Meediaklubi Impressum toob Zuroffi Eestisse DELFI
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Max15 Jul 2009 14:39
Loodame, et Eestis valitseb sel ajal rahu, sest see mees on suutnud kütta inimeste emotsioone tema vastu. Zuroff on üldiselt pahane, et eestlased ei ole suutnud ühtegi inimest trellide taha pista, kuigi ajalugu lausa kubiseb tema arust nähtustest, mis heidavad eestlastele väga halb maine. Samas ei kiida Zuroff üldsegi Tallinna Vabadusväljakul püstipandud Vabadusmonument.
Siil18 Jul 2009 08:36
Thank you for your heartfelt ongoing support against the Fascists Maksim.


ps your free tickets to the event are ready for pickup anytime..
arno18 Jul 2009 09:13
Zuroffi taoliselt valeprohvetilt tuleks võtta õigus riiki siseneda korralike inimeste laimamise eest. See on arvatavasti tegelane kes on "natsiküttimisest" teinud endale tasuva JOBI ja ratsutab nüüd tema seljas nagu kuldvasika seljas riigist riiki...
M18 Jul 2009 11:07
Mr Zuroff needs to be made aware of the cultural and religious autonomy that the Jewish Community in Estonia was granted in 1926, including the State's support of synagogues, community centers and schools for the Jews. No other state in the world gave Jews such a status. Tartu University also had a Jewish Studies program. No other university, outside of Oxford and Cambridge had such a program. Furthermore, the cultural and religious freedom that was experienced by Estonia's ethnic minorities, including the Jews was completely eliminated by the Soviets, when they closed the community's synagoges, community centres and schools. Ultimately, the Soviet Union was far more anti-semetic in Estonia than any other Estonian regime.
Although a few Estonians may have participated in the Estonian camps like Klooga, Mr. Zuroff should applaud the long term efforts by Estonians to ensure that the Jewish community in our country was safe and free to practice their culture and religion without fear of%@!#$&' And the ongoing efforts to help rebuild the Jewish community in Estonia after its destruction by the Soviet Union.
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