Remembering Boris Yeltsin
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I LO05 Feb 2011 12:22
I think you are missing the difference between remembering a former prime minister with agreeing with everything he stood for.

There is no doubt that Putin and Medvedev recognize that Yeltsin was the first to charge into a new post-soviet world. However, like any study of first entrants goes, hindsight often shows overzealousness or excess ambition setting the stage to total or partial failure.

Whether you agree with Putin's policies or not, the economic and social metrics during his reign and Yeltsin's reign tell a different story.

Liberalization does not happen in a day, a week, or even a year, and it cannot be force-fed onto a people who lived on the other end of the spectrum for generations. To make the bold assertion that everything Yeltsin envisioned for Russia was dismantled and reversed by Putin/Medvedev lacks a credible foundation.
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