmann26 Mar 2017 12:44
Suurepärane! Ma käin tihti St. Thomas's kirikule pühapäeva hommikul ja on peaaegu võimatu auto seal parkida. Kirik asub Bloor ja Huron juures.
Tarvo Toomes24 Mar 2017 14:20
Ühinen Giudo Laikve kommentaariga
Guido Laikve24 Mar 2017 11:07
Väga hästi kirjutatud kokkuvõtte.
Not too late to change gears24 Mar 2017 08:30
The Eesti Maja Tulevik Committee needs to get away from an entrenched agenda and to reevaluate the whole picture as to where the process has evolved today. The Committee and their partners should also be willing to concede that the Madison plan may have precipitated a tide of support in favour of a modern design rebuild of the Broadview house. Yes, much money has been spent on consultants for both the Estonian House and Madison locations, but it would be better to change gears to support the best plan, which may not be the Madison option. Though that would be a difficult decision for the Tulevik Committee, the community would appreciate this more. Mid-course revisions and adjustments are part of the process and it is not too late to do so.

Since the Tulevik Committee has invited everyone to participate on March 29th, not just the shareholders, it would be in the interests of the community for the Committee to survey the public as to what is the driving desire of the community. The Committee needs to recognize that good planning is a fluid process and that feedback needs to inform the process. Doing research after all that has happened up until this point will help to avoid disappointment later.
Karl Otsa23 Mar 2017 14:56
For a "fast and dirty" translation, copy and paste the text to the following

Jaak Järve23 Mar 2017 10:36
I would like to know, if the Estonian House has two flag poles in front of the house, why are they not waving the Canadian and Estonian flags. It really doesn't cost anything to fly the colours.
Harri Kivilo23 Mar 2017 08:52
Vanadel „Kodukolde” piltidel viiekümnendate alguses domineerisid eestlased oma pruugitult ostetud autodega. Olles nüüd üle 25 aasta tagasi Eestis elanud, arvan et auto omamine ja oma autoga ukse ette sõitmine on eestlaste geenides justkui väga ammuste aegade pärand.
Suures linnas, kus eestlased hajutatult elavad, on minu hinnangul eestlaste ühiskondliku tegevuse aktiivsus väga oluliselt sõltuv sellest kas tegevuspaigas on võimalik autot soodsalt ja mugavalt parkida või mitte. Eesti Maja tuleviku otsustamisel tuleks vist küll väga tähtsaks pidada auto parkimise head lahendust.
Wondering22 Mar 2017 22:29
Agreed! As multifaceted as it is, the analysis is clear and measured. Would anyone need it translated? The language seems accessible.
to wondering22 Mar 2017 22:39
That's a great idea. An English version of the article would make it accessible to more people.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Impressed (20:53)
Impressed22 Mar 2017 20:53
Wow, a surprisingly good and thorough analysis of the situation we now face as a community. I’m impressed. Thank you, Eda Sepp.

I would add to the analysis (which doesn’t seem to be the viewpoint of the author) that we can still build on top the existing Estonian House. What was the limit of the Broadview corridor, 6 storeys? Let’s maximize this.


Another person commenting in another EWR article provided the link to the following article: http://urbantoronto.ca/news/20...

I think it’s a bloody brilliant solution and a hip-happening building style that would maintain heritage elements that are now required for any rebuild. I would be proud to call something like this the new Estonian House.

The pluses:
- Same location near the subway line (Broadview Stn)
- Double or more space within the building
- We’d maintain parking, which is especially important for the suburbanite families trekking in
- Maintain large halls for festivals and large gatherings

The challenge: financing/money for the project

I would think a restaurant and the bank would like front-of-building access to build off-the-street clientele.

I can get excited about this!
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