Part 12 - "When $656K equals $16 million"
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Margus Jukkum09 Mar 2018 10:29
It might also be interesting at the March 14 information meeting to find out more about Thomas Koger's role in the new "Estonian Centre Project" and the quality of advice he is giving in terms of finance, accounting, and risk management which he outlined as his role in the Madison project in an Estonian Life interview of Dec. 11, 2017. In light of the support documents cited in his article by Allan Meiusi it seems the Millenium Charitable Foundation of which Mr. Koger was the former executive director and consultant had its registration as a charity revoked by the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) In the words of the CRA "the charity was being used as a conduit..." I realize Allan Meiusi's articles can be long and complicated, especially when wading through the support documents, but I urge you to prevail as it sheds light on the business dealings of a person of influence in the Madison project.
Who is Allan Meiusi?10 Mar 2018 08:33
Most of us never heard of him, until he became a central organizer of the 2-year venomous campaign to destroy Ehatare in revenge for a dismissed employee.
When Meiusi was asked whether he was the source of a long series of disruptive and baseless complaints to the Ministry of Health, he refused to confirm or deny!
In another instance, a threat against Ehatare was nullified by police intervention.
Over the span of two years, there was an endless series of false rumours, slanders and sabotage.
Ehatare's management was handcuffed and gagged during this outrage because of a lawsuit in progress.
'Eesti Elu' was cowed and co-opted by an aggressive campaign of 'disinformation'.
It came to an end with an out-of-court settlement -- with a confidentiality clause!
If the broader Estonian community knew the ugly truth behind the shameful events, Meiusi would have to hide his face in shame.
Instead, he has moved on to meddling in the redevelopment of a new Estonian community centre.
It's hard to imagine why. He just barely speaks Estonian.

P.S. There's a record of much of his activity on 'facebook'.
Meiusi tried to erase it, but; it still exists.
Now that the lawsuit has been settled, 'Eesti Elu' and the 'Estonian World Review' should reveal it the public!
to : Who is Allan Meiusi?10 Mar 2018 09:07
Ära sarja inimest, räägi asjast.
To: who is Allan Meiusi10 Mar 2018 21:51
"He hardly speaks Estonian."
Wow, you treat this as a negative!
And here we are putting non-speakers into leadership roles in our sororities and frats!
And this doesn't bother you?
What hipocracy!!!
Karl Otsa09 Mar 2018 13:31
from the document quoted above we get the following.

"Note: In last week’s issue of Eesti Elu, a projection of costs associated with the Estonian Centre was presented by a member of the Estonian community who is not involved in the development of this project. The Estonian Centre project team would like to stress that the contents of the article are not correct and are highly speculative.
The article considered neither all the sources of funds nor the correct costs. The analysis generated by the Estonian Centre project team is based on quotes received and considers all the sources of funds. The project team is working with professional consultants and architects and has been provided with competitive estimates by several experienced contractors. Further, the project is working with a professional
fundraising consultant to maximize fundraising potential."

Now I know that Mr. Meiusi is NOT an account, engineer, architect nor anything else than what else that most people call a "professional" except he more commonly referred to within the "quiet" Estonian community as a "professional agitator".

The last time he and his cohorts decided to "aid" the Estonian community..... well it left a bad taste in everyone's' mouth, many still are able to taste the bile from that. Too bad some haven't or just don't wish to recall.

Too bad he and his cohorts were barely seen or heard of at Estonian events or causes before then.

Now we get a recording /fine arts major talking about accounting standards and competency. I guess he must have taken accounting classes that allow Hollywood has blockbuster films that claim to break even.

Guess these are all "really super important" subjects that the band of similar "minded people" must be brought up repeatedly. Especially by people who think they are "really super important"
Mudslinging10 Mar 2018 14:20
Allan just reports the facts as he sees them. He is careful in his reporting because he knows he will be attacked. I genuinely appreciate that he is keeping us informed while the EM board does not.

Remember at the special meeting of the shareholders, the last person to ask questions just made a general statement that people should be respectful to each other and not 'call names'? You very Madison supporters all clapped heartily, I recall. But at shareholder meetings I have heard Madison supporters saying things like 'Go to hell' and 'old biddy' with regards to those who have opposing views. In this comment, you stoop to 'calling a name' with 'agitator'.

You also seem to think that some shareholders have more rights to their opinions than others who may not seem so visible in the community. So, basically
some are more equal than others!!!!

You guys need to look in the mirror and apply the same advice to your own persons. Don't you see that if you can't walk the talk no one is going to respect you? How do you see your behaviour as conducive to healing the divide in our community?
To Karl11 Mar 2018 10:45
Some comments:

"The last time he and his cohorts decided to "aid" the Estonian community..... well it left a bad taste in everyone's' mouth, many still are able to taste the bile from that. Too bad some haven't or just don't wish to recall."

At present we have a shrinking group of active community members. Which means that, as a community, we have smaller numbers of people who are vigilant about the quality of the actions taken by those in charge. In this case, the role of whistle-blowers or people who bring attention to shortcomings becomes crucial for the benefit of the group. I believe Allan Meiusi's attention to deficiencies was not a disservice to the community, rather he saved us from a worse fate if government organizations had taken a closer look.

"Too bad he and his cohorts were barely seen or heard of at Estonian events or causes before then."

When someone feels threatened and speaks up, even if s/he has never felt a need to do so before, I feel this is a good thing and should not they should not be chastised for doing so.
What's it all for, Allan?11 Mar 2018 10:48
That we have young people with no ability in Estonian is a pity, yet, understandable.
More's the pity and less understandable, is the lack of importance attached to it.
What should we call "Estonians" (sic.) who see no worth in the language? And why bother building a new Estonian House centre for that lot?
Perhaps, Eesti Maja should be sold, with the proceeds directed to those who built the original Eesti Maja; conspicuously, the residents of Ehatare. .... Yes! The very institution that Allan Meiusi,, worked so hard to destroy.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Who is Allan Meiusi? (08:33)
shocked and horrified23 Mar 2018 08:06
"That we have young people with no ability in Estonian is a pity, yet, understandable.
More's the pity and less understandable, is the lack of importance attached to it.
What should we call "Estonians" (sic.) who see no worth in the language? And why bother building a new Estonian House centre for that lot? "

I'm shocked and horrified by these statements. I believe that this is not the thinking of the majority of the community and I would like anyone reading the above comments to understand that the majority of people in the community are welcoming of all, no matter the level of language ability. Every Estonian, whether an Estonian language speaker or not, is precious. We are only approximately 1.3 million in Estonia, which is not many.

I know of many people, who have improved or even learned the language starting from the point of having little or no skills. I even spoke to a young lady recently, who plans to go to Estonian for the summer to learn the language and plans on staying the year there to take courses in university with the goal, again, of obtaining proficiency.

No one should take such a closed-minded view as witnessed by the quote above. The world needs to be experienced from a place of love, understanding and inclusion, only then can we make our community a better place.
to who is allan meiusi?23 Mar 2018 04:37
not being in the know like some others, not being part of 'the' clique should not be a reason to dismiss someone. please re-read your cruel commentary and issue an apology. this is no way to treat another person, no less a part of your own community. and let's keep to this story whose facts are unraveling in a most disheartening way.
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