Global elite gather in D.C.
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.12 May 2008 14:03
Yesterday EELK Archbishop Põder presented awards of commendation to Toomkirik's Head of Council Raido Rüütel, one of Tallinn's most prominent businessmen and known freemason. There is now more than a strong suspicion that besides Tunne Kelam and St. John's Church's Jaan Tammsalu being masons, Archbishop Põder is also a Freemason. And it's only a stone's throw from someone saying "tule taevas appi!" (Ansip)to "lese lapsed, aidake meid"!!!!!!! (Standard Masonic call to appeal).
To Maxim12 May 2008 14:18
Yes Maxim. Poder must be a jew who converted to Catholisism and then became Lutheran. Maxim, I await your Web-site.
bystander12 May 2008 10:35
Judging from the above exchange, esto society is composed of kooks and nuts with boundless energy to bury somebody level headed, like Merilo, under a pile of b.s.
Anonymous11 May 2008 19:30
So, there are secret conspiracies that rule the world. Where's the proof? Can't say! Otherwise, they wouldn't be secret. Nonetheless, the onus is on Merilo to prove that it isn't so (i.e., prove a negative).

Maxim. We'll cut you some slack because we always knew that you are stupid and mentally unbalanced.

Toomas (B.A., history and geography). Shame on you! The University should protect its reputation by rescinding your degree.
Secrecy?10 May 2008 06:21
The TL-s and the Masons can't be all that secret if a dolt like Maxim knows who they are and what they do.
Anonymous10 May 2008 11:39
And what do you think Maxim knows about the Masons that you don't?
Anonymous09 May 2008 06:41
There are plenty of web-sites about conspiracy theories to excite the gullible.
There is no need for that in Eesti Elu which should focus on Estonian affairs.
tt09 May 2008 07:20
The topic is very relevant to all Estonians, considering that their current president was listed as an executive member on the 2006 TC list !
Asjast huvitatud.09 May 2008 07:38
To give the green light to secrecy is equal to committing treason by reducing your country's ability to fight evil. People who dismiss CT-s are always apt to repeat their mistakes, and are a godsend to the enemies of democracy among us.
Asjast huvitatud.09 May 2008 07:38
To give the green light to secrecy is equal to committing treason by reducing your country's ability to fight evil. People who dismiss CT-s are always apt to repeat their mistakes, and are a godsend to the enemies of democracy among us.
Anonymous09 May 2008 09:26
Asjast huvitatud. = Maxim. I have a bridge for sale in NYC. Are you interested tt ?
Toomas Merilo08 May 2008 10:34
What a hoot! And what nonsense.

I really don’t know why Eesti Elu should publish such hogwash from known agitators and proponents of conspiracy theories (such as the article’s author: the senile James P. Tucker Jr.)

Could it be that Eesti Elu, being located in Tartu College, makes concessions to TC’s manager? Anyway, should anyone be interested in Tucker’s rantings watch him perform here:

All doubts about his deep dotage and its effects should be removed by watching this.
Maxim.08 May 2008 15:00
It's always a hoot to come across yet another of Merilo's comments which he doesn't like, and takes solid aim by sheer implication that the comment belongs in the conspiracy theory basket. What a joke! Everyone who has done the least bit of homework realizes that the chances of these secretive organizations running the everyday affairs of state are too significant to dismiss. They operate on such a high level that their very presence in society is worrisome enough. If TC and the masons were just playing kids games in adult clothes, it wouldn't be a big problem. But the fact they have a distinctly carved agenda to push, and insist that they operate on a secretive level only goes to show that those who protect them are themselves people who have a similar interest in Masonic outcomes that serve the interests of very few. Fortunately there is a good deal of literature available now in Estonia which gives a fairly accurate (and worrisome) picture of these organization's activities. I wish Ilves would get rid of his stupid bowtie, but he's stuck with it for as long as he continues to be a member of a secret society.
tt to tm08 May 2008 19:07
eesti elu is good at letting people make up their own minds ...
your words seem to carry weight with some readers, why don't you share with them, why it is good for nations to have their leaders participate in a secretive, global organization (tc), led by the unelected rockefeller, kissinger and brzezinski

... thanks for the good links
Toomas Merilo08 May 2008 19:46
Toomas, while I find the conspiracy stuff way out in left field, I also believe people should make up their own minds. And that is why I gave the link to the James P. Tucker Jr. video. Actually, I’m not being totally honest here: I think that Tucker shows himself for the loon that he is in the tape. That’s why I included the link.

