Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
"Ehkki Nõukogude Liidu saatkond eelistas riigivanema valimistel Pätsi kandidatuuri, oli Moskva toetus Pätsi valimiskampaaniale nullilähedane". Hähhh...milline idiootlik arvamus ja naiivne suhtumine Venemaasse!! Kas keegi kunagi on väitnud et sellistel olulistel aegadel nagu Eesti-Vene suhted 30a-l olid, oli Venemaa huvi Eesti vastu kasvõi ühelgi tavalisel argipäeval nullillähedane? Venemaa huvi Eesti vastu pole KUNAGI ühelgi ajaloos möödunud päeval olnud nulllähedane, võin ma julgelt väita. Ilmjärve väited jäävad edaspidi väga tugevateks argumentideks kuigi Valge arvab teisiti. Ei näe ma kusagil Valge arvamuste juures mingit tugevat vastuargumenti. Pätsu koostöö Nõukogude Liiduga ja NL-i usaldus Pätsu kui ka viimase Õigeusklik meel kindlustasid väga soojad suhted Eesti-Vene vahel.
usun,et Päts ei olnud reetja ja Valge räägib tõtt,see teine on ostetud reetja ja teeb koostööd kurjategijatega ,kuid kes on Eesti Elu ka reetja minu suhtes
Müts maha Pätsu ees-ta jäi õigeuslikuks elulõpuni, rääkis väga head vene keelt, ja see kokku näitab tema suhtumist Venemaa kui õigeusliku ja kannatava rahva maasse.
What does his religion or ability to speak Russian have to do with anything.
The fat slob was on the Russian payroll while supposedly representing the estonian people.
Plus he was a dictator.
May he rot in hell!!
The fat slob was on the Russian payroll while supposedly representing the estonian people.
Plus he was a dictator.
May he rot in hell!!
Pole ymber lykatud nagu Ilmjärv täna kirjutab
ps he died in bed.
Every true Estonian patriot was murdered by Stalin. Like Tõnisson etc
Every true Estonian patriot was murdered by Stalin. Like Tõnisson etc
I hope I typed the link correctly.
See Postimees at
It seems that a "siil" is a prickly critter indeed. Wonder where he or she picked up that president Pats was a slob. All pictures I have seen indicated he was well dressed. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Pats apparently shut down Tonnison's paper Postimees, something Siil neglected to mention.
I doubt that the truth about whether or not president Pats was really a traitor will ever be known with any certainty. Perhaps it is time to move on and concern ourselves about the new growing threat on the other side of the Narva River.
See you all at Seedrioru Saturday.
See Postimees at
It seems that a "siil" is a prickly critter indeed. Wonder where he or she picked up that president Pats was a slob. All pictures I have seen indicated he was well dressed. Oh yes, I almost forgot, Pats apparently shut down Tonnison's paper Postimees, something Siil neglected to mention.
I doubt that the truth about whether or not president Pats was really a traitor will ever be known with any certainty. Perhaps it is time to move on and concern ourselves about the new growing threat on the other side of the Narva River.
See you all at Seedrioru Saturday.
I said he was on the Russians payroll and a dictator and one of the very few top politicians or army officers not murdered.
As a dictator shutting down a paper wasnt a big deal.
I hope you ruin your liver.
As a dictator shutting down a paper wasnt a big deal.
I hope you ruin your liver.
Most people in Estonian don't care sweet fanny adams about Päts, because there is too much relevance in today's events to bother about the past. Päts' fan club is basically outside Estonia, residing in the hearts and minds of people whose last remaining memories of Estonia are connected with the events of the 1930's.
siil was picked a a nickname because Kalevipoeg was so stupid that he needed advice from a hedghog!
siil was picked a a nickname because Kalevipoeg was so stupid that he needed advice from a hedghog!
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