Akadeemilised organisatsioonid – oluline kasvatuslik lüli eesti ühiskonnas
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Oluline?04 Apr 2009 12:14
I certainly did not need a Korp to retain my Estonian identity during University. Its also my understanding that most Korps don't even conduct meetings in Estonian. Other than a creepy get- together between young students and drunk old men - I don't get the point of these silly organizations. Oluline? Quite the opposite me thinks.
Methinks05 Apr 2009 18:18
Huvitav06 Apr 2009 07:21
No. Just a recognition of the fact that most of these clubs are not focused on students nor academic discourse - rather they are drinking clubs for old men. As far as I know, they were never intended to become what they are in Toronto.
Tähendab07 Apr 2009 09:53
seda, et te ei saa millegist aru. Pole midagi sellest parata! Väga loodame et te naudite oma akadeemilist seltskonda, kus te ilmselt istute oma samavanasuse karsklastega ja arutate tõsisemaid ainesid. Imetleme teie üksildast uhkust ja vankumatut auväärsust!
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