But let there be no mistake: I’ve been wrong before and I consider retracting my words as a “badge of honour.” I’ve done it before and will certainly do so in the future.

I firmly believe that you, Toomas, have got it wrong, but I’ll let others come to their own conclusions.
tt08 May 2008 21:32
though Mr. Tucker may be somewhat unimpressive, the topic he addresses is very real ...
you have not stated any thoughts on the Trilateral Commission itself ... is it a fantasy ? ... is it correct for leaders of nations to participate in such organizations ?
Maxim.09 May 2008 00:40
Until such a time that the state declares secret organizations and the activities as serving their own interests, and not the interests of the state, nothing will change. Toomas Merilo knows how to pin a loony, but he should also be in favour of a truly open society which advocates transparency at a level which excludes any form of secret organization detrimental to the affairs of the state.
Toomas Merilo09 May 2008 09:33
tt asks me: you have not stated any thoughts on the Trilateral Commission itself ... is it a fantasy?

No it exists and is not a fantasy. What you appear to believe it is, though, is complete fantasy.

He (tt) goes on to say: “The topic is very relevant to all Estonians, considering that their current president was listed as an executive member on the 2006 TC list !”

THI is member, so I guess Eesti rules the world.

Maxim writes: “Toomas Merilo knows how to pin a loony, but he should also be in favour of a truly open society which advocates transparency at a level which excludes any form of secret organization detrimental to the affairs of the state.”

And “Asjast huvitatud” says:
To give the green light to secrecy is equal to committing treason by reducing your country's ability to fight evil.

I certainly do believe in transparency but think it ludicrous to attempt “to ban all secrecy.” Why? Well let’s see… there are conversations between my wife and I that I’d rather remain private, also Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts has meetings that, like Vironia, Rotalia, etc., are “secret.” And of they have already been labelled “subversive.” And there is the Iron Ring Ceremony that engineers (Martha’s sons) go through, that is also secret. And there is the Trilateral Commission where the rich and/or influential meet to discuss world matters in a forum wherein, to avoid grandstanding and postering, the press putting word’s in someone’s mouth, etc., things go on behind closed doors.

So what?
Toomas Merilo09 May 2008 09:47
Oh! I almost forgot the most important matter: all those who wrote to criticize the lack of transparency write [i]from the shadows and don’t put their names to anything.[i] What hypocrites!
Varju Allangu09 May 2008 11:08
So, Toomas and Eha are plotting to RULE THE WORLD. It all makes sense now...

Anyone interested in conspiracy theories and the psychology thereof would do well to dig up a copy of "The Crying of Lot 49", which was Thomas Pynchon's first novel (also his shortest and most accessible).

This is especially germane to Estonians as protagonist is named Oedipa Maas, which is an Estonian surname, of course, that she got from her second husband, Wendell "Mucho" Maas whose background is unfortunately somewhat obscure but something we can take pride in nonetheless.
Toomas Merilo09 May 2008 12:30
Eha and I are not plotting to rule the world. We already do so! Actually, Eha does.

