Estonia first nation to hold national online elections
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Jaan Joot09 Nov 2012 20:41
It is a huge mistake to do this and nothing to be proud of. The paper ballot is preferable as any falsehoods can better be seen and actual voting verified.

It would not be a complex matter for a domestic agency ( or foreign agency ) to hack the system and alter the virtual results in favour of someone who was not voted in.

Neither would it be difficult to alter the figures without hacking, as these are merely virtual.
Jüri Estam10 Nov 2012 10:09
Absolutely concur. The only way to guard against cheating - if you take the necessary precautions - is paper ballots and the opportunity to do a recount and - if required - a recount of the recount right in the precinct itself, in the presence of neutral observers and all interested parties. Brave New Estonia has digital on the brain, and often it just goes too far. Put us in the longboat til we're sober. Estonia thinks she is grand and a pioneer with her digital shenanigans, but some of this seems to smell of a misplaced yen for easy recognition. We are rendering the World a disservice instead of a service.
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