Vabariigi aastapäev in Kingston
Archived Articles | 02 Mar 2007  | Eva Eichenbaum BarnesEWR
Kingstonian Estonians celebrated Independence Day with a special Sunday afternoon tea. Traditional Estonian pastries and baked delicacies were served while Tiiu Pügi, a long-time Kingston resident, talked about the history of her family's heirloom 'rahvariided'.
Participants at the special Independence Day included (left to right) Anu Taavet Lukezich, Silvia Kotkas Kolaczek, Salme Prozes, Kristi Allik, Tiiu Pügi, and Ann Seeman Rombough.
Photos: Eva Eichenbaum Barnes

Many other participants also brought treasured artifacts from their ancestral homeland and shared personal stories about their significance. During the past two years, the Estonian community in Kingston has experienced a pleasant revival as new people have moved into the city and an interest has been rekindled in honouring ancestral customs as well as developing new friendships.
Archived Articles