Tarvi Martens, “Internet Voting in Estonia”
Eestlased Kanadas | 06 Jan 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
Thursday, January 28, 4-6 pm
Room 108, North Building, Munk Centre for International Studies (1Devonshire Place)
Sponsored by the Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, the Institute of European Studies, and the European Union Centre of Excellence at Carleton University. Funding for this event was provided by the European Commission.

Registration: http://webapp.mcis.utoronto.ca...

Tarvi Martens has been a key figure in the Estonian IT and information security field for the past dozen years. Tarvi has been building governmental internet (1993-1997), developing information security and PKI products (1997-2001) and being actively involved in various aspects of developing Estonian e-government in a whole. Tarvi was among the originators of the Estonian ID card project in 1996 and of DigiDoc, the national de facto standard in Estonia for digital signatures, in 2002. In 2003, he started the e-voting project with National Electoral Committee in order to provide Estonian electoral system with Internet voting capability. In 2007, Tarvi received the “Top Outstanding Young Person of the Year” award from JCI (Junior Chamber International) for the achievements in technological developments.
Eestlased Kanadas