Estos rock Chick-n-Deli again
Archived Articles | 30 May 2008  | Adu RaudkiviEWR
The 2nd Estonian jazz and blues session at the Chick-n-Deli took place on Thursday, May 15 2008. There were less people in the audience but more people on the stage. The two daughters of bandleader Peeter Kopvillem, Leiki and Keila joined the band and lead singer Rosemarie Lindau. Somebody paraphrased the statement, "The family that sings together, stays together". Again Jars, the band for which Rauol Langvee plays drums started the session but this time they were without a guitarist so Kopvillem stood in.
Raoul Langvee, Peeter Kopvillem, Tõnis Tõllasepp, Eric Soostar, Rosie Lindau, Keila Kopvillem, Leiki Kopvillem.
Photo: Adu Raudkivi
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