Tartu College’i teadaanne
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Mitte Torontolane23 Aug 2008 11:35
On kerge õelda "tule kohale TTC-ga". Aga nemad kes sedasi soovitavad on unustanud et TTC liigub ainult Tornto linna piirkonnas. Palju inimesi kes soovivad Tartu College´i tegevusest osaleda elavad kaugemal, ja on sunnitud autodega kohale tulema. Remonti ajal peame kõik natuke kannatama, aga sellised sõnumid et tee asja kergemaks!
siil26 Aug 2008 09:37
Stop whining park at the subway and take the subway.
Anonymous28 Aug 2008 10:45
great, so now it will take us 2hours there and 2 hrs back if we participate at Tartu. Amazing how flippant Torontonians are about others driving in to the outskirts of Toronto, paying to park, then getting on the TTC and walking from Spadina. THe reverse at 9;30pm or later is really uncomfortable a newcomer. Sorry the likelihood of not coming to Tartu at all is definantly a reality...as parking and walking a fair distance in that neibourhood is equally disturbing.
Its ok.. I also think it is worth the down time to get this project done.
out of towner28 Aug 2008 11:39
hey, it always takes me a long time to go to TC, or Esto house for that matter, but that's the price we pay for moving out of the big smoke!
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