Belgradis süüdatud USA saatkonnast leiti põlenud laip ETV24 (6)
Kuumad uudised | 21 Feb 2008  | EWR OnlineEWR
USA ametiisiku teatel leiti Kosovo iseseisvumise vastu protestijate poolt süüdatud USA Belgradi saatkonna ruumidest põlenud laip.

"Saatkonnast leiti söestunud laip," ütles Reutersile USA ametiisik, kes soovis jääda tundmatuks. "Kogu USA personali on selle kohta küsitletud."

Teate allikal ei olnud andmeid surnu isiku ega rahvuse kohta.

Serbia välisminister Vuk Jeremic ütles Reutersile, et rünnakuid välismaistele äridele ja saatkondadele on ekstremistide vastuvõetamatud teod, mida ei saa heaks kiita.

"Nad kahjustavad Sebia kuvandit välismaal, nad ei väljenda Serbia rahva kollektiivseid tundeid," rääkis Jeremic.

Ta kinnitas, et Serbia valitsus peab vägivallaakte lubamatuiks.

Heikki Aasaru

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Maximus22 Feb 2008 15:08
I think in this case the lack of Canadian response has more to do with Quebec than Russia. It's widely anticipated that Canada will eventually support Kosovo but will wait until ~130 countries or so have supported them.
Maxim.22 Feb 2008 12:45
That's certainly the no 1 problem. Sure, Canada has worked hard to get good bilateral trade agreements with other countries, including Russia, but when it comes to that country, there is a heavy price to pay for gains. Russia always has a nasty habit of getting some good international teamwork going, then causing a major headache somewhere to see how the same players react, and on that basis judge fairly accurately how much leeway they possess with forward political strategy. Unfortunately Canada doesn't see it that way, and will take the bait thus falling victim to Russia's powerful tentacles.
Maxim.22 Feb 2008 12:44
That's certainly the no 1 problem. Sure, Canada has worked hard to get good bilateral trade agreements with other countries, including Russia, but when it comes to that country, there is a heavy price to pay for gains. Russia always has a nasty habit of getting some good international teamwork going, then causing a major headache somewhere to see how the same players react, and on that basis judge fairly accurately how much leeway they possess with forward political strategy. Unfortunately Canada doesn't see it that way, and will take the bait thus falling victim to Russia's powerful tentacles.

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