Toronto Peetri koguduse leerid video
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
hello16 May 2009 12:09
Advertising requires a model release but this is not advertising. Doing photos of kids in Church doing church event/activities is considered "editorial use" which does not require a model release.
Kanada eestlane11 May 2009 13:25
I think its pretty much common knowledge to the entire esto community..if you see're on candid (or not so candid) camara!! Its reverse consent, If you don't want your picture in the esto community papers..then say so..otherwise what have you got to hide?
Foto Graf09 May 2009 11:58
The proper way of posting this video would have been to ask the confirmation group if any one of them had any objection. Always better to cover one's "a*&" by asking first.

All major newspapers get your permission before posting a photo.

Anyone with a child in the public school system -- read the papers you sign when you enroll... there is a disclaimer that you authorize use of your child's image. You can opt out of this if you wish.

Same thing applies, for example, if you read the fine print on your travel or cruise documents. You agree to be photographed and your imaged may be used in advertising, etc.

Posting on the internet -- as the street lawyer said -- a tricky topic. Eesti Elu should really ask the subject's permission prior to posting any photograph.
Lisa09 May 2009 20:56
Have you looked in any newspapers lately? Do you really think that every shot comes with a consent form? This is truly a ridiculous discussion..... I don't think this was to be an advertisement or endorsement for leer... was it?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: soovitaja (16:03)
Foto Graf11 May 2009 09:43
We are fortunate that not many such cases arise in the church community, but there are MANY situations in the public school system where one spouse is hiding from another.... where one wishes to have one's location, identity and activities to remain confidential or those of their child. For those situations..... it is prudent to ASK before posting a photo !

This is not a group shot taken from afar.... it zooms on the faces of individuals and even posts their legal names in writing at the end of the video!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Foto Graf (11:58)
Anonymous11 May 2009 10:55
This is essentially a public event, anyone off the street could walk in and attend and take pictures. If you don't like it stay home.
soovitaja08 May 2009 16:03
Tõesti inimesed on hulluks läinud. Kõiki kardetakse. Ajaleht peab vist üleültse piltide avaldamise ära lõpetama. Aga neid noori ja lapsi on nii armas vaadata, Tuletab meelde oma noorust. Lootus on et need sanitarid ei hakka meie armast paberlehte ründama. Olgu toimetusel jõudu lollide vastu püstipäiselt ja sirgelt seista.
Concerned mother07 May 2009 15:28
Sorry to spoil the fun, but are you allowed to post video's of people under 18 years of age on the internet? just curious.

where is this all of a sudden coming from?
street lawyer08 May 2009 07:13
It doesn't make any difference if the subject is under or over 18. The same legal principles apply. The only difference is that minors have very little legal standing and their parent or guardian will have to make decisions for them. The laws governing privacy and freedom of expression rights are complex. There are many factors (right to expect privacy, newsworthiness, public persona, public event, public property, any signed releases, etc). Only the subject can bring about the complaint, i.e. the police will not troll the internet for photos or videos that may violate somebody's privacy.

If you feel that your privacy is violated, you can complain to the publisher. If you are unsatisfied with their response, you can take them to court. Before that happens, the publishers will usually blur out your face or crop a picture or remove the entire picture.
Anna Nüüm08 May 2009 08:08
Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!!!!!!!
What about the videos of the choirs? How about the pictures of scouts / guides, summer camps, Esto school and so on.
Quick, better head to the bubble wrap store before they sell out. On the way, get one of those balaclava things that Michael Jackson puts over his kids' faces.

All kidding aside. It's nice to see the beaming faces of these lovely young people as they are on the threshold of adulthood. What a wonderful time of life! How wonderful that we still have many families who bring their children to the church to be Christened and Confirmed.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: teise koguduse liige (12:55)
olin ka kohal05 May 2009 14:13
I believe the word was "catholic" with a small "c" not a capital "c"...
there is a difference !
*05 May 2009 21:04
please explain
teisest kogudusest05 May 2009 22:01
õppisin midagi uut.
Merriam-Webster sõnaraamatust:
Pronunciation: ?kath-lik, ?ka-th?-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English catholik, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French catholique, from Late Latin catholicus, from Greek katholikos universal, general, from katholou in general, from kata by + holos whole — more at cata-, safe
Date: 14th century
1 aoften capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the church universal boften capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the ancient undivided Christian church or a church claiming historical continuity from it ccapitalized : roman catholic
2: comprehensive, universal ; especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests
Pealtnägija05 May 2009 12:25
Leeris olid kaks Viinamäe õde, kellest üks on Stefani, mitte Stefan, nagu ekslikult kirjas.
ema05 May 2009 11:28
Suur tänu Vaado!

Sain vaadata leeripäeva - olin kirikus ja vaatasin kavalehelt et usutunnistus ütleb "I believe in the holy Catholic church" - ma küll ei mäleta et minu usutunnistuses oli niisugune lause. Arvasin et kaval on trükki viga - tuleb válja et noored lugesid oma usutunnistuse kavalt.
teise koguduse liige05 May 2009 12:55
Ma pole asjaosaline, ega täpselt teadlik aga nagu aru saan, tahab Luteri kirik Eestis läheneda, kui mitte taas ühineda katoliiku kirikuga.
Jälle, nagu aru saan, liigub Peetri kirik juba ka selles suunas.
Usutunnistuses mida meie õppisime 70-aastates, ja mida kuulsin äsja meie kirikus (Vana Andrese) sõnad on:
"Mina usun Pühasse Vaimusse, üht püha kristlikku Kirikut, pühade osadust, pattude andeksandmist, ihu ülestõusmist ja igavest elu."
.06 May 2009 14:46
It's like having to re-invent the wheel. These questions have all been asked and answered before. There is only one Holy and Catholic church, which also fortunately does include the Lutheran church, which is the reason they can confidently say the creed. Those confessions who boldly believe and uphold the Nicene creed are basically of the same brand of cloth. What surprises me the most about this particular Leer is the fact that no young person in the group has bothered to even learn the Lord's Prayer in Estonian. Some time ago it wasn't a problem to recite the creed in Estonian. Now that's not even possible. What's worse, they haven't even memorized the creed! That's downright underhanded. You can't really tell me this is a full blown Estonian Leer when all the key qualities to make it so are sorely missing from these newly-accepted church members. What a worrying and perplexing state of affairs.
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