As for the book: sounds good. I'll see if the World's Biggest Bookstore has a copy.
Madis09 May 2008 12:42
Toomas-treating your readership like sheep is not going to help you prove your case. No one is claiming privacy should reach down to the socio-economic levels where husband-wife altercations should be released from household secrecy into the public domain. However, to imply that world bankers and prominent businessmen/politicians who gather together to discuss current affairs and insist that their discussions be kept in total secrecy seems to me quite different to the analogy you present, and by extension there is no doubt whatsoever, that you want to see these two examples as morally equivalent with each other. Furthermore, you are still in favor of secrecy at a level where it is most obviously threatening to the interests of the state, yet you go to all lengths to prove that no power on earth should hinder either the Trilaterals or the Masons from carrying out their secret plans to the detriment of democracy, if its as harmless as a husband-wife tiff. Well is it really Toomas??? And if you so rigidly protect their rights to secrecy, then permit me to suggest that it is you, Toomas, who is the hypocrite on insisting that everyone else should have their privacy withdrawn, knowing full well that ABSOLUTELY NO POWER ON EARTH will remove the TL-s and Masons from maintaning their secrecy.
Toomas Merilo09 May 2008 15:19
My goodness Madis... You've read too many of Maxim's comments, because you've got his style and vocabulary down pat.
Allun Varjule09 May 2008 15:28

"The Crying of Lot 49" was Pynchon's second novel (after "V." and before "Gravity's Rainbow"). It is still by far the shortest and easiest read amongst his novels.

Also, Mucho Maas is Oedipa's first and only husband. She never married the late Pierce Inverarity (obviously not an Estonian), whose last will and testament sets Oedipa off on the trail of the mysterious Trystero conspiracy.
Anonymous10 May 2008 12:12
so my beliefs of the tc agenda appear to be a "complete fantasy" ... ok
i am eager to listen to your explanation as to why the rockefeller, kissinger and brzezinski led tc organization is useful for national leaders, remembering that their national goals should be different from the tc's goal of global control ... if the tc's goals were publicly discussed and evaluated, maybe a national leader could get a mandate to participate ...
... unfortunately, when the "rich and/or influential meet to discuss world matters", i believe they are not talking about what is good for eestlased in hiiumaa or võrumaa
... and your final comment "so what?", i'll take as glib throw away comment, otherwise it would leave me cold
Theodor Rant10 May 2008 12:49
There are supporters of Masons and the TC because they belong to these organizations themselves. I don't think TM will reveal how high up the "Salomon candlestick" he has reached, but I'd hazard a guess and say he's about the 15th degree. These are not the big brothers and powerbrokers as yet, but their loyalty to the cause is much needed. This loyalty must be unquestionable, and is usually based on a mockery of those people daring to offer any criticism of either the TC or the Masons.
Dr. Mock10 May 2008 15:54
My dear Theodor,
Once again you have allowed yourself to underestimate TM. Think about it.
Toomas Merilo10 May 2008 20:16
When it comes to the Trilateral Commission, “tt” and I have deeply differing and incompatible views. “tt” believes it’s an organization bent on becoming the World Government and that it is in its essence undemocratic. He is wrong. Here I would urge anybody to do a little research. Really. It will be worthwhile.

I will never be able to convince any member of the “Conspiracy Mindset” that they are wrong and that does include “tt”. They simply don’t follow the paradigm of the Scientific Method: the idea that hypotheses must be tested and if the facts show them to be incorrect, the hypothesis must be rejected. No. That’s not part of their repertoire.

As for whether Hiiumaa or Võrumaa were discussed at the Washington meeting in April, I don’t know. It was behind closed doors. But “tt” seems to think he has a direct link to the conspiracies discussed. All the best to him.
tt10 May 2008 20:34
right tm, as you said 'it was behind closed doors" .
nice to see this benign group planning our future for us, without bothering us, lets us devote time to the impportant things in life ...
reminds me of another well meaning system that planned things for estonians for 50 years, but quelle surprise ... the financial backers are the same
Toomas Merilo10 May 2008 21:54
Yeah right, “tt”, Êtes-vous fou?? You suggest the Trilateral Commission plans our future. And somehow implements it? You obviously haven’t the slightest idea of how power is projected and how it is in practice implemented.

As for Brzezinski and Kissinger (whose books I’m looking at as I write —“The Grand Chessboard”, and “Diplomacy”), they were formidable Cold-Warriors and ardent anti-Communists. So somehow your stupid suggestion that they are Communist falls flat.
Maxim.11 May 2008 05:07
Toomas, both your super heroes are 33rd degree Masons! Why don't you put the argument to rest and admit that either you are or are not a Mason. This will tell us just how objective you are in your opinions.
Toomas Merilo11 May 2008 12:58
Maxim writes: “Toomas … Why don't you … admit that either you are or are not a Mason.”

