First Nations community grappling with suicide crisis: 'We're crying out for help'
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David E.H. Smith28 Apr 2016 21:18
If one is serious about '...SUICIDE CRISIS - WHAT CAN BE DONE?', you might consider the following.

NATIVE SUICIDES LINKED TO INFO. DEPRIVATION; Political ‘Culling of the Herd’, or, ‘Just’ getting Native Canadians to move?
HELP IS (Since 2014) ON THE WAY?

Liberals swear that they may not have had any part in the Planning, Gratification, &/or, Continuing Cover-up of The Residential Schools’ Native Canadian Cultural Genocide ?

New PM Trudeau sheds Tear as Liberal Party & Canadian Establishment Caught in Complicity of Cultural Genocide?

Do Americans & the other signatories of the global corporate treaties/’arrangements’ understand how corporate Canada is continuing to try & avoid its liabilities from its depriving Native Canadians, et al, of the due diligence information (The WAD Accord & its Compensation) & trying to pass its liabilities on to its global corporate associates, their citizens and the citizens of Canada?

(CAN)- After discussing with a PSYCHOLOGIST (Native), et al, the relationship BETWEEN: the DEPRIVATION of the most vulnerable Native community members, et al, of the simplest & most basic information, such as the information in The W.A.D. Accord (aka; “The Australian Question”)
the high rates of:
2) despair,
3) disenchantment,
4) unemployment,
5) poverty,
6) etc.,
that are found in many Native communities, et al, across Canada,

Some of the aforementioned information, et al, has been subsequently shared with, &/or, improved by, amongst others:
1) senior politicians & bureaucrats; both, federal & provincial, Canadian, et al,
2) the relevant lobbyists’ clients & the executives of the political parties operating in Canada,
3) the “coveted” foreign investor, et al,
4) the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
5) et al.

If you are interested in utilizing the aforementioned information to minimize, &/or, ELIMINATE the aforementioned major contributing factor to the SUICIDES, etc,
have questions regarding the basis for The Compensation (similar to the compensation re; the Residential Schools, except larger, et al) to the most vulnerable community members, et al, for being deprived of the aforementioned simplest & most basic information,
you might consider contacting the above groups & individuals in order to obtain some of the information that is in The W.A.D. Accord, etc.,
contacting me at

By way of closing, does the information in this letter & the information in The WAD Accord belong to you, or, to the community members?

How much do your politicians know about the relationship between the deprivation of the due diligence information & the high rates of suicides, etc., ie what is their competency? And, how willing are your politicians to share the information with you, ie. what is their sincerity?
*** The W.A.D. Accord & its Compensation, see;
or, Google; The W.A.D. Accord
*** Full article, see;
PLEASE CONSIDER SHARING the enclosed information & questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others...
*** For more Information & Questions re; The Relationship between Human (Nature) Rights & Economics by way of the TTIP, the CET Agreement, TPP, C-CI Treaty, et al, and First Nation's Treaties & The WAD Accord
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