Dirigent Anu Tali külas Toronto Eesti Majas
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Muusik10 Sep 2007 10:18
Anu Tali
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anu Tali (born 1972) is an Estonian conductor. She started her musical training as a pianist, and graduated from the Tallinn Music High School in 1991. She continued her studies in the Estonian Music Academy as a conductor with Kuno Areng, Toomas Kapten and Roman Matsow. From 1998 to 2000, she studied at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory with Ilya Mussin and later with Leonid Korchmar. She began conducting studies in 1995 with Jorma Panula at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.

Anu Tali and her twin sister Kadri Tali founded the Nordic Symphony Orchestra (NSO) in 1997, consisting of young musicians from around the world. The orchestra performs five times each year and has members from fifteen countries. Themed concert seasons have included "The Musical Capitals of the World" (1998/1999), "Life and Death" (1999/2000), "Symphony" (2000/2001), "Musica Grande (2001/2002), "Passion or Passion" (2002/2003), "À la Russe" (2003/2004), "Face of North" (2004/2005), "Legends" (2005/2006) and "Apocalyptica" (2006/2007).

Tali appears regularly with Estonian orchestras and has guest conducted orchestras in Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Russia, Japan and the United States. These include the Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Tyrol Symphony Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Hiroshima, Kyoto and Sapporo Symphony Orchestras and the NDR Symphony Orchestra. In the summer of 2006, Anu Tali debuted at the Savonlinna Opera Festival with a new production of Carmen and also at the Salzburg Festival with the Mozarteum Orchestra. In 2006-2007, her engagements include guest appearances with the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Munich Chamber Orchestra and the Deutsche Symphony Orchestra Berlin.

Tali and the NSO made their debut recording in 2002 with "Swan Flight", for Finlandia/Warner Classics, which featured two world premiere recordings, the orchestral suites Ocean and Swan Flight by Veljo Tormis. This recording earned her the Young Artist of the Year award at the 2003 Echo Klassic Awards in Germany. She also received the Cultural Award of Estonia 2003 and the Presidential Award of Estonia in 2004. Anu Tali has also recorded Estonian music with the Frankfurt RSO. Most recently, the NSO and Tali released their second recording, Action Passion Illusion (also on Warner Classics).

In April 2007, Tali was named the next Music Director of the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, effective as of September 2007.
tamm08 Sep 2007 05:40
miks vajab nii palju kuulsust ja reklaamimist???????mis viga on?????
Viga?08 Sep 2007 12:12
Viga pole midagi...ilus daam on.
Bertil Homosaar.08 Sep 2007 12:30
Kas tegelikult muusikast ka midagi teab vä?
mängi oma flööti10 Sep 2007 09:54
Sm. Bertil, viiuldaja ja flautist, mida ometi küsite?

Ehk sm. Maksim vastaks seekord?
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