‘Virginity surgery' is on the rise across Europe (6)
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 07 Mar 2011  | EWR OnlineEWR
Deutsche Welle
Facing cultural and religious pressure, women are turning to hymenoplasty surgery to give the illusion that they are virgins before marriage. The operation is particularly popular among Europe's Muslim population.

Many people might argue that there's a lot of pressure on today's youth to have sex - at least in the Western world. After all, young people are bombarded with suggestive advertising campaigns and tales of young celebrities gone wild every day. But for some girls and young women in countries around the world, the pressure is different: they're to remain virgins until marriage for cultural and religious reasons.

In these cases, the consequences of having premarital sex can include disownment and violence. A special surgery, however, can help women in such situations. Hymenoplasty, or "virginity surgery," as it's sometimes called, gives patients the physical appearance of being virgins.

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n/a11 Mar 2011 09:18
boy have yous guys got me properly tagged! rotflmao
reply to n/a10 Mar 2011 19:30
You are a prime example of the joke:
What is an Estonian's favorite meal? Why, another Estonian!

Yes, we certainly need more people like you to keep our community thriving. Love your "dump on the paper" at every opportunity mentality and constant needling. I find your commentary extremely annoying...and sad. You obviously thrive on destructive behaviour.
n/a09 Mar 2011 21:48
Forgot to ask, what is the female Muslim population of Estonian?

The article suggests that Hymenoplasty is "particularly popular" in this group.

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Rahvusvahelised uudised