Eestlased Kanadas | 21 Sep 2012  | EWR OnlineEWR

A. F. Moritz’s most recent book of poems is The New Measures (2012). His previous book, The Sentinel(2008), was awarded the $65,000 Griffin Poetry Prize in 2009. A volume of translations from the Chilean poet Ludwig Zeller, The Rules of the Game, will appear from Quattro Books this fall.
Kätlin Kaldmaa is an Estonian poet, President of Estonian PEN, writer, translator and literary critic. She has published four collections of poetry, Lari-laree, One is None, Worlds Unseen, and The Alphabet of Love, and a children’s book, Four Children and Murka. Katlin has written extensively on literature, primarily she has translated more than 30 works of the world’s best literature from the British Isles to Latin America .
Luciano Iacobelli is the author of three books of poetry: The Angel Notebook, The Book of Disorders, Painting circles. He is the publisher of Lyricalmyrical books and a partner in Quattro books. He runs and owns Q Space
Jim Bartley is a playwright and novelist. His work has been produced in theatres across Canada , and on CBC radio. His first novel, Drina Bridge , was published in 2006. His second novel is nearing completion.
Leopoldo Paradela has written articles and poetry for Brazilian newspapers, A Tribuna de Santos and Jornal da Orla. He is the author of Hearts and Souls and will be releasing a new book of poetry entitled, Soliloquy.
John Calabro is the co-publisher and president of Quattro Books. He published the novella, Bellecour in 2005, a collection of short stories in 2006 called Somewhere Else, and another novella, The Cousin in 2009.
Jasmine D’Costa was born in Bombay, India. She is the author of Curry is thicker than Water, was launched both in Canada and India. She edited, Canadian Voices, volume one and two, and Indian Voices, volume one, and her work has been translated into Romanian, Italian, and Spanish.

Eestlased Kanadas