Täna algab virtuaalne Metsaülikool (5)
Eestlased Kanadas | 23 Aug 2021  | EWR OnlineEWR
Kotkajärve Metsaülikool (MÜ) kutsub kõiki kaasa elama Virtuaalsele MÜ21’le, 23. – 27. august. Mitmekesine programm sisaldab loenguid, viktoriini, paneeli ja õpituba. Programmi saab kuulata Zoomi vahendusel, link saadaval Virtuaalse Metsaülikooli erilehel www.eesti.ca/mu21/.

Lühidalt kava kohta:
- 2021.08.23 Viktoriin: Eesti Keele Instituudi direktor Arvi Tavast tutvustab meile instituudi tegevust ja viib läbi lõbusa viktoriini

- 2021.08.23 Video Urve Karuksi luule esitlusest Kotkajärvel

- 2021.08.24 Vikipeedia õpituba: Kas soovid teada kuidas Vikipeedia lehekülge kirjutada internetis? Ivo Kruusimägi ja Indrek Park selgitavad selle lahti. Soovitame osavõtjatel varuda MÜst või Kotkajärvelt võetud foto (digitaalkujul), kuid ei ole kohustuslik. Osavõtjatele jagatakse nippe ja antakse õpilehel võimalust harjutada Vikipeedia lehe tegemist koos juhendusega.

- 2021.08.24 Loeng: Klassika - Heino Susi loeng Eestis 1917.a. sündmuste kohta. Pärast loengut analüüsib ja annab omalt poolt täiendust ajaloolane Andres Kasekamp.

- 2021.08.25 Paneel: Kuidas on Eestis elada? Teemat arutavad ühiselt Lembit Tork, Riina Kindlam, Riho Maimets ja Silvia Soide.

- 2021.08.25 Loeng: Klassika - kuulame ühiselt Ivari Ivaski loengut mida pärast analüüsib Sirje Kiin. Teemaks on „Sada aastat Eesti kirjandusest Kreutzwaldist Kaplinskini”.

- 2021.08.26 Loeng 1: Virve-Anneli Vihman Tartu Ülikoolist kannab ette värske loengu “Kas eesti keel on cringe?” oma uuringutest Eesti noorte keele mõjudest ja arengust.

- 2021.08.26 Loeng 2: Klassika - Marilyn Vihmani loeng laste keele arengu kohta. Oma ema loengut kommenteerib keeleteadlane Virve-Anneli Vihman.

- 2021.08.27 Loeng: Klassika - Ardo Hanssoni 1994. a. loeng majanduse teemal, kommenteerib ja täiendab Ardo Hansson ise.
Lisaks äratoodud kavale, avaldab Metsaülikool päeviti terve hulga teisi varasematest aastatest loenguid, kaasa arvatud Fred Jüssi, Rein Taagepera, Ilse Lehiste, Tiina Kirss, Tönu Parming jpt.

Täname Metsaülikooli peasponsorit Eestis -- Rahvusarhiiv (Kultuuriministeerium) ja Kanadas -- Eesti Sihtkapital Kanadas.

Jälgige MÜ teateid veebilehel www.eesti.ca/mu, ajalehes ja sotsiaalmeedias. Rohkem informatsiooni on saadava veebiaadressil www.eesti.ca/mu. Kui on küsimusi, võib ühendust võtta epostigakj.metsaulikool@gmail.com või helistada Maimu Mölderile numbril 416 421 3812.

Näeme virtuaalses MÜs!


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To who knew?04 Sep 2021 13:12
Reading widely and well is a proven strategy for building knowledge. It develops the ability to make connections. Asking conceptual questions improves learning.

That is, according to educational psychologists. The notion of being informed is important, as in a civic responsibility or duty, but misleading if reduced to being in possession of facts.

Whether there is still a culture in which being informed about current events is an expectation, is an interesting question. This could be a topic for a lecturer, the public issue in the Estonian context, along with the role of Metsaülikool.

In Canada, it was raised in the last decade somewhere by Director of International Indigenous Studies and Chair in Ethnic Studies, Prof. Emeritus James Frideres. He considered whether public space is changing to the point where people are no longer orienting to this feature of citizenship. Or in the digital age the orientation may be undergoing a transformation.

Many Canadian magazines, notably the Canadian Forum, with a diverse forum of thinkers, have ceased publication. Others, including MacLean’s (where Peeter Kopvillem was senior executive editor - there’s a Vikipedia entry for development and one to write for Wikipedia!), Canadian Dimension, The Literary Review of Canada, The Walrus, The Narwhal, etc. still invite conversation on current affairs.

Social media have created a new form of sociality in which everyone retreats into a bubble of the like-minded like a hall of mirrors and this arguably undermines the news media, although people still look to the CBC and CTV, for example, for an authoritative voice.
who knew?01 Sep 2021 07:09
Perhaps you were the only listener who was capable of raising these issues. Perhaps it was not a matter of deference but a lack of experience. Metsaulikool is not a business. The participants have no need to be knowledgeable about all the topics presented, only interested.
To finger pointing29 Aug 2021 08:26
I didn’t exclude myself although I hadn’t heard the lecture prior to its rebroadcast as the finale to the virtual seminar. I regret the lost opportunity for discussion of economic chauvinism and our foremost current pressing realities.

The issue of a culture of deference is taken seriously in business where it is nonetheless addressed individually and not structurally as regards consistently adequate if not optimal mechanisms for participation. But for what it’s worth:

“The subordinate needs enough self-confidence to speak up, and the boss needs enough self-confidence to listen. When either lacks this ability, communication is constrained and deference becomes a dangerous default position….

Breaking free of an overly deferential culture is not easy … most importantly, if you do start feeling defensive and threatened, try not to react immediately in a way that might shut down the discussion.”


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Eestlased Kanadas