EV Presidendi kõrge autasu EV 91. aastapäevaks
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Rohelised silmad09 Feb 2009 17:03
oi oi oi

Milline ilus teema, ja kui tähtsateks need mündid ja paelad on peetud !! Just naga kinnitaksid inimese väärt olemist ...

Vist väikse rahva asi et sellised tunnustused on nii agaralt ihaldatud ja nende välja andmine (teistele) nii kadedalt kritiseeritud.

Meie vaenlased saavad väga hästi aru et kui oleks vaja eestlasi vallutada et pole muud vaja teha kui kuulutada välja aupreemia mida saavad täpselt pooled eestalsed.
Anna Nüüm10 Feb 2009 08:46
Hästi õeldud!
Kadestamine ja ka "schadefreude" (ehk rõõm kui teisel pahasti läheb) on eestlaste hullemaid omaloomusi.
Palju õnne Van Loan'ile!
Loodame temalt ikka toetust Parlamentis!
Anonymous10 Feb 2009 09:18
Kallis proua, tema ei ole iialgi toetanud meid parliamendis. Kui Teie ssuudate uhte naidet esitada kus ta on toetanud, olge head, palun teatage.
Allow me . . .10 Feb 2009 10:02

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: ˈig-n(ə-)rə;nt

Function: adjective Date: 14th century 1 a: destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence c: those who believe Van Loan has supported our community without seeing any proof of it.
So is he an Esto or not?08 Feb 2009 16:55
You can't be Estonian to get the medal Van Loan got.

The Cross of St. Mary's Land /Est. Maarjamaa, = St. Mary's Land/. The Cross of Maarjamaa (St. Mary's Land), instituted in 1995, is awarded by the President of the Republic of Estonia as the highest reward to foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia. Maarjamaa (St. Mary's Land) is the poetical synonym for Estonia since 1215. The order is of six classes.
Paks07 Feb 2009 20:02
Nupp on eesti keeles-ehk tuleks ka kommid eesti keeles?!?
Anonymous07 Feb 2009 16:00
Some very good points have been raised in these comments to this article.

Since EKN members are most certainly reading these threads, then please hear these pleas for EKN to go back to the purpose outlined in your mission, elements of which are pasted on your home page with the following paragraphs:
"Since Estonia regained its independence, the Council concentrates on strengthening cultural, trade and other relations between Canada and Estonia. It also keeps the Estonian heritage and culture vibrant in Canada by helping organize various meetings, conferences and events to achieve this goal.

The Council is also instrumental in bringing together Canadian business people, students, and representatives of various interest groups with their counterparts in Estonia."

My suggestion is that if you don't have the expertise required on the executive board, then please recognize this and hire a dedicated person with passion for dealing with these issues in a planned and structured manner (trade, business exchanges and lobby work with the Canadian government).

