Estonian-American Group Donates $15,000 to Estonian Soldiers’ Children
Eestlased Eestis | 27 Apr 2012  | EWR OnlineEWR
U.S. Embassy, Tallinn, April 27, 2012
At an April 26th fundraiser attended by President Ilves and Ambassador Polt, the President turned over a $15,000 contribution by the Estonian American Fund to the Carolin Illenzeer Fund, an NGO dedicated to helping soldiers’ families.

The Illenzeer Fund supports the education of the children of soldiers who have fallen in battle or suffered heavy injury. Carolin Illenzeer is the daughter of Estonian MSG Arre Illenzeer who fell in operation “Iraqi Freedom” in 2004. Her father saw Carolin only once after her birth while he was on leave from operation territory. The Fund was started in 2011 with the help of several organizations including Eesti NATO Union, the Reserve Officers’ Union, and OSMTH (a Christian Officers’ organization).
Eestlased Eestis