Coming from anybody else but you, Maxim, I would have considered answering. But for you – who deems his own privacy so essential – to ask me to forgo even more of mine is outrageous.

And furthermore, either confirming or denying would only contribute to enhancing the natural tendencies of some on this forum towards [i]argumentum ad hominem[i].
tt to tm11 May 2008 13:30
you have made approx 8 postings on this string, without offering one substaintive comment about the tc/rockefeller/kissinger/brzezinski ! ... but plenty of text lines
(are you a cyber windbag, going with the 'bulls**t baffles brains philosophy'?)
... read carefully -, where were kissinger and brzezinski called communists ? ...their financial backers also funded the communist !!! ...and now are funding al gore beside the usual cabal of american presidential candidate puppets ... vershtest du das ?
Anonymous11 May 2008 13:45
The logic of your comment concedes the fact that you are part of one of the most mysterious organizations in existence. Yes TM-you belong to the "põllu-meeste" klubi.
Silvia11 May 2008 14:52
Mitte "põllu-meeste" vaid "põlle-meeste".
Toomas Merilo11 May 2008 19:24
Well, “tt” once again, as head rent-collector at Tartu College, has come out with top secret information, viz. “[The TC] financial backers also funded the communist[s] !!! ...and now are funding al gore beside the usual cabal of american presidential candidate puppets.”

My conjecture is that since Tartu College and the Trilateral Commission share the acronym “TC”, that Toomas has been receiving [i]Top Secret information[i] meant only for the real TC’s and is unwisely sharing it with us plebeians.

How else would “tt” know what the current US Presidential candidates’ cash-flows and sources are; information the IRS probably doesn’t (yet) have, but “tt” does. Well, my response is: baloney.

“tt” also asks: “vershtest du das ? [sic]” And my response is: Die korrekte Antwort ist natürlich “Nein! Ich verstehe das nicht. Warum verstehst du das nicht?”

PS Silvia correctly points out that I’m a member of the Põlle-meeste Selts. Well Sylvia, curses to you! Yes, curses! It was my last remaining secret!
hehehe12 May 2008 08:42
Keep it up ! This is getting more and more hilarious. I think that all we need to know now is whether it is EKN or ESK that has become the front for the Masons in the Canadian Estonian society?

Its a tough call -- ESK has money and appears to be competent (both unmistakable hallmarks of conspiracy enterprises) but is also open, accountable and afraid of the Canada Revenue Service. EKN, on the other hand, is full of skulduggery and intrigues, as befits any self-respecting conspiracy vehicle and not in the least worried about CRS. These attributes are counterbalanced by poverty and the fact that they sometimes have a hard time organizing a cocktail reception, never mind the institution of a world-wide government of and by service club members.

Then again, maybe they are both part and parcel of the same nefarious design.
Anonymous12 May 2008 09:13
This whole sting is complete nonsense. However, the last post is a hillarious gem! Among the top five posts of the year.
from Gandhi12 May 2008 09:33
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

so looks like we are now in phase two ... if you can ever provide any real information we can go to phase three ... but, you appear to be short of material, so it could be straight to phase four
A.N.12 May 2008 09:44
Hey Merilo12 May 2008 21:29
Ursula06 May 2008 17:39
Tean, et mu kallim Kallas on kolmiknurksemütsi all. Aga miks teda pole siin kirjas, ega teisi globaliseerijad, kes peavad ennast maarahva hulka kuuluvat? Egas Siimuke pole ainus endine Eesti välisminister, kes kuulub maailma ühendajate majandusmeeste Trilateralide hulka. Oli ja on ju presidente! Oi, reetsin riigi saladuse, Hans lööks mu kohe maha, aga tean siiski, et Siimuke oma miljonitega mu kohe-kohe päästab! Parem isegi, et need on $, mitte EK!
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