I appreciate Avo's and Laas' patriotism and efforts in the community, but why not take EKN to a much more dynamic level for the benefit of our community? Now that would be something to be proud of!
Anonymous08 Feb 2009 14:35
It's time for the community to re-examine -wholesale - as to how it is organized and who is leading it. Currently there is no clear leader, and our voice is certainly not being heard in Ottawa or Tallinn. We need competent, transparent and democratically elected leadership.
JP09 Feb 2009 07:30
How quickly the editor of this online journal removed the article from the front page! For fear of criticism or the wrath of the community's unaccountable "leader" because of the critical remarks?
mt09 Feb 2009 09:42
It is still on frontpage, just not right on the top. The news is already 5 days old...
Anonymous.09 Feb 2009 13:31
Apparently someone anonymously in Tallinn last saw van Loan at Lennart Meri's funeral. Other than that, any knowledge about him or what he has done for this country is only by way of Canadian expats who feel moved to speak warmly of him. As far as the rest of the Esto population is concerned, his input is one big fat zero!
Anonymous09 Feb 2009 13:55
Do they speak fondly of him in fear of reprecussions for being critical? I have yet to run into anyone who has a genuinely fond thing to say. Most of what I hear is that he has not done anything for the community yet seems to do much stumping for his keeper at community events.
Siil07 Feb 2009 09:01
What a bunch of petty comments.
But they do illustrate the Estonian"character" i.e. anonimous back stabbers.
Anonymous07 Feb 2009 09:50
Others might consider the previous comment to be a reflection of ignorance stemming from blind political or national zeal. Sober, rational examination is anything but "petty."
Anonymous06 Feb 2009 13:33
Congratulations Peter van Loan. For a man that only knows one word of Estonian-kurat-got married in an Estonian church but generally walks a veritably tentative line when it comes to towing the Esto patriotic basket, this bestowing of Marjamamma proves it is one of the easiest prizes to pick up for just looking good without having much substance to what it is you're doing. No doubt our local boy Daniel had his hand in this decision.
Daniel07 Feb 2009 02:22
Anonymous. That is nice name. Did your mother or father choose that? If you want to attack some please be a man or woman and attach your name to the comment.
As, I can see that you are not familiar with the process, I will enlighten you. All candidates must be recommended to the President by Estonian institutions, look no further than your own backyard. I believe the President also met with Van Loan on his visit.
I don't believe that he was recommend by the ministry, because I would highly doubt that anyone would know who he is. Maybe you put up his candidacy.
Sober Second Thoughts07 Feb 2009 07:36
First of all, Peter did not initiate the lifting of visa restrictions for the Baltics because he wasn’t an MP in 2002. He was first elected in 2004. The effort to lift the restrictions began in November 2002. He was indeed in office when the process had already been thoroughly examined by the Department of Foreign Affairs and recommended by Canada’s diplomatic corps as policy. How much Peter had to do with concluding this process is questionable. Nonetheless, the award that was presented for “initiating” visa freedom and is therefore based on a false notion. Daniel's point about the Estonian Ministry not knowing who Peter is, is rather telling.
Second, the Estonian Government needs to be a little more careful about how it vets candidates for national honours and to examine the diplomatic ramifications of doing so. Awarding recipients who are “fun” to party with and whose sole merit is some distant and otherwise forgotten Estonian ancestry, does not make them remarkable or worthy of a national honour. Peter has attended several Independence Day ceremonies – which is certainly appreciated – but that alone does not make him a candidate for a national honour. Those who have worked and acted substantively on regional foreign policy issues in Canada have taken notice. An effort now needs to be made to mend burnt bridges. Estonia needs friends, not wedges.
Finally, I would challenge the chairman of the community’s political organization to offer some concrete examples of how he and his friend have advanced our community’s cause in Ottawa. I would bet the farm that he can’t come up with a single substantive example.

Ultimately, this era of political and diplomatic bungling and embarrassment needs to end. The community must re-examine its “leadership” and renew a discussion on how they are being represented and by whom.
EKN06 Feb 2009 09:32
Dear Peter!

On behalf of all of your fellow Estonian-Canadians it gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of receiving “The Maarjamaa Cross II Class” award from the President of Estonia.

We are all very proud of all of your achievements and sincerely thank you for all you have done to help communicate and facilitate Estonian issues both in and outside the Canadian Houses of Parliament.

We wish you every success in your new role as Minister of Public Safety.

With best regards,

Avo Kittask, President

Estonian Central Council in Canada

Feb 4th 2009, Toronto
Ahem,06 Feb 2009 11:34
Anonymous08 Feb 2009 14:55
Ha Ha! The only thing that he talks about - while wearing his "vote for me, send donations here" sandwich board is about how he "did" the visa thing. I don't think I've ever heard him talk about any other issue - maybe he really is clueless!!
Jaak Pirnipuu06 Feb 2009 08:01
Congratulations Peter!
You've achieved record milage from semi-annual, private function sound bites while exerting the least amount of energy possible and ostensibly taking credit for the work of others! Who knew that just by mangling a few simple words in Estonian, "miiina ohlehn iiistlane gaah", you would receive a national award!
Work smart: not hard.
Well done!
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