Laas Leivat: Peacemaker par excellence, c’est moi! Really?
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Sorry to read this!08 Apr 2023 08:07
Mere mention of the name, Trump, triggers a hostile reaction from the gullible among us.
Yes, it's easy to jeer at Trump with quotes taken out of context. Yet, it's deeds that speak!
Overlooked, are Trump's accomplishments: prosperity at home and respect abroad. Almost certainly, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine while Trump was in office, because Putin would have anticipated the West's effective reaction. A destructive war would have been averted.
Obi wan08 Apr 2023 12:41
You are indeed an uneducated, easily manipulated red neck. No wonder you’re a Trump supporter. His powers have a strong effect on the weak mind.
Really08 Apr 2023 13:54
Trump accomplishments? Too bad there weren’t any. Hence a one term presidency. That’s what happens when you flounder in office, get impeached twice, try to overthrow a popular election, incite a riot, and get indicted. All firsts. So I guess yes, we can judge by his accomplishments.
Tv08 Apr 2023 09:03
What a crap story!
Lumpy08 Apr 2023 09:34
Hr. Laas ajab philosophyt. Trump on àrimees. Ta tahtis laiendada àri impeeriumit. Àri vòib teha ,kas vòi "vanakuradi"endaga. Partner ei pea sulle meeldima. Laas vist ei ole àrist elatunud. Jààkuubikuid saab eskimodele mùua kui oskad.
Trumpi ajal ei alustatud ùhtegi sòda!
Iraak oli viga seda ta mainis samuti...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Tv (09:03)
Sots08 Apr 2023 18:23
Hästi öeldus härra Leivat! Tubli! Need purjus maarahvalollakad maailma seisust midagit ei tea.
*08 Apr 2023 21:33
'Trump called the Western press the “true enemy of the people”'

CIA Director William J. Casey [1981], "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
More's the pity!09 Apr 2023 10:04
It would seem that Laas and most of the commentators here are in formed by The Toronto Star.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Sorry to read this! (08:07)
Sotsile09 Apr 2023 14:06
Peale sòda tulnud eestlased on ise talunikud ja "rannaràmps" Àrimehi oli 2% . Keegi ei julgenud oma àri Torontos pidada. Rikkurid ,jòukad talumehed viidi Siberisss voi lasti maha.Eestlane kardab businessi teha. Risk.
Hi .Really09 Apr 2023 17:27
When did you travel last time to US.
Ask from the people of USA. Don't listen and watch CNN. You have never been US! Trump was a real president.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Tv (09:03), Lumpy (09:34)
Yankee09 Apr 2023 17:38
Trump was an embarrassment. A fraud. A con artist. A megalomaniac. A traitor. A criminal. As are almost all his supporters.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Really (13:54)
Yankee09 Apr 2023 19:58
Biden is a embarrassment. Walking dead. 40 years is scartsing own balls in coverment. He had laboratories in Ukraine, that's the reason his worry about. Sometimes some people have really primitive thinking maybe not at all.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Tv (09:03), Lumpy (09:34), Hi .Really (17:27)
Trump is a threat! ....10 Apr 2023 18:13
.... to the Biden crime family!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Sorry to read this! (08:07), More's the pity! (10:04)
Notice to Readers11 Apr 2023 05:33, is an American political website edited by David Horowitz and published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center. It has been described by scholars and writers as right-wing, far-right, and Islamophobic.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Really (13:54), Yankee (17:38)
Joe the Plummer11 Apr 2023 05:35
Trump is a threat to every family, everywhere. His only goal in life is to enrich himself, no matter the cost.
...11 Apr 2023 11:14
This is a longer read, but it reviews the "Trump" indictment from both the left (at least from my perspective)

Lest you have forgotten, the American President is voted for by American citizens... unfortunately, there has been interference by many major countries and financially corrupt individuals (Soros, Koch Bros., Hanjorg Wyss) which at least half of the American citizenry (aka Tdeplorables) do not care for. too bad Trudeau isn't taking Chinese interference seriously enough.
Tv11 Apr 2023 14:58
This days not citizens voting. All you can fix up nby IT special workers, highly paid and secretly.
Singh for PM16 Apr 2023 16:47
Idiotic comment but common from the far right when they lose. Dangerous game they play when they attempt to undermine the very systems of government we cherish. These people belong in jail.
inimkonnale14 Apr 2023 14:59
Psalmid (Laulud)36:Jumala muutumatu heldus
1 Laulujuhatajale: Issanda sulase Taaveti laul.

2 Üleastumise sõna on õelal
tema südame põhjas;
ei ole Jumala kartust
tema silma ees.
3 Sest temale meeldib arvata,
et ta ülekohut ei leita ega vihata.
4 Tema suu sõnad on nurjatus ja pettus,
ta on lakanud targaks saamast
ja head tegemast;
5 ta mõtleb nurjatust oma voodis,
ta jääb seisma teele, mis pole hea,
ta ei põlga kurja.

6 Issand, sinu heldus on taevas
ja su ustavus ulatub ülemate pilvedeni.
7 Sinu õigus on nagu Jumala mäed,
su kohtuotsused on nagu suur ürgvesi;
Issand, sa päästad inimesi ja loomi.
8 Kui kallis on su heldus, Jumal!
Sellepärast otsivad inimlapsed pelgupaika
su tiibade varju all.
9 Nad saavad söönuks su koja küllusest,
ja sa joodad neid oma rõõmujoovastuse ojast.
10 Sest sinu juures on eluallikas,
sinu valguses me näeme valgust.

11 Säilita oma heldus neile,
kes sind tunnevad,
ja oma õigus neile,
kes on õiglased südamelt!
12 Ärgu tallaku suurelise jalg mu peal
ja õelate käsi ärgu peletagu mind!
13 Seal on kukkunud,
kes teevad nurjatust;
nad on maha paisatud
ega suuda enam tõusta.
to - Laas Leivat15 Apr 2023 07:55
For perspective, we must ask, "compared to whom?" as we appraise politicians.Video link:
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