Where do we go from here? New year's reflections pertaining to Baltic economic doldrums
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Ray Tapajna10 Jan 2010 20:25
Our economies based on making money on money instead of making things are burning out.
Ray Tapajna Chronicles has covered the global economic arena for years at http://tapsearch.com/tapartnew... http://tapsearch.com/flatworld... or see list of Tapsearch Com sites and blogs at http://linkbun.ch/aztb

A real money standard value is the value of work and labor and this has been degraded via free trade and globalization
http://www.ersp.ee/09 Jan 2010 16:21
Eesti viibib sügavas majandus- ja valitsemiskriisis. Toompeal asuv võim on totaalselt võõrandunud rahvast, mis seab ohtu Eesti riigi eksistentsi ja rahvuse edasikestmise. Viimane aeg on valitsemissüsteemi muuta, see rahvale lähedasemaks ja arusaadavamaks muuta. Seetõttu esitame meie, sellele dokumendile allakirjutanud, Riigikogu juhatusele järgmised nõudmised:

* muuta Riigikogu valimisseadust, kõrvaldada sealt häälte ülekandemehhanism ja reastada saadikud vastavalt saadud häälte arvule;

* likvideerida Põhiseaduse 1. ja 62. paragrahvi vaheline vastuolu, et riigi kõrgeima võimu kandja oleks ka tegelikult rahvas;

* vastu võtta rahvaalgatuse seadus, et kodanikud saaksid riigi valitsemises osaleda ka Riigikogu valimiste vahelisel ajal;

* riigipea peab valima kodanikkond, mitte kitsas kildkond poliitikuid, nagu seni;

* Riigikogu valimistel peavad Põhiseadusest tulenevalt osaleda saama ka kodanike valimisliidud;

* Riigikogu koosseisu tuleb vähendada 51 liikmeni;

* poliitiliste parteide rahastamine maksumaksja raha eest tuleb lõpetada!

you can't fool us, Peeter09 Jan 2010 13:37
If the bag over Maxim's head has only one hole in it, then the suspicion will be confirmed -- that Maxim has only one eye, located in the middle of his forehead.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Maxim would prefer .... (17:52), terrific proposal, Peeter! (09:52)
Peeter Bush09 Jan 2010 10:34
Seriously Maxim. If you have time on the afternoon of July 30 I really would like to meet with you. Since you are concerned about protecting your identity I could take a picture of you with a bag over your head, something like what Igor Gouzenko used to wear here or in shadow. This will drive them nuts. Also, you could even consider sending one of your female co-workers or friends, particularly if she is attractive and this would really drive them nuts!
If the airport is not to your liking then you can find me at Lumanda cemetery next morning tending our grandparents' graves. Its right next to the small Orthodox church my father's family goes to. If you don't want to wear a head cover then drive something black such as a Volga so I'll know its really you. Don't worry, I promise not to reveal your identity unless required to do so by people with badges. In any event, our gene pool is so small there are probably several people in Estonia that look like you.
How about it?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Peeter Bush (19:19)
terrific proposal, Peeter!09 Jan 2010 09:52
At the next Vabariigi aastapäeva aktus, I'll pass the hat around to collect loose change. That will finance an in-depth interview with Maxim. It would be nice to see what makes Maxim tick.
Please include a photo.
Good luck, Peeter.

p.s.; I'd like to see some articles from you again.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Maxim would prefer .... (17:52)
Maxim08 Jan 2010 14:42
I would prefer to read more of Peeter Busch's articles in future. He isn't given enough opportunity to express his views. Thank you. Maxim.
Maxim would prefer ....08 Jan 2010 17:52
..... and who cares?

You take yourself too seriously, Mr. de la Trine.
Peeter Bush08 Jan 2010 19:19
Maxim thank you for the compliment. It is nice to read that there are people out there who like my articles.
I hardly consider myself in the same league as Juri Estam. His articles are always of a very high professional caliber and thought provoking. I enjoy his material and I hope he keeps writing.
I haven't written for some time. People have asked why and my reply was that I simply did not have anything to write about-writer's block or lack of inspiration if you will.
However, your posting got me thinking. Perhaps I could meet you at Tallinn airport when I come to Estonia in late July. I'll buy you a beer and we can chew the fat face to face.
I could then write up my meeting with you. This I am sure, would be of interest to readers. Just think of the rumpus we could raise. Anyway, you have my email address so let me know.
Koiki head uues aastas sinule.
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