Eesti Ekspress now in iPad version
Eestlased Eestis | 07 Dec 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
As of November 2010, iPad users can download and read the Estonian weekly newspaper Eesti Ekspress on their tablet computers. The iPad version unites text, photo, video, and sound, while preserving the familiar structure of the paper version.

In order to read Eesti Ekspress on your iPad, a free application called Eesti Ekspress Pro must first be downloaded from the App Store. The assumption for purchase is the existence of an Apple user account. After that, you can buy and download separate editions of the weekly newspaper. One Ekspress edition costs 1.59 euro.

More specific instructions about the Ekspress iPad version can be found at

Kairi Fimberg
AS Eesti Ajalehed turundusspetsialist
Eestlased Eestis