If the world could vote....
Archived Articles | 03 Nov 2008  | EWR OnlineEWR
The world casts its vote for the President of the USA online

Who is behind the site?

Just three guys from Iceland. The site is independent from all political parties, companies or hidden agendas. It's just an idea a 22 year old guy in Iceland came up with and executed with a little help from a couple of friends.

Why are they doing this?

Just out of curiosity. The president of the United States is a powerful man, probably the most powerful person on the planet. So everyone seems to have an opinion on who should be the next president of the United States. They thought it would be interesting to see who would be the next president if the whole world could vote. It's also a challenge to try to beat the number of voters in the last US elections.

So spread the news

Vote and then check out the results.


Archived Articles