Head of EU Military Committee: Estonian Defence Forces Have Developed a Lot Since 1990s
Eestlased Eestis | 09 Jun 2012  | EWR OnlineEWR
Estonian Review
European Union Military Committee (EUMC) chairman Gen. Hakan Syren in Estonia on a two-day visit [ June 6-7 ]. In his meeting with Estonia's defense chief Brig. Gen. Riho Terras, Syren voiced recognition of the development of the country's Defence Forces. Gen. Syren said that since the 1990s, when he first came in touch with the Estonian military, the Estonian Defence Forces have developed a lot and are characterised by professionalism and effective co-operation with other countries in areas such as air policing and military education, for instance, military spokespeople in Tallinn said.

Gen. Syren, who has been to Estonia on several occasions, said Estonia was one of the few countries whose defence spending was on the level of 2 % of GDP. Also the Saber Strike exercise starting soon is a good example of good co-operation both among the Baltic countries as well as with allies, he said.

Speaking of European military cooperation, Gen. Syren said the key to success lies in still greater unity and stepped-up co-operation. "Europe is a complex part of the world that has a lot of opportunities before it; success will be brought by unity and mutual understanding. In defence co-operation joint procurements and military education, for instance, are just a few of the many areas where European countries definitely can work together," Syren said.

The European Union Military Committee, composed of the chiefs of defence of the EU member states, is the highest military body within the Council of the EU. It is the forum for military consultation and cooperation between member states in the field of conflict prevention and crisis management, provides the EU Political and Security Committee (PSC) with advice and recommendations on military matters, and leads the activity of the EU military staff.
Eestlased Eestis